Се чини дека неодамнешните гласини за замена на Fujifilm X-T1 се лажни


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The recent rumors suggesting that Fujifilm will replace the X-T1 weathersealed mirrorless camera in the near future appear to be false as the X-T1b or X-T1P will not be released anytime soon.

The first two weeks of June 2014 have come with a surprising rumor. Multiple sources were claiming that Fujifilm was working on a replacement or upgrade for the X-T1 that will be pushed to the market quite soon.

Fuji’s X-T1 has been riddled with several problems at launch, all of which seem to have been fixed so far. Still, there are lots of disgruntled users who have been affected by the light leak or mushy D-pad buttons issues.

This is why the company has allegedly begun working on the so-called X-T1b. However, sources have quickly pointed out the fact that the camera’s name will actually be X-T1P.

Either way, this may not matter anymore as the Fujifilm X-T1 replacement rumors seem to be false, meaning that the company is not working on an upgrade for its first X-series weathersealed camera.

fujifilm-x-t1-replacement-rumors Recent Fujifilm X-T1 replacement rumors appear to be false Rumors

The latest details about the Fujifilm X-T1 replacement, allegedly called X-T1b or X-T1P, are most likely false.

Fujifilm X-T1 replacement rumors are most likely false

The same source who has revealed the existence of the Fujifilm X-T1P is now claiming that a successor for the X-T1 will not be released in July, as previously reported.

Many industry watchers will probably be baffled about the news, but there are a few possible explanations for this whole saga, both of them with Fuji as the one behind it.

Why would Fuji choose to do this?

The rumor mill is almost certain that the Japanese company has been spreading the X-T1b / X-T1P rumors since the beginning. The first reason is that Fujifilm is looking to find out the people who are leaking information.

It is definitely not legal to reveal secret information, so the manufacturer may want to find the people who leak internal stuff and take action against them.

Another reason may consist of a test for the customers. Fuji may have wanted to see whether current X-T1 owners would retaliate against the company for launching a replacement so soon or if they would have nothing against this.

Last but not least Fujifilm may have done this in order to “hide the truth”, which is something that other companies have done in the past.

Whatever the reason, it seems like the X-T1, што е достапно во Амазон за околу 1,300 долари, is here to stay and will not be replaced in the neighboring future.

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