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Elsa3-6-14-8 Do you want to build a snowman?

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Elsa3-6-14-1 Do you want to build a snowman?

Imishini Yesithombe Nemikhiqizo ye-MCP ™ Imikhiqizo Esetshenzisiwe

Ikhamera nelensi Kusetshenzisiwe: [amazon_link id=”B007FGYZFI” target=”_blank” ]Canon EOS 5D Mark III Camera[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B0033PRWSW” target=”_blank” ]Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II Lens[/amazon_link]
I-ISO, ukuvula, isivinini sokuvala: I-ISO 640, f / 11, 1/200
Isoftware Esetshenzisiwe: Photoshop
Izenzo / Ukusetha kwangaphambili Kusetshenzisiwe: Izenzo ze-Fusion Photoshop
Imininingwane eyengeziwe: I used Peachy (35%), Crave (28%), and Slumber Party (22%), along with some curves (to lighten her skin a bit [this is how I lightened her right hand], and to lighten the whole image a tad) and levels adjustments (to richen the darks). I also adjusted the color balance a little towards cyan, magenta and blue. The snow fall was added in post, using a layer on the ‘lighten’ blend mode. If you are unsure how to make snow in Photoshop, use the MCP Winter Whirlwind actions to get the look. I used a Speedlite behind the subject (right side) for rim light, and an AB1600 as the main light.


Isihloko Sesithombe: Ngabe ufuna ukwakha iqhwa?
ngu: UJennifer Steffen
IStudio: IPirates & Pixies Photography

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