Kamera kompatta Nikon Coolpix P340 imnedija bil-WiFi u l-GPS


Prodotti Dehru

Nikon has announced the Coolpix P340 compact camera, which is aimed at enthusiast photographers who want to combine style with performance.

Nikon’s final announcement of the day consists of the so-called Coolpix P340. It is a compact camera that fuses a good set of features with an attractive design and an affordable price tag.

Nikon introduces Coolpix P340, a compact camera that shoots RAW photos

nikon-coolpix-p340-front Nikon Coolpix P340 compact camera launched with WiFi and GPS News and Reviews

Nikon Coolpix P340 comes packed with a 12.2-megapixel CMOS image sensor and a 24-120mm f/1.8-5.6 lens.

With a 12.2-megapixel 1/1.7-inch-type BSI CMOS image sensor and a 24-120mm f/1.8-5.6 lens, the Nikon Coolpix P340 captures high-quality photos with little noise and vibrant colors.

Sharpness is also important for photographers, who will be pleased to hear that their images will not lose any quality during post-processing. The reason for that is simple, as the P340 supports RAW uncompressed images.

The new compact camera features optical image stabilization or Lens-Shift VR, as Nikon likes to call it. In addition to the manual exposure modes, the Coolpix P340 features multiple scene modes, including Beach, Close-up, Panorama, Night Portrait, and Food.

This shooter can record videos, too. The maximum quality stands at 1920 x 1080 pixels and 30fps. As for a continuous photo mode, it can capture up to 10fps.

Nikon Coolpix P340 offers location and wireless features, via GPS and WiFi

nikon-coolpix-p340-rear Nikon Coolpix P340 compact camera launched with WiFi and GPS News and Reviews

Nikon Coolpix P340 features GPS, WiFi, and a 3-inch LCD screen.

A maximum shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second should be enough to capture stunning sports footage and to freeze the action. However, if you are into long-exposure photography, then a 60-second minimum shutter speed will have to be enough to satisfy your needs.

The ISO sensitivity stands between 80 and 6400. The good thing, though, is that the maximum ISO can be extended up to 12,800 using built-in settings or even 25,600 when using the “High ISO Monochrome” mode.

On the back of the Nikon Coolpix P340, you can find a fixed 3-inch LCD screen with Live View support, of course. On top of the camera you will notice a dedicated spot for the built-in flash, which pops-up and lights subjects located at a distance of maximum 6.5 meters.

This is a good travel companion, too, as it offers built-in GPS and WiFi. You can add geo-location details to your photos, then transfer the content to a mobile device in an instant.

Dettalji dwar disponibbiltà u prezz

nikon-coolpix-p340-top Nikon Coolpix P340 compact camera launched with WiFi and GPS News and Reviews

Nikon Coolpix P340 release date has been set for March 2014 and its price stands at $379.95.

Nikon Coolpix P340 is sized at 103 x 58 x 32mm  or 4.06 x 2.28 x 1.26-inches. Additionally, its total weight reaches 194 grams / 0.43lbs / 6.84 ounces with the batteries added into the package.

The release date of this WiFi-enabled compact camera has been set for sometime in March 2014. It will be available only in a black flavor and its price tag will stand at $349.95.

Potential buyers can already pre-order it at Amazon, with the retailer promising to ship it to their house on February 27.

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