وائرلیس Petcube ڪيمرا استعمال ڪندي پنهنجي پالتو جانور سان ڳنيل رهو


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Petcube has announced that the second batch of its remote wireless pet camera will begin shipping this February during a special event at the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 in Las Vegas.

One of the most interesting ideas of recent times has almost slipped by unnoticed in 2014. Thankfully, it is back in 2015 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. It goes by the name of Petcube and it allows people who own pets to watch their beloved friends while they are away from home or to play with them.

At CES 2015, the company has confirmed that a new set of Petcubes will be ready for shipping this February and anybody can pre-order a unit right now.

petcube Stay connected to your pets using the wireless Petcube camera News and Reviews

Petcube camera allows people to play with their pets when they are not at home.

Watch and communicate with your pets when you are away using the Petcube camera

A lot of people get a pet in order to become best friends. However, lots of people with pets work, meaning that their pets will be lonely until their owners get back from their jobs.

A solution has been found by Petcube, a company which has created the Petcube camera. This cube-shaped device allows people to stay connected to their pets when they are away.

The camera can stream live footage on the web, so the owners can check on their pets. Moreover, it comes packed with a two-way communication channel, allowing users to exchange a few “words” with their friends.

People can even activate and control a laser pointer in order to play with their pets

The Petcube is controlled via an Android or iOS smartphone, as the company has developed a dedicated, free application. The app will give you access to the camera and you can check out what your pets are doing while you are away.

One of the coolest features of this device is a built-in laser pointer. If your pets get bored, just fire up the laser and control it by dragging a finger on your smartphone’s touchscreen.

Cats and dogs love to chase a laser pointer, but be careful as the Petcube has a weakness. Its body may be made out of aluminum, but the front is made out of glass, which could break if it falls on the floor from a decent height.

This wireless camera measures 4 by 4 by 4 inches and it will begin shipping in February for $199 via the ڪمپني جو سرڪاري دڪان.

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