Looking for examples for an Upcoming Action Set


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Yes, my last action set came out in February.  Yes, it has been a long time.  And yes, I am due.  Or maybe long overdue.

Well you will need to wait a little longer. But a set that has been in the works for over a year is nearing completion.  Seriously, you will LOVE it.  My goal is to have it ready to go this Fall.  As my twins so often say, their birthday is in the Fall (December 19th).  So I have a decent window of time to get this done.  But ideally I would love to aim for October. Goals are good.

To accomplish this I have been testing and revising. And I am close to complete.  I just need to test on a variety of photos now, other than my own.  Once that is finished, I need to create examples for the website, record videos teaching how to use them, and then get all the info together for marketing and presenting on my website.  New site or old – who knows at this point.  As many of you know, I have had the WORST luck with getting a new website and blog done.

So why this tease email anyway….  I need your help.  I need photos to test the actions on and also need a select few for examples.  I will hand select a few photos for use on my blog, website and instructional videos using these actions. If you have a potential contribution, please email me at [email protected]. Please make sure you list which item(s) from my list you feel they would be best for. Please do not just send random photos – make sure they fit one of the categories explained below.

When sending submissions please include a statement that says, “MCP Actions is allowed to use these photos in any promotional materials, instructional videos, as well as on the MCP website and blog. I understand that photos used on the actual website will get a credits on a contributor page with a link back to my site (but will not necessarily have my photography studio name directly on the photo).” Keep this in mind in case that is a problem for you.

Even if your photo is not picked to be used on my site, please know that by sending me photos that meet the criteria below you are helping with the overall process as your photos help me test the actions and make them stronger.

For my upcoming action set I am looking for very professional photos, not snapshots of your kids. The photos should be fully edited to their potential (minus the isolated issue I describe).  The before and after will be corrected for the very specific issue.

  • A shot where the white clothing (like a tee or bride in dress) or whites of eyes (close-up preferred for just eyes) have a color cast.  The white cannot be blown out and the overall color of the image needs to look nice.
  • Photo where the exposure is perfect, contrast is perfect – basically a gem shot, but where the color of the skin tone off (either too orange, blue, way too cool, or warm).  Basically pictures that are amazing, sharp and well exposed but have an overall skin tone color problem.
  • Photo with grass that is either slightly burnt out from hot sun or that looks yellowed or neon – almost too vibrant. The rest of the shot should look great!
  • A shot where the sky is light blue and could use a lift to be deeper and richer. The rest of the picture is perfect or edited already to be so.
  • A photo where you completely blew out the sky – but where the people and subjects are well exposed as a result.
  • Studio photos – looking for white backdrop where the white is not quite white and hi-key/hot white backdrop was desired (besides that – excellent shot)
  • Studio photo with black backdrop where black is more dark gray and there was just too much light on the backdrop to achieve black (shot should be well lit besides that)
  • Picture with an isolated color cast.  Basically a shot where overall color is really nice and white balanced, but where the subject has a cast on a small part of the skin (for example green grass reflected on skin or a color from clothing leaving an isolated color cast on skin or even a slide or outdoor item throwing a small isolated cast on a part of the subject)
  • Photograph of someone with skin that is just a tad too shiny – edited perfect besides that.
  • A photo that looks great but could use more vibrant color (photos with water, sky, rusty cars, colorful doors, etc – basically something with environment – not closeup of a person)


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  1. Kelly Ann on October 27, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    I’m just starting out in the biz- so I need all the tips I can get to promote my new website- and any feedback would be greatly appreciated- Thanks~ Kelly Ann ~www.KellyAnnStudio.com

  2. Neil Cowley on October 31, 2008 at 10:41 am

    Hey Jodi, I’d be glad to contribute some stuff…give me a call and let me know what you’d prefer to see…5857210632 and if you have some training videos or whatnot I’d be glad to promo them on my blog as well!

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