MCP Project 12: Ngembangkeun Kamampuh Anjeun salaku Fotografer


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MCP-Project52-hor-600x160 MCP Project 12: Develop Your Skills as a Photographer Activities Assignments MCP Actions Projects Photo Sharing & Inspiration Project MCP

For 2012, we want you to grow as a photographer. We are transitioning from MCP Project 52 (from 2011) to MCP Project 12 for (for 2012). We will not be using the Project 52 Flickr Group going forward and are moving it into archive mode.

What is MCP Project 12?

MCP Project 12 gives photographers the opportunity to take more photos, be creative and have fun. Hobbyist and professional photographers can join us by capturing images based on our monthly themes and share with the Komunitas MCP.

Dina awal unggal bulan, pikeun 12 bulan ka payun, urang bakal ngenalkeun téma dina blog urang. Anjeun bakal ngagaduhan dugi ka sabulan pikeun brainstorm, ngembangkeun ideu anjeun, sareng nyandak poto anjeun. Upami anjeun langkung resep kana tantangan mingguan, sapertos Project 52, tangtangan pikeun ngagunakeun téma ku sababaraha cara. Anjeun tiasa unggah dugi ka opat gambar per bulan.

Where are the themes listed?

The monthly theme will be listed in two places.

  • On the MCP Project 12 Home Page. (That’s where you are right now.) Cirian halaman ieu in your browser as the “Home Page for Project 12.”  We will add the new theme to the list each month.  We will also link the month to the new blog post where you enter your photos.
  • On the 1st of every month we will introduce a new theme (for January it will be on the 2nd). This post will be under the category “MCP Project 12.” You will enter your image(s) on the monthly posts.


January 2012: Theme – RESOLUSI ~ Visit Archived Photos from Month One

2012 Pébruari: Theme: Love (Alternate Theme: Leap) - Participate Here Starting 2/1/12


Kumaha carana ilubiung:

  • Enter a comment on this post and let us know you will be joining in. You can participate every month or just a few. Join in at the beginning or start later in the year.
  • On each monthly Project 12 Blog post, there will be a linky tool to submit your photo. Photos can be linked back to your Blog, Flickr or other photo hosting site.

<< Diajar kumaha nambihan gambar anjeun di dieu. >>>

The guidelines:

We plan to keep things as relaxed as we can for 2012. To help things run smoothly, here are some “rules.”

  • Photos need to be taken in the month you are participating. Do not use old photos which happen to work well for a topic.
  • Unlike 2011, all photos must fit the theme for the specific month. Be creative and interpret the theme as you wish but make sure it was taken for the theme.
  • As of now, we are not limiting the amount of images, as long as they fit the guidelines. This could change. Ideally we would like to see one to four photos per photographer each month. If you want to share more, and each is unique, you may upload these too.
  • Collages of multiple images are welcome if all photos fit the theme or tell a story related to it. You are welcome to use tools like our Blog Éta Boards pikeun nembongkeun ieu.
  • We would love you to edit the photos in Lightroom, Photoshop or Elements using MCP’s actions or presets. This is not a requirement.  We welcome your photos whether edited or not.
  • No pornography, nudity, violence or any content deemed illegal by the United States Government. MCP Actions and its designees reserve the right to remove any photo or photos deemed objectionable.
  • Images must be taken by you (in other words – you must own the copyright)
  • By uploading to our project, you maintain copyright but give us permission to use the photo on our Blog/Facebook, in the context of Project 12.  If we want to use a photo for anything else, we will contact you and get your permission in writing. Please consider watermarking and branding your photos using tools like our Rengse Éta aksi diatur or Peta Facebook Fix Photoshop gratis (which can be used for photos anywhere on the web).
  • We will not sell our mailing list, but will extract emails from Linky submissions and the comment section of Project 12 posts to communicate with participants, send reminders, etc.  If you no longer wish to receive them, you can unsubscribe at any time.

How can we see other photographer’s images?

  • Anjeun tiasa ningali sadaya poto dina postingan blog di unggal unggal bulan dina Linky Tools. Ngan pencét dina gambar gambar leutik. Anjeun wilujeng nyungkeun catetan gancang atanapi "resep" pikeun fotografer ogé, tapi kacuali aranjeunna nyungkeun kritik, tetep saderhana.
  • On the last day of every month, we will have a special post from one of our team leaders and possibly an occasional surprise guest. We will share a few of the many photos that spoke to us, moved us, or impressed us in some way. We cannot feature everyone’s images, but we’ll share a small selection of inspirational photos with all of you. We may do additional posts during the month featuring an image – or might mention your photo on the Halaman Facebook MCP. Watch for these.

How can I get feedback on my photos before I upload them for submission in MCP Project 12?

Nalika anjeun damel dina gambar anjeun, wilujeng sumping pikeun ngirim poto ka Tembok Facebook MCP and ask for advice and feedback from MCP fans. Alternatively you can post to the comment section of monthly blog post with your photo(s) and ask for ideas, critique, etc from participants.  The

How can I contact you with my questions about MCP Project 12?

If there is something we did not cover above, please leave a comment in the “comment section.”  If your question is personal, you can also send an email at: [email dijaga].

most important way to grow your photography skills is to practice, practice, practice.  Now is your chance.

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Kami hoyong hatur nuhun ka sponsor perusahaan kami pikeun MCP Project 12, Tamron USA sareng MCP Actions.

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Upami perusahaan anjeun hoyong ilubiung dina sponsor MCP Project 12, mangga kontak Jodi di [email dijaga].




no Comments

  1. Chelsea on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 12 am

    looking forward to participating!

  2. Catherine Ball on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 13 am

    Count me in please Jodi – cheers – looking forward to it.Catherine

  3. Shelly Loree on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 13 am

    I’m in – thanks Jodi.

  4. Denise Medeiros on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 15 am

    Sounds like fun! I’m up for the challenge 🙂

  5. Aimee Ashley Myers on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 15 am

    Definitely participating! I love this idea! Happy New Year!

  6. Leah Landry on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 15 am

    I am in!!! To complete Project 12 is one of my New Year’s resolutions. What a perfect way to improve my photography skills!!

  7. nagen on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 16 am

    Fun! ~J

  8. Kim Jones on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 17 am

    I will give it a shot!

  9. Lisa Joy on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 18 am

    Sounds fun. I’m going to try

  10. Angela on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 20 am

    Sounds like fun and a great chance to try out your actions I just purchased as my Christmas present.

  11. Becky on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 21 am

    This sounds exciting…I’ll give it a try!!

  12. lisa on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 21 am

    Go on then ill give it a try 🙂

  13. Jenny on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  14. Stacey D on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    I’m in and very excited!!

  15. Joyce on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 27 am

    I will give it a whirl.

