Одличната зделка EOS M на Canon сега е достапна на повеќе трговци


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A Canon EOS M deal is now available at multiple retailers in the US, allowing photographers to buy the mirrorless camera and an EF-M 22mm f/2 STM pancake lens at a special price.

There was a time when the Canon EOS M price was dramatically slashed, signalling the launch of a replacement. Eventually, such product has become official as the Canon EOS M2.

However, the second-generation EOS mirrorless camera has been released only in a few markets, excluding the US and others, while the price of the EOS M has gone back up.

Although it is more than two years old and Photokina 2014 has just ended, the original EOS M is still available on the market. Well, the shooter has just received another price reduction and it is available right now for a price around $310. Moreover, the device will be accompanied by a 22mm lens.

canon-eos-m Great Canon EOS M deal now available at multiple retailers News and Reviews

The Canon EOS M mirrorless camera is available for about $310 alongside a 22mm f/2 lens at Amazon and B*H PhotoVideo.

Canon EOS M deal includes an EF-M 22mm f/2 STM lens for a total of $311

The mirrorless camera industry is all about keeping cameras compact and lightweight. Such device is best used in combination with a pancake lens, leading to a bundle that could fit in your pocket, provided that you do not wear skinny jeans.

This is why the Canon EOS M deal, currently in place at both Амазон Фото видео на БиХ (click on store name to access the offer), would be perfect for photographers who do not want to carry around large and heavyweight gear.

As stated above, the MILC is selling alongside an EF-M 22mm f/2 STM lens, which will provide a 35mm equivalent of about 35mm.

The EOS M has not been a hit among photographers, but the firmware update 2.0.2 has significantly improved its performance. Moreover, the kit is a steal at this price and it will be perfect for users who want to enter the world of photography.

About the Canon EOS M mirrorless camera

Canon’s first mirrorless camera features an 18-megapixel APS-C CMOS image sensor and a DIGIC 5 image processor. This setup is almost identical to what users can find in the EOS 650D DSLR camera.

A built-in viewfinder may not be available, but a 3-inch 1,040K-dot touchscreen sits on the back of the EOS M in order to allow users to compose their shots.

The autofocus speed used to be rather slow. Thankfully, the 2.0.2 firmware has fixed these issues and the shooter will autofocus quickly. Canon EOS M supports a maximum shutter speed of 1/4,000th of a second and a continuous shooting mode of up to 4.3fps.

The offer is available while stocks last, so you may want to hurry up!

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