Sonn infundéiert Faarf an Hautfixer mat MCP Photoshop Aktiounen


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WandG2-1Original Sun-Infused Color and Skin Fixes with MCP Photoshop Actions


WandG2-3 Sun-Infused Color and Skin Fixes with MCP Photoshop Actions

Fotoausrüstung & MCP Actions ™ Produkter benotzt

Camera and Lens Used: [amazon_link id=”B001MIYM12″ target=”_blank” ]Nikon D800[/amazon_link] and Nikkor 24-70mm
ISO, Apertur, Beliichtungszäit: ISO 1000, f / 3.5, SS 1/250
Software benotzt: Photoshop
Aktiounen / Voreinstellungen benotzt: Aen Dokter an Zänndokter Photoshop Aktiounen, Inspiréiert Photoshop Aktiounen, Neigebueren Noutwendegkeete Photoshop Aktiounen
Extra Detailer:

Paint on gray skin fix (Newborn Necessities) – 60%
Sun Drenched (Inspire) – 43%
Theatrical (Inspire) – 67%
Brillliant Base (Inspire) – 50%
Eyes Wide Open (Newborn Necessities)
Baby Powder (Newborn Necessities) – 56% with her hair masked off.

Manual Edits:  Removed the branches that were coming out of his head and the post by his shoulder by using the clone tool. His head/hair looked a bit blue so used the dropper tool to select his skin color and pained over his head at 16% opacity.  Same was done for her hands due to the heavy veins. Also cloned out the tree to the left of the frame and any sprouts and dark spots in the grass using the cloning tool.


Bild Titel: Du bass schéin
duerch: Milissa Howes
Studéieren: Nei Liewensfotografie

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