  16. Marty on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    This will be my third year doing a weekly project and as usual I always struggle with what/how I will do it. I’m hoping this will be just the creative juice I need for the upcoming year 🙂

  17. RandeeQ on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    I will give it a try too.. 🙂

  18. Melinda on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Sounds good – I’m in for some at least.

  19. Barb in Horseheads on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 30 am

    I plan to participate as much as possible. Sounds like fun. Can’t wait for the first theme.

  20. Allie Gedang on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 30 am

    I`d be honored to take part in this Project …. : }

  21. Jodie Masterman on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    Right, slightly different, but still with the themed challenges which help us to use our creativity and depict what the theme means to us. I was slightly wary when you said it was going to be different, because I love the themes; they make me get out and challenge myself with an end goal in sight! But now we have all month to give ourselves more time to find that perfect fit to our interpretation of theme. Love it, and thanks Jodi/Moderators for 2011 – I had a blast each week coming up with a photo. Looking forward to this year (in other words, “I’m in”).

  22. Beckie Bragga on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 32 am

    Can’t wait to try this. I think I will stick to this better then trying to do something every day or week.

  23. BeckiMassey on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    I’m in- sounds fun!

  24. Kerry on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 35 am

    I’m in! Cant wait to see whats first!

  25. Jaree on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 37 am

    Count me in …

  26. Kim on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 38 am

    I’m game!

  27. Jessica on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 43 am

    I’m going to give it a shot!

  28. LaShawn on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 43 am

    Ningali pikeun ngalakukeun ieu!

  29. Amy on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 43 am

    I plan to join in!

  30. Dee on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    Can’t wait to give it a go!

  31. Rachel Bennett on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 46 am

    I would love to join in!

  32. banda on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 47 am

    I’m game as well! Loved the 52 week project! Thanks you to all the mods who worked very hard to make it happen!

  33. Kate Roock on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 53 am

    I’m in… Sounds like fun! 🙂

  34. Cindy Heller on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 54 am

    Sounds interesting, count me in.

  35. Nicole Wood on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 54 am

    Sounds like fun!! 🙂

  36. Molly McGannon on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I will be participating! So looking forward to this year! Thanks for doing this!

  37. Irela on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 57 am

    I’m in!!!!! Looking forward to this project.

  38. Heidi on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 57 am

    I am in. Thanks!

  39. Oktober on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 58 am

    I am going to try this. I have never done a daily/weekly/monthly photo challenge before…so this one sounds PERFECT! (And I like that I don’t HAVE to use flikr.) 😀

  40. Paul on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 00 am

    count me in too! 🙂

  41. Kathy on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    I’m In…

  42. Amy Flemming on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 06 am

    Abdi lebet!

  43. Kahayang on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 07 am

    I’m definitely in!!!

  44. Tammy on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 08 am

    Sora pikaresepeun!

  45. Andrea on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 09 am

    Abdi lebet.

  46. Robyn Harold on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 09 am

    I’m looking forward to the challenge and opportunity for growth!

  47. lisa Wiza on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 09 am

    i am in thanks!

  48. Marcela on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 10 am

    I’m in…I love the idea!

  49. pajar on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 11 am

    This sounds fun! I hope to be able to participate in them, and can’t wait until the first one is posted tomorrow! 🙂

  50. Antonette on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 11 am

    I’m in! And this is so my speed!!!!!!!!

  51. Carole on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 15 am

    Abdi lebet!

  52. Schae D Fotografi on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 15 am

    Sounds great! I will be in again this year! Oh – and Happy New Year! Go 2012!!

  53. Kelli on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 16 am

    I’m in! My word of the year is “create” and with that I want to practice and grow my skills as a photographer. Looking forward to it!

  54. Antonette on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 18 am

    I’m in! And this is so my speed!! Thanks!

  55. Mrgella on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 19 am

    I’m looking forward to the new format. Hopefully it means that I’ll have more consistent participation. Thanks!

  56. Charleen on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 20 am

    I’m in! I’m new enough that I need a theme to help me come with ideas. The monthly format will be easier for me to accomplish too. Thanks, Jodi!!

  57. Kerry on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 21 am

    I’d love to give it a try.Can we do this even if we do not ourselves have a Blog?

    • TLHarwick on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 45 pm

      Kerry, Most definitely! You can use flickr or another photo sharing site for your upload! Cannot wait to see your shots!Trish Project 12 Team Leader

  58. Cindy on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 21 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  59. Reed Winter on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 23 am

    Abdi lebet!

  60. Sharon on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 24 am

    I’m in and plan to learn more in 2012.

  61. Steph Slabodnik on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 24 am

    Sora pikaresepeun! Abdi lebet!

  62. Tricia on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 25 am

    I am in and looking forward to it.

  63. Renee on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 25 am

    oh i so want to participate in this! sounds fun!

  64. Janelle McBride on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 26 am

    Happy New Years! And Im in again this year.

  65. Sharon on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    Is there a Flickr group yet?

  66. Amy on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 29 am

    Abdi lebet!

  67. Elizabeth on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 32 am

    I am in too! Happy New Year!

  68. Ev G on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    Abdi di!

  69. Sarah G. on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 37 am

    Abdi lebet!

  70. Bet on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 38 am

    I would like to give this a try. A new year, new challenges…perfect.

  71. Kelley on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 41 am

    Ok, I’m gonna try this. I’m in.

  72. Bulu Badé Ngapung on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    Fab! I’m in too! Can’t wait to get started!

  73. Anna M on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 45 am

    Im in!!!Anna

  74. Carol S on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 48 am

    I would love to join in!

  75. Erica Hayes on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 49 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  76. somer on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 50 am

    this idea sounds fun, but I do wish it was a flickr group again. flickr is just really easy for a community feel.

    • TLHarwick on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 47 pm

      Somer, You can use flickr for your stream and upload it to the linky tool. It is very easy!Trish Project 12 Team Leader

  77. Wendy H on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 53 am

    A challenging challenge for this hobbyist. I’m ready to give it my best. Wendy

  78. Staci Roe on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 56 am

    Sora pikaresepeun, kuring asup.

  79. Kristin on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 58 am

    Abdi di!!!

  80. Monica Nichols on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 58 am

    I think I’ll give this a try…:)

  81. Tia on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 00 am

    Yes, I would love to give it a try.

  82. Lissa on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 04 am

    I’d love to participate! Always enjoy getting feedback from others! Thanks for the opportunity!

  83. Judy Squires on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 04 am

    I would like to take this challange to improve my skills as a photographer and PSE9 user. Happy New Year to all and happy snapping.

  84. Jen on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 08 am

    I’m gonna try it!

  85. Jennifer D. on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 10 am

    I would love to participate! Thanks!

  86. Rebecca Weaver on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 10 am

    I’d like to chip in at least part of the time. This style of project should fit nicely into my routine. Should be fun – cant wait to see this month’s theme!

