Recapitulació de la setmana 34 i tema de presentació setmana 35


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And another week just raced on by. Is it me or is time speeding up? Not to worry though as yet still more  people are getting connected with MCP Project 52. The number of members in our group is still slowly increasing. I wonder if we could reach 5,000 by the end of the year? Anyway plenty of wonderful connections made within the current group. As usual a range of interpretations of the theme. It is so great to see people really thinking outside the box and putting a lot of thought into their images.
Now without further delay here is my top 10 for this week. If you click on the image it will take you straight to the image in the flickr group. Be sure to leave them some love. I also encourage you to click on the name of each photographer. The link will take you to their flickr stream for more visual goodness.

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Allison Achauer

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Sheryl Salisbury
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Maureen Anne
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Diane McDonald
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Elizabeth P
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Posers de Tammy

Si us van destacar, un dels moderadors de flickr us deixarà la insígnia. En cas contrari, agafeu aquesta insígnia a continuació i animeu els altres a participar de la diversió.

FinalParticipantBanner Week 34 re-cap and introduction theme week 35 MCP Actions Projects Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Codi - <img src=""/>


Week 35 brings the theme Lazy.Maybe in an ode to those last lazy days of summer. Or any other way you may interpret. Can’t help but think of ‘the lazy song’ by Bruno Mars that is so popular with my kids at the moment. So with that in mind I thought it fitting the theme to let this be my sample “image” for this week. I took the theme very very literally. Ha ha.

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Les fotos destacades d’aquesta setmana han estat recopilades per Marieke Broekman, que és holandesa, però que ha fet la seva vida a Nova Zelanda. És una noia de Nikon que somia amb renunciar a la seva feina diària per adonar-se de la seva aventura onírica que aspiraria a combinar les seves dues passions més grans: la fotografia i l’art mixt. Comparteix la seva vida amb els seus 2 fills i 2 gats.




Accions MCP

Sense comentaris

  1. Fotografia de reflexions alegres el mes d'agost 27, 2011 a 11: 24 am

    Great, great pics this week! Awesome job everyone! Congrats!

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