Photoshop Tip of the Week: Shortcut Keys


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This week, my tip is some quick Photoshop shortcut keys you can use to save you time.

(Note: If you have a Mac, substitute Command Key for Ctrl and the Option Key for Alt.)

10. “Ctrl” and “L” to bring up levels
9. “Ctrl” and “M” to bring up curves
8. “Ctrl” and “A” to select all
7. “Ctrl” and “D” to deselect all
6. “D” to reset swatches to default and “X” to swap the swatches
5. “Ctrl” and “Shift” and “N” to make a new blank layer
4. “Ctrl” and “J” to make a duplicate copy of a layer
3. “Ctrl” and “C” to copy and “Ctrl” and “V” to paste
2. ” [ key” to make a brush smaller, ” ] key” to make a brush bigger
1. “Ctrl” and “+ key” to zoom in on a picture, “Ctrl” and “- key” to zoom out of a picture

PLUS you can make your own shortcut keys. Go under EDIT, then KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS, and you can actually assign keys to do new things. For example – if you always use adjustment layers, you can make “Ctrl” and “L” pull up a curves adjustment layer instead of straight layers.

Have fun with these and let me know how you liked the tip.

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  1. mm on June 14, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    Just found your blog. Thanks for the short cut tips.

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