  87. Laure on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 14 am

    I am looking forward to participating. I just finished project 365 for 2011 and I have been wanting to follow up with a less intensive project. This one fits the bill perfectly.

  88. Cheryl on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 15 am

    So looking forward to this!

  89. Christine on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 18 am

    I like the thought of having a month to really plan a shot out–because sometimes I need that time! This sounds fun!

  90. Hollie Henderson on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 18 am

    Sounds like fun! I’m in.

  91. Gina Johnson on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 19 am

    New Year’s resolution for 2012 -Take more pictures. Looking forward to being inspired.

  92. Nicole Pawlaczyk on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 19 am

    I’m in!! I loved doing Project 52 last year and looking forward to Project 12! 🙂

  93. Necie on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 22 am

    Lamenting the fact that I did not participate in Project 52. Looking forward to Project 12!

  94. Mike on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 22 am

    I will give it a shot!

  95. Susan B on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 23 am

    I’m in! I loved watching 2011 and wished I had participated… so I’m in for Project 12!!

  96. Malar on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 28 am

    I’m in- can’t wait! I admired the pictures from last year, but I didn’t participate. One per month is much easier for me to do.

  97. Samantha Wilkinson on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 28 am

    Can’t wait to participate this year!

  98. Mindy on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 32 am

    Sounds like a fun project. I’m in.

  99. Ashlee on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 38 am

    Abdi di 🙂

  100. Heidi on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 38 am

    It sounds like a fun challenge! I’m in.Heidi

  101. Deborah on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 40 am

    I’ll give it a try. I’m in.

  102. Deborah on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 42 am

    Cacah kuring di

  103. Jayne on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 43 am

    Sounds great! I’m in.

  104. Deborah S on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 43 am

    I’ll try it. Count me in

  105. Kim on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 45 am

    I’m in – thanks!

  106. Cathy colomb on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 49 am

    I am in 🙂

  107. Lacy on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 51 am

    Looking forward to growing this year!! Thanks for the opportunity

  108. Hazel Schifferle on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 51 am

    Time for a resolution! I’m in.

  109. Shalon on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    Sounds like fun…Loving the idea of having more time to think about the theme and the implementation!

  110. Amy on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    I’m in. :o) Can’t wait.

  111. Julie O. on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 57 am

    Brilliant!! Count me in … what a great way to start the New Year; THANKS

  112. H.McLaren on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 58 am

    I’ve never done anything like this, so I will try it. I’m nervous ,it feels like the first day of school !

  113. Erika Taber on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 00 pm

    Bilangan kuring di 🙂

  114. Samantha Camp on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 10 pm

    Looking forward to participating and developing my skills!! 🙂

  115. Jodi R on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 11 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  116. Kate on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 14 pm

    I am in. This sounds like just what i need to bump me over this rut i’m in.

  117. Samantha Camp on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 15 pm

    I’m in and VERY excited!!!!

  118. Sam on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 17 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  119. Sharon on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 18 pm

    I am in. It sounds like a great inspiration tool.

  120. melodi on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 19 pm

    I am looking forward to this. I am new to photography and am excited to improve my skills

  121. Samantha C on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 20 pm

    I would love to join in!

  122. Tram Luu on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 23 pm

    I’m going to do this every month. Thank you!

  123. Wendy Kennedy on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 24 pm

    Yes I’d like to have a go at this too!

  124. Aparna B. on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 24 pm

    Count me in! I hope to participate each month 🙂

  125. Shannon on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 25 pm

    looking forward to this!:)

  126. Patrice on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 27 pm

    Count me in…can’t wait!

  127. AnnaLena on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 28 pm

    I’m in! My first challenge like this!

  128. Ragenna on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 28 pm

    Sounds great! Looking forward to a new challenge! Thanks for all you do and making 2011 an eventful year (even though I started late)!

  129. johnb on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 30 pm

    I’m in,thanks

  130. Virginie V on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 35 pm

    I will join in! Look forward to the first theme 🙂

  131. Karen O'Donnell on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 35 pm

    I’m definitely in! I tried doing Project 52 last year….and was pretty faithful for about 15 weeks but got bogged down with life….and fell so far behind that I gave up.

  132. Laurie on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 40 pm

    Can’t wait to get started! Thank You so much for providing this opportunity !

  133. Ryan Jaime on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 40 pm

    I’m in! A photo a month works for me. A little intimidated with one each week, but Project 12 is perfect for me.

  134. pajar on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 40 pm

    Once a month? I think I can actually handle this one! I’m in!

  135. Laurie on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 43 pm

    Abdi lebet

  136. Jamie on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 43 pm

    I am so excited to do this!

  137. Amanda R. on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 47 pm

    I LOVE the idea of doing it monthly, that way I get a chance to really think about the photo and not be so rushed. Thanks for putting this together. I can’t wait to start!

  138. Katherine Joseph on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 51 pm

    Looking forward to another project this year!

  139. Erin Bankston on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  140. Cindy on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    I’m in. I hope a monthly challenge will fit in better than my failed attempt at a Project 52 I tried last year.

  141. Nyalira on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 56 pm

    Once a month sounds more do able than the weekly thing. Thanks for the challenge and opportunity.

  142. Shelia Earl on Januari 1, 2012 di 12: 58 pm

    Excited about being part of this Project. Will be a great way to keep me motivated. Thanks for hosting.

  143. Christina on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 02 pm

    I’m in! Looking forward to this challenge, and excited to get it on it at the beginning of the year!

  144. Kate McKinley on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 02 pm

    I can’t wait to start this challenge!!! Thank you

  145. Andi Case on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 03 pm

    I would love to participate in this! Thanks for the opportunity.

  146. Christina on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 06 pm

    I’m in and looking forward to it!

  147. Diane on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 16 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  148. Heidi on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 28 pm

    I can do this-one (or a few more) photos per month!! Sounds fun-thanks!

  149. Timoteus on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 30 pm

    Excited for this! Gives a bigger window and feels like less pressure to get shots done during the week. Also love that the theme is required!

  150. Tanya Landgraf on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 34 pm

    Can’t wait! This fits well with my new years resutions to take more photos just for fun and to experiment to keep my creative juices flowing!

  151. Kay on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 34 pm

    I’m in!! Can’t wait to participate in a photography project! Thanks for organizing a fun group!

  152. Sharon on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 40 pm

    I’m in! My first challenge like this and I think I can handle this one with my busy life!!

  153. Leon Dantis on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 40 pm

    I’m in. I’ll try.

  154. Anna on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 41 pm

    Sounds like fun!! Count me in!

  155. Kelley Bennett on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 46 pm

    Sounds good to me – I’m in too!

  156. Bronwyn on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 53 pm

    I want to participate. Thank you and Happy New Year!

  157. Janis on Januari 1, 2012 di 1: 57 pm

    Kuring asup!

  158. Candace on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 07 pm

    I cant wait to start! I’m in!

