#IPHONEONLY: kraštovaizdžio fotografija, užfiksuota naudojant „iPhone“


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Photographer Julian Calverley has released a photo book called #IPHONEONLY which consists of captivating landscape photos of Scotland captured using only an iPhone.

When Apple released the original iPhone in 2007, few people would have guessed that it would become such a popular device. Although it did not feature the best camera in a phone, users were still taking tons of photos with that device.

Hundreds of millions of iPhones later, the situation has not changed. Apple’s smartphones have good cameras in them, but they are not the best you can find on the market. As stated above, the quality of the photos captured with the newest iPhone is above average, although a camera is only as good as the person holding it.

Photographer Julian Calverley is probably the right man to capture high-quality images with an iPhone. In fact, the popular advertising and landscape photographer has release a book that consists only of landscape pictures taken with the iOS smartphone. It’s called #IPHONEONLY and takes the iPhoneography term to the next level.

Julian Calverley captures stunning landscape photos of Scotland with an iPhone in the #IPHONEONLY photo book

The photographer says that he has chosen a smartphone for this photo book thanks to the “spontaneous and portable nature” of these devices. Furthermore, the iPhone’s App Store is filled with great image-editing applications that allow users to add that extra touch to their shots.

Being a professional landscape photographer, Julian Calverley has used his experience to capture stunning landscapes of Scotland, a lot of them during harsh weather conditions, making the scenes even more dramatic.

The iPhone has allowed Calverley to react quickly and to take photos at the right time. The ideas behind the shots are simply to record what the photographer sees in front of him or simply while waiting for the weather to change or during short breaks.

#IPHONEONLY is said to be a notebook that will remind the artist to return to these amazing places at some point in the future. There are 60 images in the photo book, which can be purchased at The Lionhouse Bindery shop, while being out of stock "Amazon".

About photographer Julian Calverley

After spending a small period of time studying at an art college, Julian Calverley has begun working at several photo studios. At the age of 24, the photographer has opened his own studio. His experience is now much greater and, needless to say, Julian is an artist with world-recognized reputation.

Julian has been among the group of pros who looked at smartphones with skepticism. As a professional photographer, he has never believed that he will use something else rather than pro-grade gear for his photography. However, during the past few years he has embraced the smartphone and iPhoneography techniques along with it.

His work can be found at his asmeninė svetainė, where you can also find out more about Julian Calverley.

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