下一個佳能EOS M無反光鏡相機和鏡頭將於2013年上市



傳佳能正在開發一對無反光鏡相機,它將取代大部分失敗的EOS M射手。

無反光鏡市場一直對佳能不感興趣。 自2012年問世以來,該公司的首款也是唯一的無反光鏡相機EOS M一直銷售不佳。


下一個佳能EOS M無反光鏡相機和鏡頭將在2013年傳聞

Canon EOS M will get a direct replacement by the end of the year.佳能EOS M將於今年年底直接替換。 The company will also launch three new lenses and a higher-end mirrorless camera.該公司還將推出三款新鏡頭和一台高端無反光鏡相機。

下一個Canon EOS M開發已經開始

據熟悉此事的消息人士,佳能將使用新的相機和鏡頭改造整個EOS M系列。 The lenses part is said to be the biggest problem the company has had in this segment.鏡片部分據說是公司在該領域遇到的最大問題。 The lack to customization is preventing photographers from buying the EOS M, as they have too few lenses available for them.缺乏定制性阻止了攝影師購買EOS M,因為他們沒有太多可用的鏡頭。

Anyway, everything is about to change.無論如何,一切都會改變。 The relaunch will begin sometime in the following months with a direct replacement for the EOS M. Its specs and features are unknown, but the good things are just starting.重新啟動將在接下來的幾個月中的某個時候開始,直接替換EOSM。其規格和功能尚不清楚,但是好東西才剛剛開始。


Beside the second version of the EOS M, Canon is working on a high-end mirrorless camera, that will feature an optical or electronic viewfinder.除了第二版的EOS M,佳能還在研究一款高端的無反光鏡相機,它將配備光學或電子取景器。 Moreover, photographers will have access to plenty of accessories, in an attempt to make the system more customizable.此外,攝影師將可以使用大量配件,以使系統更具可定制性。

Both cameras will be introduced by the end of 2013, but there are little chances the company will wait until the latter parts of the year.兩款相機都將於3年底推出,但該公司幾乎沒有機會等到今年下半年。 A QXNUMX release is more likely, though there is little information in that regard.儘管關於這方面的信息很少,但第三季度發布的可能性更大。

Additionally, three new lenses will be unveiled this year, too.此外,今年還將推出三款新鏡頭。 Their focal lengths are unknown.它們的焦距未知。 However, plenty of details will be unearthed as we are getting to closer to their launch.但是,隨著我們接近發布它們,將會挖掘出許多細節。


該公司將解決佳能EOS M當前存在的另一個煩人的問題:自動對焦系統。 這是射手最受批評的問題之一,但是這對新設備將配備“一流的”自動對焦系統。

據說佳能正在努力取得成功。 該公司希望超越諸如奧林巴斯,松下的微型四分之三以及索尼的NEX系列等系統的銷售。




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