  159. Karin on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 13 pm

    Abdi hoyong nyobian!

  160. Kristi on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 15 pm

    Fun! Please, count me in too! Happy new year everyone!!!

  161. Vlad Petreanu on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 16 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  162. Suzanne Juneau on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 17 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  163. Lisa on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 22 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  164. Tricia on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 24 pm

    I’m in! I admired everyones work last year and have been anxiously awaiting the 2012 project to be announced!

  165. Jenna Watts on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 24 pm

    Oh! An Extra challenge for me would be a good pusher! I’m in! Can’t wait!

  166. Stephanie on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 26 pm

    This sounds like a great project. I’d love to participate!

  167. Jeanette Delaplane on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 33 pm

    I’m in! This sounds way more doable than the Proj. 365 I tried previously–I made it through about two months worth 🙁 I look forward to the challenge–and all the options available for help/critique and inspiration. Thanks MCP!

  168. Darcy on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 41 pm

    I’m going to try. I’m looking forward to learning more this year!

  169. Kurnia on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    I’m in… sounds like fun!

  170. Heather Solima on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    Sounds like fun! I need all the practice I can get 🙂

  171. Tracy on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    Yay… Would love to participate!!

  172. Reagan on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    I am going to try!

  173. Loree Bowers on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 51 pm

    Cacah kuring asup.

  174. tanja carda on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 54 pm

    I will try =)

  175. Madeline F on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 55 pm

    Sounds like fun…I would love to join in. Thanks.

  176. Judy on Januari 1, 2012 di 2: 59 pm

    Sounds great! Count me in!

  177. malaikat on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 06 pm

    I’m in! Can’t wait to see everyone’s photos! Thanks for organizing this Jodie!

  178. Helen Héjo on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 12 pm

    hi, I will join in

  179. Misty Burton on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 19 pm

    Let’s see if I can finish something that I start. I will give it a try!

  180. damar nu jadi kaya batu on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 23 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  181. Angel J on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 27 pm

    I want to try this…and hopefully expand!

  182. Joanie on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 32 pm

    Sounds fun! I hope I can figure out how to add an image when the time comes.

  183. Esmaralda on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 35 pm

    I am going to give this a try as I was contemplating doing a Project 52 this year. Although looking at some of the pictures from last years’ Project 52 I am a little intimidated by the level of great photographers on this site, but hopefully that will just mean that my skills will grow this year 🙂

  184. Airlock on Januari 1, 2012 di 3: 46 pm

    New year, new things, I will give it a try 🙂

  185. Kenneth Davis on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 00 pm

    Count me in for the new year.

  186. Dena Crawford on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 05 pm

    I’m in. Looking forward to working on the projects.

  187. Stephen Lamb on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 06 pm

    I have only discovered this site in the last week or two and so have missed out on the fun in 2011 but I want to give it a try in 2012.

  188. Connie on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 08 pm

    I’m very excited about 2012

  189. Christina Elliget on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 19 pm

    I’m in! So excited! 🙂

  190. Skye Perry on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 19 pm

    I would love to join in on tis project. Please count me in too.

  191. Matt on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 23 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  192. Darlene Cothran on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 24 pm

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung dina senang-senang!

  193. Karen on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 27 pm

    I’m new at the photography end of things and think this is a great way to take the plunge!

  194. Chris on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 30 pm

    Count me in! Im up for a challenge

  195. Ron Nordberg on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 32 pm

    Love the idea of this comp thanks, count me in.

  196. Mandy on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 36 pm

    Love this idea! I’m in 🙂

  197. Tréna on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 37 pm

    I’m in..12 doesn’t seem as intimidating as a 365, or even a 52!

  198. Nancy Harris on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 38 pm

    Never done anything but mind my own little quiet business with my developing photography skills. I’m excited to try to be a small part of something that forces me to do a little more!

  199. Alipoodles on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 45 pm

    I’m in. I found I ran out of time with the weekly challenges (although I loved getting themes to shoot). I may try and find another weekly challenge to keep me photographing

  200. Amy G-H on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 52 pm

    I will give it a whirl…I look forward to getting constructive feedback.

  201. Rick on Januari 1, 2012 di 4: 59 pm

    This will be my first attempt. I’m in!

  202. Euis C. on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 00 pm

    Sounds way more do-able in real life than once a week. I can and will do once a month! Count me in!

  203. Heather Williams on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 00 pm

    I’m nervous but I’m in!

  204. Tina on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 06 pm

    I’ll give it a try! 🙂

  205. Nowelle Ledebuhr on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 08 pm

    I can’t wait to get started!

  206. Yolanda on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 12 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  207. anna on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 16 pm

    I’ll give it a go – I am by no means a professional at all, I just dabble here and there when i have time LOL!

  208. Laura Sheppard on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 17 pm

    🙂 Count me in!

  209. sagara on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  210. Tineka on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 23 pm

    I’m in too! Look forward to the first theme

  211. Ví_ctor on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 33 pm

    Im in! Tank You!

  212. Angela Beldy on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 44 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  213. Paula on Januari 1, 2012 di 5: 44 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  214. darci on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 05 pm

    going to give it a try.Darci

  215. Kim Ngora on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 08 pm

    I am in! I can’t wait to get more creative and inspired this year.

  216. Erin Albright on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 09 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  217. Emma Davies on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 26 pm

    I’m in! Emma.

  218. Kurnia on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 34 pm

    I’m going to give it a shot.

  219. Pelukis Nikki on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 41 pm

    Love this idea! I’m in!

  220. Erin Wood on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 48 pm

    I’m definitely in! This sounds great!

  221. Audra on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 51 pm

    Abdi hoyong nyobian!

  222. Bobbie on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 53 pm

    i am going to give it a try ..thanks

  223. marjan on Januari 1, 2012 di 6: 57 pm

    will be there as i loved project 52 – thanks for keeping it going as it is the best way to learn and be inspired – happy new year with lots of creative and inspriring energy and time

  224. Molly on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 02 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  225. Nathaly on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 07 pm

    So far I’ve enjoyed seeing everyone’s work on here. This year I’m in!

  226. samah on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 26 pm

    I”m gonna play along 🙂

  227. Kristin on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 28 pm

    I want to participate!!!

  228. Michelle@lavieenfuchsia on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 37 pm

    I’m in! I should be able to keep this up better than the 365 that I attempted last year!

  229. Nupur Barua on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    I had a blast with Project 52, and I would love to be a part of this, too. Thank you, and a very Happy New Year.

  230. mandalyne on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    Count me in:) I like the monthly theme and new format. I didn’t participate in 2011 as it seemed a bit daunting.

  231. Sarah @ TM2TS on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 50 pm

    I want to join in 😀 This sounds perfect for my WORD OF THE YEAR 😀

  232. Maria on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 54 pm

    I like the monthly idea. I am going to try it!

