Photoshop Ekintzak Familia Argazkilaritzarako


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9595sooc-scaled Photoshop Actions for Family Photography


9595WM Photoshop Actions for Family Photography

Argazki ekipoak eta MCP Actions ™ Erabilitako produktuak

Erabilitako softwarea: Elements
Erabilitako ekintzak / aurrezarpenak: Fusion Photoshop Ekintzak
Xehetasun gehigarriak: First, I used the lasso tool to grab each of the kids and bring them in closer. I used the eraser tool and clone tool on various sizes and opacities to make the composition seamless.

Second, I used the MCP Fusion “Desire” action and reduced the opacity to 30%. I cranked the Enclose layer up to 100% and used a low opacity large black brush to lightly go over the kids so that they weren’t too dark. I then adjusted the “Adjust Fusion” layer to 60% opacity.

Lastly, to get a good web quality image before adding my website watermark and white frame, I ran the “Shrink: Web Resize and Sharpening” action at 40% opacity. I use this action on every image I put on my website and facebook page and it has helped with the facebook pixelation so much!


Irudiaren izenburua: The Singing Butler
By: Lindsey Parsons
Estudioa: Lindsey Jo Photography

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