Provocări de editare și fotografie MCP: Repere din această săptămână


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Edit-Challenge-Banner1 MCP Editare și fotografiere Provocări: Repere din această săptămână Activități Teme Partajarea fotografiilor și inspirație

This week the MCP Facebook Group issued another fun editing challenge. This week’s image, shot by Abigail Hardy, is a full of boyish charm and wonder. Here is the original image:

Edit-Original MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

The photo challenges give you a chance to flex your creative muscles to edit other photographer’s images, share them for critique, and see how others edit the same photographs.  Participating allows you to practice editing, learn how to give constructive criticism, and watch what steps or Photoshop actions and Lightroom presets are used in various edits.

If you would like to get your creative juices flowing and try your hand at editing this photo, ALĂTURAȚI-NE AICI.

We would like to thank  Abigail Hardy for allowing us to use this photo.  

Câțiva membri ai grupului au distribuit modificări extraordinare. Iată câteva dintre numeroasele favorite:

Edited in PSE8 A Touch of Light and A Touch of Dark și MCP Mini Fusion  by Aimee Costello

edit-Challenge-Aimee-Costello MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Hand edited by Amber Danielle Shoemake

Edit-Challenge-Amber-Danielle-Shoemake MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Hand edited by Charlyne Lees

Edit-Challenge-Charlyne-Lees MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Mulțumesc tuturor celor care au participat; ne-a plăcut să văd cum ați abordat provocarea. Dacă nu ați avut ocazia să editați săptămâna aceasta, aveți în continuare o săptămână suplimentară pentru a participa. 


MCP-Photography-Challenge-Banner MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

This week the Photography Challenge continued with more dynamic depth of field photos.   The photo challenge is a creative way to reach outside the box, try a new technique or snap a photo you may have otherwise never tried. In addition to using your camera more,  you have the added benefit of the support of a large group of photographers who can assist you and give you feedback as you work on specific themes and skills.  We loved seeing so many great photos. Here are a few more of our favorites, but make sure to check the album on the group page for more.

Submitted by Caroline Hampton

DOF-Caroline-Hampton MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Submitted by Patti Aichler

DOF-Patti-Aichler MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

Submitted by Tracy Reid Deupree

DOF-Tracy-Reid-Deupree MCP Editing and Photography Challenges: Highlights from this Week Activities Assignments Photo Sharing & Inspiration

The team would like to thank everyone who submitted a photo for the challenge. Make sure to visit the the Grupul Facebook luni pentru o nouă provocare de fotografie.

Acțiuni MCP

Fara comentarii

  1. Gayle Woody pe martie 3, 2013 la 5: 15 pm

    The photos from Abigail Hardy are amazing! I especially like the use of enhancing the sky – the outer space look is so much fun. What a talent!

  2. Tiffany pe martie 4, 2013 la 8: 09 pm

    I would love to know how the “stars” were created in the little boy on the hydrant shot….lol…I’ve tried to figure it out on my own….no luck…help!Thanks!

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