  233. Lauren on Januari 1, 2012 di 7: 56 pm

    So excited to challenge myself as I begin this adventure of moving from hobbyist to pro … Thanks!!

  234. Rahul Agarwal on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 10 pm

    I found this great website yesterday looking for photography projects for 2012. I’m very much in! All the best to everyone for better photography this year.

  235. Annette on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 15 pm

    Sounds like fun. I’m in!

  236. Olivia on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 16 pm

    I’ll give this one a try as well.

  237. Laura on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 18 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  238. AmyK on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 23 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  239. Kari on Januari 1, 2012 di 8: 38 pm

    Abdi ogé!

  240. Alisa on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 19 pm

    I’ll particpate – looking forward to it!

  241. Erin on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 21 pm

    I’ll give it a go!

  242. LoriW on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 22 pm

    I’ll join in. Thanks!

  243. Stephanie on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 26 pm

    Count me in! 🙂

  244. Ashley on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 30 pm

    So excited for this year’s project! Looking forward to growing as a new photographer!

  245. Carol Harris on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 34 pm

    I watched Project 52 last year and never entered a photo, but this year I’m going to give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity.

  246. Melissa M. on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 35 pm

    Gonna have fun.

  247. Carol Harris on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 36 pm

    Gonna give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity.

  248. Tiffani Mason on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 38 pm

    Definitely up for the challenge! I have just recently upped my photography from hobby into business and so I definitely need the practice! I will be editing in Aperture though instead of Lightroom or PS.

  249. Carrie on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 50 pm

    Abdi badé ngiringan.

  250. Michelle Zahn on Januari 1, 2012 di 9: 52 pm

    I’m so in. 🙂

  251. Rosa on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 08 pm

    Joining!! My project 365 didn’t quite go the way I wanted, but this one seems far more relaxed..

  252. Evelyn Williams on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 13 pm

    I eager to give this a try. I want to use this to improve my photography. Count me in.

  253. Shirley on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 44 pm

    Urang asup

  254. Ruth Shevlin on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 46 pm

    Thanks for the extra breathing room. Taking the theme pictures was not my biggest challenge. Time to do it right before the week was over – now that was a challenge. I’m in!

  255. Samah M. on Januari 1, 2012 di 10: 55 pm

    I will give it a try 🙂

  256. Bekah on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 01 pm

    Count me in! I’m excited!

  257. Marea Breedlove on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 02 pm

    I would love to do this.

  258. Jim Buckley on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 21 pm

    Looks like great fun.

  259. Lala on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 47 pm

    Fun to join the challenge at the beginning!!!

  260. Maureen on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 52 pm

    A month is quite a breather from 365 or 52 Week projects, although I didn’t mind the 52 week format at all–kept me on my toes. I’m in again for 2012. Wasn’t clear on whether there’s a Flickr group again, but I’ll figure it out. Thanks so much!

  261. Daria on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 53 pm

    Sounds like fun and the time committment isn’t as daunting. Count me in!

  262. Geneil on Januari 1, 2012 di 11: 58 pm

    Stumbled through a project 365 in 2010, aborted the Project 52 last year, hopefully once a month I can handle!

  263. Margarita on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 11 am

    Never done anything like this. Excited!!

  264. Robin on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 20 am

    I would like to be in and give it a shot. Thank you!

  265. Gale Wall on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 21 am

    I’m participating!!!

  266. Robin on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 21 am

    Thank you I am in.

  267. Darren Asay on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 31 am

    Bring it on! 🙂

  268. Sakthi on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 29 am

    I am in.. hopefully I will be able to stick to the monthly theme..

  269. Janneke M. on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 31 am

    I think I can handle a project 12 — and I really want to grow this year in my photography skills. I’m in!

  270. ShaBean on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 37 am

    I’m SO in!

  271. Carolyn Burnham on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 41 am

    A monthly theme sounds like fun, I can’t wait to get started!

  272. Shellie on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 43 am

    You’ve got me hooked, can’t wait to read all about it!

  273. kerangka on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 38 am

    I’d like to join this project like my first one…good training task!Count me!

  274. Marilyn Linton on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 14 am

    Although I’m feeling a bit intimidated at the moment, I’d like to participate in this project!

  275. Els on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 05 am

    Great, now I can join in this new project. Heard about Project 52 from my sister in Australia, but too late. Now I will join in this Project 12 and from the Netherlands I will contribute and learn and enjoy. Thanks for this opportunity and Happy New (Photographic) Year!

  276. Jennifer on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 32 am

    Wooooohoooo! I am in!

  277. Pamela on Januari 2, 2012 di 7: 51 am

    I’m going to try this again!

  278. Dawn K on Januari 2, 2012 di 7: 58 am

    This definitely sounds like a challenge I am up for! I look forward to seeing what the first theme is!

  279. Tina Hall in MO on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 22 am

    Ready for this one. Looking forward to it!

  280. Pennye on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 28 am

    Love MCP! I will be tuning in daily!

  281. Jessica on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 30 am

    I’d like to join, please!

  282. Cyndie on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 33 am

    Count me in, can’t wait to get started!

  283. Jenn on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 50 am

    Abdi lebet!

  284. Emily P. on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 54 am

    I’m going to give it a try this time. Can’t wait to learn the first theme.

  285. Shannon on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 04 am

    Please count me in!! I am SUPER excited!!!!!

  286. A Motley View on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 07 am

    Abdi asup ogé!

  287. Kim P on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 19 am

    I would like to try also

  288. Tricia on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 23 am

    Abdi lebet!

  289. Joani on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 33 am

    This sounds much more doable. Count me in.

  290. Jaimi Reimer Lammers on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 39 am

    Excited to start this new photography endeavor!

  291. Gina Lynn Sullivan on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 40 am

    Ill be joing in!!

  292. Lenita Keith on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 43 am

    Excited to participate in this project!!

  293. Marissa on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    I’ll give it a try!

  294. nagen on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 47 am

    Abdi lebet!

  295. Sean Curtis on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 52 am

    Abdi lebet!

  296. Manu on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 52 am

    I’m happy to join you this year, I’ve missed most of the 52 projects as I unfortunately discovered you only at the end of 2011..

  297. Allison Schluchter on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I can handle once-per-month! Count me in!

  298. Kara on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 01 am

    I’m in! Excited for the challenge.

  299. jennifer kelley on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 02 am

    I’m so excited to start a new photography project.

  300. shana on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    Abdi lebet!

  301. Stori Brie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 06 am

    I can’t wait to be a part of this!

  302. Lissa on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 06 am

    I’ll have a go at it!

  303. ~ Sheryl on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 09 am

    Hi Jodi,Count me in. I’m excited to improve my skills. I may even try to add weekly… but no promises. lolHappy New Year!~S

  304. Clarissa on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 13 am

    This will be great, looking forward to it!

  305. Mary on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 18 am

    Abdi lebet!

