佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相



佳能為初學者推出了PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135預算友好型緊湊型相機。

佳能當天的最終公告 includes three new point-and-shoot cameras.包括三個新的傻瓜相機。 The trio enters the low-end market with CCD sensors and the promise that they will not make you break the bank when going into the store.這三人以CCD傳感器進入低端市場,並承諾當進入商店時它們不會使您破產。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135均為官方產品,價格均低於200美元。 它們的主要用途是攝影,但是現代數碼相機也可以捕獲視頻。 不幸的是,這三個型號只能拍攝720p視頻,因此它們並非完全針對專業攝影師。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS:三重奏最佳相機提供20+百萬像素傳感器和10倍鏡頭

佳能Powershot-ELPH-150-is佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新聞和評論

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150是一款緊湊型相機,帶有20百萬像素CCD圖像傳感器和10倍光學變焦鏡頭。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS是同類產品中最出色的。 它具有20百萬像素CCD傳感器和10倍光學變焦鏡頭,最大光圈為f / 3-6.9。

This compact camera sports Intelligent IS, a system that supports eight optical image stabilization modes.這款緊湊型相機配備了智能IS,該系統支持八種光學圖像穩定模式。 It will make sure that photos and videos remain steady regardless of shooting conditions.無論拍攝環境如何,它都可以確保照片和視頻保持穩定。

The Japan-based company will release it by the end of this month for a MSRP of $149.99.這家日本公司將在本月底發布該產品,建議零售價為XNUMX美元。 Buyers will be able to choose from black, blue, red, and silver colors.買家將可以選擇黑色,藍色,紅色和銀色。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 140 IS掉了一些功能,並以20美元的價格獲得第二名

佳能Powershot-ELPH-140-is佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新聞和評論

佳能PowerShot ELPH 140 IS具有16百萬像素CCD傳感器和8倍光學變焦鏡頭。

Canon PowerShot ELPH 140 IS takes the second place when it comes to specs.佳能PowerShot ELPH 16 IS在規格方面排名第二。 It is powered by a 8-megapixel sensor and an 3.2x optical zoom lens providing a maximum aperture of f/6.9-XNUMX.它由一個XNUMX像素傳感器和一個XNUMX倍光學變焦鏡頭提供動力,最大光圈為f / XNUMX-XNUMX。

It sports the same Intelligent IS technology found in its bigger brother.它採用了與其大哥哥相同的Intelligent IS技術。 The design and features are similar, the major differences being the sensor and the lens, as stated above.如上所述,設計和功能相似,主要區別在於傳感器和鏡頭。


佳能PowerShot ELPH 135丟失了“ IS”標籤,但仍能捕獲不錯的16百萬像素照片

佳能Powershot-ELPH-135佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新聞和評論

佳能PowerShot ELPH 135緊湊型相機還包裝了16MP CCD傳感器和具有8倍光學變焦的鏡頭,但是它沒有內置的圖像穩定技術。

Last but not least comes the Canon PowerShot ELPH 135 with a 16-megapixel sensor and 8x optical zoom lens.最後但並非最不重要的是帶有XNUMX百萬像素傳感器和XNUMX倍光學變焦鏡頭的佳能PowerShot ELPH XNUMX。 As you have probably noticed, this camera loses the Intelligent IS system, so you will have to rely on your hands to capture steady photos.您可能已經註意到,該相機失去了智能防抖系統,因此您將不得不依靠手來拍攝穩定的照片。

The lack of optical image stabilization means that its price has gone down, too.缺乏光學防抖功能意味著其價格也下降了。 The camera will be sold for $119.99 in black, purple, read, and silver flavors later this month.這款相機本月晚些時候將以黑色,紫色,閱讀和銀色三種顏色出售,價格為XNUMX美元。




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