奧林巴斯第一批E-M10 Mark II照片洩露



奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II的第一張照片已在網上洩露,此舉將在不久的將來出現在“微型四分之三”相機的官方宣布活動之前。

We are already accustomed to seeing Japan-based sources leaking photos or specs of products waiting to be officially unveiled.我們已經習慣於看到來自日本的消息來源洩漏照片或產品規格,等待正式揭幕。 The next camera to be introduced is the Olympus E-M10 Mark II, which was not expected until early 2017. However, the rumor mill has revealed that it is coming in August 2015.下一款即將推出的相機是奧林巴斯E-MXNUMX Mark II,預計到XNUMX年初才推出。但是,謠言坊透露它將於XNUMX年XNUMX月上市。

Before its product launch event, the first Olympus E-M10 Mark II photos have showed up online.在產品發布會之前,第一張奧林巴斯E-MXNUMX Mark II照片已經在網上出現。 At first glance, it can be seen that the Mark II version has undergone many design changes when compared to its predecessor which will help users differentiate between the duo.乍一看,可以看出Mark II版本與其前身相比進行了許多設計更改,這將有助於用戶區分二重奏。

奧林巴斯E-M10-MARK-II前洩露的第一張奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II照片洩露謠言

與之前的產品相比,Olympus E-M10 Mark II具有更直的線條和重新設計的按鈕。

奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II照片曝光,詳細說明設計變更

Inside sources have revealed that the OM-D E-M10 Mark II will not be a major improvement over the OM-D E-M10 when it comes down to the specs list.內部消息人士透露,OM-D E-MXNUMX Mark II不會超出OM-D E-MXNUMX的規格列表。 Nevertheless, something must set apart the two and, beside the obvious but minor spec upgrade, the design will be significantly altered.但是,必須將兩者分開,並且除了明顯但次要的規格升級外,還會對設計進行重大更改。

新洩露的Olympus E-M10 Mark II照片顯示,相機右上角的模式轉盤(從背面看)現在更大,並且看起來更堅固。

Moreover, the design has been streamlined, making the new camera look modern.此外,簡化了設計,使新相機看起來很現代。 The rounded corners have been straightened, while the texture has been improved, too.圓角已拉直,紋理也得到了改善。

Another dial and button has been added on top of the camera, causing the rearrangement of the buttons.相機頂部已添加了另一個撥盤和按鈕,導致按鈕的重新排列。 Although this is a lower-end camera, it now looks like it has been designed for professionals and it remains to be seen whether it will feel like this or not.儘管這是一台低端相機,但現在看來它是為專業人士設計的,是否有這種感覺還有待觀察。

奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II照片以黑色和銀色組合顯示微型四分之三相機。 與往常一樣,這將被稱為“銀色”版本。 目前,我們還不知道是否正在開發全黑版本。

奧林巴斯E-M10-MARK-II洩露的第一張奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II照片洩露謠言

奧林巴斯E-M10 Mark II頂部的按鈕位置已重新佈置。

OM-D E-M10 Mark II使用與其之前版本相同的傳感器

沒有新的規格被洩漏,因此我們對OM-D E-M10 Mark II相機知之甚少。 似乎射手將配備與原始E-M16相同的10百萬像素傳感器。

Additionally, it will employ built-in WiFi connectivity and it will be made in Vietnam.此外,它將採用內置的WiFi連接,並將在越南生產。 Olympus will announce it soon and the release date will not be delayed for long.奧林巴斯將很快宣布這一消息,發布日期不會延遲很長時間。

奧林巴斯E-M10是 可在亞馬遜購買 for about $500.約XNUMX美元。 As stated above, stay tuned for the official launch event!如上所述,請繼續關注官方發布活動!




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