  306. koko on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 22 am

    I’m in, it sounds like fun. One of my goals this year is to improve my photography skills.

  307. Brandie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 28 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung!

  308. kiristal on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    I’m in! I would like to participate and see where this journey takes me.

  309. Claudia on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    Hello!I’m a newbie but will try this – sounds easier than the 365 project.

  310. Michele on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    I think I will give it a try! thanks

  311. Denise A on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 35 am

    Last year I didn’t make it through the year…maybe this time I will succeed. 🙂

  312. Megan W on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 35 am

    I want to participate…I’m a first timer, please be gentle. 🙂

  313. Christine on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 36 am

    Great project. I’m in!

  314. nagen on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 36 am

    Je participe !

  315. Sherry on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 39 am

    Abdi lebet!

  316. Jackie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 40 am


  317. Gail Rosenbaum on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 41 am

    This is a new goal for me. Enter either a contest or start a project that I will stick to throughout the year. I’m determined to complete this goal.Thanks for the motivation.

  318. Maureen A Vaccaro on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 41 am

    Always wanted to try doing this…OK make this my Resolution 🙂 I am in.

  319. kristie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    I will give it a shot. 🙂

  320. Jaka on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    Looking forward to MCP Project 12 and seeing everybodys awesome shots!

  321. Marvett Smith on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    I’m in!!! Thanks for doing this!

  322. Sage on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 43 am

    This sounds great, 52 projects/images was way too hard for me to accomplish last year… I’m in!

  323. Fajar Howeth on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    I tried once a day last year and didn’t make it.My goal is to try once a week AND once a month.Count me in! 🙂

  324. Laurie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    Once a month is definitely doable, I’m in!

  325. Glenda Black on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    I might be “out of my league”, but I’d love to give it a try!

  326. Thatgirlblogs on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 44 am


  327. Suri Teller on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 45 am

    definately want to do this!!

  328. Erica Hayes on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 46 am


  329. Judy Squires on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 47 am

    Not sure if I posted yet but I am in for one a month.

  330. kiristal on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 48 am

    Im in!! Right on!!

  331. Roxie on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 48 am

    I’m in!!! 🙂

  332. Linda Atkins on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 49 am

    I’m in and I’m excited!

  333. Tam on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 49 am

    Sounds like fun! Count me in!

  334. Katelyn on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 50 am

    Twelve projects is way more my speed than 52. Count me in!

  335. Élaina on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 50 am

    I am looking forward to this… 🙂

  336. JennKWS on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 50 am

    I love the idea of a monthly theme! I am in. Project 365 and 52 are too much for me.

  337. Bernadette M on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 52 am

    Yes! I’m in too.

  338. Michelle Standerfer on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 53 am

    I’m excited to join in on this. Sounds fun and hoping I can grow a bit more each month.Looking forward to seeing everyone elses’ stuff!

  339. Meghan Whiting on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 53 am

    I’ll join you!

  340. Kaitlan on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 55 am

    Kuring asup!

  341. Kim Beauregard on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 56 am

    Bilangan kuring di 🙂

  342. Kate Golden on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    Sounds like fun, count me in!!

  343. Kayla on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 59 am

    I’m going to give it a try

  344. Kristi McCord on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 59 am

    I am in….nervous (not sure why??), but I am IN~! Let’s have fun!

  345. Laura Hernandez Photography on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 02 am

    I’m new to the world of photography and am exacited to participate!

  346. Debbie on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 03 am

    I need a good challenge… think I can handle a monthly one:) Looking forward to this!

  347. Lisa on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 04 am

    This will be my first time for your project. I appreciate the opportunity! Count me in 🙂

  348. Erika Q on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 05 am

    I like this format much better…I can see myself completing the entire year and that brings a big smile to my face! Thanks for doing this again!!! Count me in!

  349. Courtney on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 06 am

    I’m in and will try to keep up ;-). Thanks for the opportunity!!

  350. Fotografi CMartin on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 07 am

    Count me in! I can’t wait to get the creative juices flowing!

  351. Shannon Rose on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 07 am

    Much better than weekly i will defo give it a shot 🙂

  352. Marilyn C on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 09 am

    I’m in or at least will give a good try!

  353. Elisa on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 09 am

    Perfection! I’d love to participate!

  354. Abigaele on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 12 am

    I would like to participate.

  355. Christine on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 14 am

    I’ll give it a try!

  356. Lisa Bryant on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 15 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  357. Lisa Thayer on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 16 am

    Count me in….I haven’t done a photography challenge like this before so it will be fun!!!

  358. Trish Eberlein on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 16 am

    Sigana saé!

  359. Jen Jensen on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 17 am

    I’d like to try! Thank you!

  360. Tina Isaacs on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 17 am

    I am in! I can’t wait to get started!Follow me on FB: IsaacsTina Marie PHOTOGRAPHY

  361. Kristen G on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 18 am

    I am in! This I know I can do ;o)

  362. Jill on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 18 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  363. Kandice McDermott on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 19 am

    Well, I guess I’m in! I tried to do P52 last year and did okay for awhile, but then I totally dropped the ball. But I guess one failure is not a good excuse to stop trying, right? I’m looking forward to the monthly themes!

  364. Nicola Stove on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 21 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung 🙂

  365. Rebecca on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 21 am

    Im in! This will such a fun way to stretch my creativity!

  366. Stephanie on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 22 am

    Excited! This is my first project since I started taking pics for fun a few months ago.

  367. Jocelyn Miller on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 23 am

    Speaking of resolutions- here is one of mine. I’m in.

  368. Shelly Haywood on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 25 am

    Count me in! Time to get the creative juices flowing! Thank you!!

  369. Kari Marcotte on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 26 am

    Sounds fun! Count me in!

  370. Alicia Vermeys on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 26 am

    I will play along also — I love to push my creativity limits! I also enjoy seeing how others interpret the same themes differently!

  371. Laura Lister on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 27 am

    I plan to give this a go!

  372. Rachel on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 32 am

    I think I’ll give this a try!

  373. Irma on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 32 am

    Great inspiration to get shooting.

  374. Mary Snyder on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 35 am

    I would love to join, as this is one of my new years resolution to join in some photography group. Looking forward to this.

  375. Cheryl on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 36 am

    I’m in! So looking forward to it!

  376. Alison L. on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 38 am

    I am IN!

  377. Eileen on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 39 am

    I want to try this. Thanks !

  378. Sarah on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 40 am

    I can’t wait to get started on this!! I’m going to direct some of my fellow photographers and friends to partipate, too!

    • TLHarwick on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 10 pm

      Sarah, Please do, the more the merrier!Trish Project 12 Team Leader

  379. Erica Kresovich-Rockey on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 41 am

    I will be joining! My goal is to submit every month this year in attempt to learn more about my photography and gain skills and new perspectives (and feedback). Cheers!Erica

  380. Robyn S on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 42 am

    Abdi di!

