“The Vintage Project” is a tribute to 20th century’s fashion


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Photographer Tyler Orehek is the author of “The Vintage Project” which consists of photos of his two children dressed as people living in different decades across the 20th century.

People will always be fascinated by history. We love doing a lot of research, looking into the past, and perhaps learning from it. Photographer Tyler Orehek is also captivated by the long gone years and he is claiming that “vintage” is the most appropriate style for his photography.

Furthering your career can be done by shooting whatever you love, so this is how the artist has decided to create “The Vintage Project”. It is called like this because it features subjects dressed in vintage clothes with backdrops to match past decades of the 20th century.

Tyler Orehek created “The Vintage Project” to pay a tribute to the different trends of the 20th century

Each decade has had its defining style. Some clothes were more prominent throughout the 1930s, but they faded away in the 1940s, for example. Nowadays, they are all referred to as “vintage”, although there are lots of people who are embracing older fashion trends.

Either way, Tyler Orehek has decided to pay a tribute to the various trends of the past century. Help has come from his two children, Tyler and Lauren, who were only three-years-old and two-years-old when the project started in 2012.

Photographer-dad received help from his kids to create the photo series

The kids are dressed in special clothes to match the backgrounds as well as the photography styles. All props have been carefully chosen after a lot of research, as the photographer wanted to do all things right.

Capturing the essence of each era is hard, but Tyler Orehek has been inspired enough to use Tyler and Lauren as his subjects.

The artist says that the kids are aware of the individuals and eras they are impersonating, as he is “talking to them for weeks leading up to the shoot” about the professions, the people, and those periods.

“The Vintage Project” takes you to another time and place

The photo series is meant to “transport the observer to another time and place”, says Tyler Orehek. It is easy to understand why, as it would be hard to realize that the shots have been captured in the modern era if you were not provided with the details of the project.

Photographer Tyler Orehek has a personal website where viewers can check out more of his impressive artworks.

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