佳能5D Mark III現在可以錄製24fps RAW視頻



在最近使相機能夠記錄24K RAW DNG視頻之後,Magic Lantern團隊已經在佳能5D Mark III上揭示了RAW 2幀/秒的視頻記錄功能。

The Canon 5D Mark III is one powerful DSLR, which has managed to attract a lot of attention from cinematographers.佳能XNUMXD Mark III是一款功能強大的數碼單反相機,它已成功吸引了攝影師的關注。 Recently, Magic Lantern, a team of hackers who releases custom firmware for Canon cameras, has managed to最近,發布了佳能相機定制固件的黑客團隊Magic Lantern設法 使相機以每秒2幀的速度錄製14K RAW視頻.

佳能5d-mark-iii-raw-24fps佳能5D Mark III現在可以錄製24fps RAW視頻新聞和評論

借助Magic Lantern,佳能5D Mark III現在可以24fps錄製RAW視頻。

在2K RAW 14fps電影之後,佳能5D Mark III獲得了24fps RAW視頻支持

該固件仍處於“ alpha”階段,這意味著它還沒有準備就緒,因為用戶可能會遇到一些錯誤。 無論如何,Magic Lantern並沒有止步於此,它設法製造了5D Mark III 以每秒24幀的速度捕獲高清RAW視頻.


魔術燈籠以1920 x 817的分辨率達到最佳效果

According to Lourenco, member of Magic Lantern, the camera can record videos above the 720p level.根據Magic Lantern成員Lourenco的說法,攝像機可以錄製1928p以上的視頻。 The hacker has managed to achieve 850 x 24 resolution at 1928fps.黑客設法以902fps的分辨率實現了1928 x 850的分辨率。 He then took it further, to XNUMX x XNUMX, but the results were not satisfactory, therefore lourenco has decided to keep it steady at XNUMX x XNUMX pixels.然後,他進一步將其放大到XNUMX x XNUMX,但效果並不理想,因此lourenco決定將其穩定在XNUMX x XNUMX像素。

Anyway, the hacker says that he is planning to make use of the 2.35:1 aspect ration, meaning that he will crop the video, in order to match the 1920 x 817 resolution.無論如何,黑客表示他正計劃使用1920:1080的寬高比,這意味著他將裁剪視頻以匹配XNUMX x XNUMX的分辨率。 After that, he will add black bars, in order to provide a full HD resolution of XNUMX x XNUMX, making the movies look like cinematic trailers.之後,他將添加黑條,以提供XNUMX x XNUMX的全高清分辨率,使電影看起來像電影預告片。


The hackers have uploaded some test videos on YouTube, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of their new firmware.黑客已在YouTube上上傳了一些測試視頻,以演示其新固件的功能。 Each RAW frame measures 3MB, meaning that a high-speed storage card is required to store the files.每個RAW幀的大小為XNUMXMB,這意味著需要一個高速存儲卡來存儲文件。

Lourenco補充說,他已將佳能5D Mark III與CF 1000x卡結合使用,從而為DNG文件提供了足夠的時間在卡上複製。

這些視頻之間的差異很大,這使佳能5D Mark III用戶想知道何時才能獲得被黑固件。




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