  381. Béntang Davis on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 42 am

    This sounds like fun, count me in.

  382. Jessi Tyo on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 44 am

    Sounds awesome(:

  383. Jackie S. on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 52 am

    I do believe I will participate! I am just putting together a book with my images from Project 52. I did one every week, altho 2 or 3 never got posted :-). It’s been a fun way to look back at the year and my growth!

  384. Gabriel Mora on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 53 am

    Excellent idea! I’m in! Great way to stay motivated and active! (Not to mention I’m sure we’ll learn a lot from it too)

  385. Suzaane V on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    Abdi lebet!

  386. Karin on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    I’m in! This is in line with my resolutions, too…more realistic goals 🙂

  387. Danelle on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 56 am

    Abdi lebet!

  388. Krista Boivie on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 59 am

    Abdi di!

  389. Lisa on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 01 pm

    To do a ‘project’ is one of my New Years resolutions…I am in!

  390. Paula Reed on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 03 pm

    I’m going to participate!

  391. Sarah Raanan on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 07 pm

    Count me in! Looking forward!

  392. Carmen on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 10 pm

    Yes! I want to play too. Cheers to New Resolutions and a Happier New Year everyone.

  393. Roxanne on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 21 pm

    I am in. Gonna challenge myself to do all 12 months.

  394. Bruce on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 23 pm

    I am “in” and looking forward to the challenge.

  395. Dayle on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 32 pm

    I think I will try this… wanting to expand and try new photography ideas this year! Exciting 😉

  396. Donald on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 40 pm

    I’ll be participating this month, looking forward to it.

  397. Anna Grimm on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 42 pm

    Abdi lebet !!

  398. atra on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 48 pm

    Yes I am in! Excited to try something new! 🙂

  399. Cyndi Circle on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 51 pm

    I’m in. . .

  400. Christy on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    This is great, look forward to participating.

  401. Ingrid on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 53 pm

    I am new to this but this fits my New Years resolution exactly. Thank you!

    • Ingrid on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

      hahaha I am so new to this that I saw the add image to your comment and thought it was a thumbnail picture I would be posting. If you can delete the picture so I don’t look like a complete noobie, I’d appreciate it 😛

  402. Mélissa J on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 57 pm

    Always room for improvement! I’m in!

  403. Misty Costa on Januari 2, 2012 di 12: 59 pm

    I’m excited to try this challenge. Last year I didn’t complete project 52, so I’m even more motivated to make it through project 12. Thank you for putting this on.

  404. Amanda on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 00 pm

    Abdi lebet! 🙂

  405. stasia fletcher on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 09 pm

    challenge me

  406. Thad on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 10 pm

    This will be both fun and challenging – I’m resolved to do it.

  407. Casey on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 12 pm

    I’m looking forward to participating in MCP Project 12. I did MCP Project 52 last year and I know it helped me grow as a photographer!

  408. KathrynDJI on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 15 pm

    Count me in with another great project!

  409. ArtsyMagnet on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 33 pm

    This sounds fun so I’m in!

  410. Laynie Harris on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 36 pm

    I didn’t do the Project 52, but would am “IN” for this one!!! I’m up for the challenge.

  411. Jennifer Ashburn on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 42 pm

    I cant wait to start this months theme!! I did project 365 last year and found it too hard to do a daily so I love the idea of 1-4 a month!! much more manageable with children!

  412. Rita Endres on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 45 pm

    I head up the photography team at my church in Muskegon, Michigan (where I also work as communications director). I’m going to propose Project 12 to the team because we meet monthly. It will be a great way to help them increase their skills, challenge them, and keep us all connected. Thanks MCP!

  413. damar nu jadi kaya batu on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 48 pm

    I am looking forward to joining in on the MCP Project 12!

  414. Ryne Galiszewski-Edwards on Januari 2, 2012 di 1: 50 pm

    Cacah kuring asup.

  415. Stephanie Pulver on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 04 pm

    im very excited to try this project. it will be the first time I’ve done one with MCP 🙂

  416. Erin Prakken on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 06 pm

    I can’t wait to start!!!!!!

  417. Madison on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 07 pm

    Another new year’s resolution, I’m definitely in – can’t wait!

  418. Jesse Conway on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 10 pm

    I’m in a well. Hopefully this will be a kickstart for me to get my butt in gear and take some photos again.

  419. samah on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 13 pm

    Cant wait to start!

  420. Susan on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 22 pm

    Plan to give this a try.

  421. Jenna Gill on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 23 pm

    I am looking forward to participating in Project 12. Sounds like fun!

  422. Jen B. on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 30 pm

    I”m in!! I can’t wait to get started:)

  423. Amy on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 35 pm

    I like this monthly format. Weekly was too much for me but I can definitely do something monthly.

  424. Ginny D on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 38 pm

    I will be in, website coming soon. Already planning resolution.

  425. Shae on Januari 2, 2012 di 2: 55 pm

    Sounds fun! I’m in

  426. Chanda on Januari 2, 2012 di 3: 01 pm

    Planning to join in!

  427. Michele Q on Januari 2, 2012 di 3: 03 pm

    I’m in and can’t wait!

  428. Kerry on Januari 2, 2012 di 3: 21 pm

    Think I will join you all 🙂

  429. Sarah {Elev8 Fotografi} on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 00 pm

    I’m a newbie from Australia :))count me in looking forward to it xx

  430. Kurnia on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 08 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  431. Mary on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 25 pm

    I am in for sure! I was able to get through part of project 52, but then my camera broke and I was out for weeks! I am excited to fully complete Project 12!

  432. Candice Renee Fotografi on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 31 pm

    I will give it a try!

  433. DebZorn on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 33 pm

    Count me in. I need to stretch my skills!

  434. Morgan on Januari 2, 2012 di 4: 54 pm

    I’ll definitely be participating! 🙂

  435. Joyce Searles on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 04 pm

    I’d love to give this a try. Excited to try to expand my horizens.

  436. Zehava on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 12 pm

    Hey, once a month I can manage! I’ll give it a try!

  437. Anastasia on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 36 pm

    I am in! the Project 52 last year was a bit too much for me – I hope this monthly project will be the way forward 🙂

  438. Nyésa on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 39 pm

    Me too I love a good photo challenge

  439. Cindy on Januari 2, 2012 di 5: 55 pm

    I plan on joining. My camera has been sent for repairs. Cracked lens got stuck on camera. Man helping me broke my camera trying to get lens off. So when I get my camera back and running I would like to participate.

    • TLHarwick on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 13 pm

      Cindy, Hope your camera makes it back soon! Glad you are planning on joining the fun. Trish Project 12 Team Leader

  440. Natalie L. on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 16 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  441. June Blauvelt on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 23 pm

    I am in! I am looking forward to seeing how creative I can be! Thanks MCP!

  442. Sarah on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 23 pm

    Will do my best – count me in!

  443. Valerie on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 36 pm

    I will be participating! Thanks for the new project 🙂

  444. Charmaine Padilla on Januari 2, 2012 di 6: 57 pm

    Hurung kawas senang!

  445. Brandie Madinah on Januari 2, 2012 di 7: 42 pm

    this is going to be fun, I’m looking forward to it!

  446. Tammy Kadish on Januari 2, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  447. Sue T. on Januari 2, 2012 di 7: 54 pm

    what a great way to start off the year…i hope to participate!

  448. Vanessa G. on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 38 pm

    I will be joining 🙂

  449. Evelyn Williams on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 40 pm

    I LIKE THE theme. No images come to mind immediately so this will be something I ponder this month.

  450. Melanie Stofka on Januari 2, 2012 di 8: 49 pm

    I’m SO in!

  451. Lynn on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 18 pm

    Planning to join in when I can!

  452. Melanie Sheaf on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 19 pm

    Sounds like a fun project! Looking forward to challenging myself!

  453. Lisa Leden on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 29 pm

    I’m going to jump on board… we’ll see what happens!

  454. Angie Héjo on Januari 2, 2012 di 9: 56 pm

    Looking forward to participating this year. Love the idea of monthly themes!

  455. Allison on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 01 pm

    I will be joining in! 😀

  456. Stacey on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 13 pm

    I have always wanted to do something like this, but 365 projects and even Week 52 projects are too much for the time I have….Thank you for this!

  457. Janice on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 14 pm

    Abdi lebet

  458. Annie Cooper on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 22 pm

    Okay, I’m ready! Let’s roll!

  459. Lorna on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 37 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  460. Mary Gibson on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 37 pm

    This is totally what I need! Thank you for letting me join the group, and I hope to learn alot over the next 12 months! Happy blogging/picture taking everyone!

  461. Mindy on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 45 pm

    I’m glad this is a project 12 and not 52. Less pressure, more time to think and actually accomplish! I hope to participate consistently!

  462. Karen D on Januari 2, 2012 di 10: 51 pm

    I’m excited to start this new project.

  463. Rachel Adams on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 11 pm

    Love the idea of project12, count me in – hopefully most months 🙂

  464. suzy roberts on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 29 pm

    I wanna play.

  465. kelly daub on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 34 pm

    Would love to participate!

  466. Leslie Howe on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 34 pm

    Love the idea – I’m in!

  467. Angie on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 43 pm

    I think I can…I think I can!!!

  468. Carrie on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 55 pm

    I think I commented on the wrong page. I’d love to participate 🙂

  469. Kate Cuenoud on Januari 2, 2012 di 11: 59 pm

    Kuring nepi ka dinya!

  470. Liz on Januari 3, 2012 di 12: 11 am

    I’m In! Yay!

  471. StacyC on Januari 3, 2012 di 12: 15 am

    I have a new DSLR (this is my first non-point and shoot camera) so this is the perfect challenge. I’ve used your actions for several months and love them. Thanks for hosting this great challenge.

  472. Lara on Januari 3, 2012 di 12: 24 am

    Looking forward to the challenge of project 12.

  473. inuman brandy on Januari 3, 2012 di 12: 44 am

    Gonna try this!

  474. Rachel Hughes on Januari 3, 2012 di 2: 10 am

    Looking forward to joining this project and developing my skills and getting inspiration from all fellow photographers. Thanks Jodi for putting on another exciting project. My new years resolution is to actually complete this one ;). Soon to be a mother of three under 4 I hope this will be more manageable.

  475. Serline on Januari 3, 2012 di 2: 46 am

    I’d love to participate again this year. Count me in!

  476. Ida Johnston on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 08 am

    Sounds like fun, think I will give it a try!

  477. jenni jones on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 46 am

    I’m in!! I am doing everything I can to improve my photography this year. Looking forward to it 🙂

  478. Aimee Junnila on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 30 am

    Watched this all last year and wanted to join but never had the time. will be making the time this year!

  479. Vicki on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 47 am

    This is the year I have resolved to improve my photography so here goes 🙂 Count me in!

  480. Jenni Sunda on Januari 3, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    I’m totally in!! I cannot wait! I’m actually going to be doing Project 365+1 (hopefully I can do it), but will be incorporating Project 12 into it!!! I cannot wait!

  481. Rayna Allin on Januari 3, 2012 di 11: 00 am

    I will be participating in the MCP P12 this year!

  482. Mia on Januari 3, 2012 di 11: 16 am

    I would love to participate. I hope to join in all months. thank you for hosting another community building project.

  483. Jackie Lawrence on Januari 3, 2012 di 12: 27 pm

    I would love to participate in Project 12!

  484. Cathy Cosby on Januari 3, 2012 di 1: 31 pm

    I have been looking for a challenge like this!! Looking forward to participating!

  485. TanyaR on Januari 3, 2012 di 1: 43 pm

    Love it, I am in!!!!!

  486. Anna on Januari 3, 2012 di 2: 16 pm

    I am in too.

  487. Valeria on Januari 3, 2012 di 3: 02 pm

    I am so in.

  488. Michele on Januari 3, 2012 di 3: 03 pm

    I’m doing a Project 365 and thinking one of those photos could be for MCP’s Project 12. 🙂

  489. Sandy Thelen on Januari 3, 2012 di 3: 08 pm

    This is project is just what I need!

  490. Christina Alston on Januari 3, 2012 di 3: 40 pm

    I’m so in! I really needed something to jumpstart my creativity this year!

  491. Linda D on Januari 3, 2012 di 4: 14 pm

    Grrreat! I’m in!

  492. iris on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 14 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  493. Christina Yates on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 16 pm

    I’m in! I am also starting my first 365+1 project this year. I think a theme every week (or month in this case) will help me stay on track. Thanks!

  494. Pam D on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 16 pm

    I resolve to keep up with Project 12 this year! 366.. pretty much impossible. 52? Next to impossible. 12? I really think I can…

  495. Stephanie Henderson Richards on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 16 pm

    Count me in as well

  496. Lynn on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 18 pm

    Sounds like fun. I’m in1

  497. Michael Colby on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 20 pm

    count me in. I need the practice and the discpline

  498. Michael Colby on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 20 pm

    i probably also need the spelling checker. I misspelled “discipline”

  499. Amanda Robinson on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Sounds fun, creative, and challenging…I’m in! 🙂

  500. Ashley Pugh on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  501. andulqa on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 23 pm

    i was just looking for some photo challenges for this year because one of my resolutions is to take more photographs 🙂 so count me in, looks like fun 🙂

  502. Desirí©e Dyck on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 23 pm

    I’m in (c:

  503. Julia Holding on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 24 pm

    Holding & Co. Photography will be participating 🙂

  504. Katrina Flaws on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 24 pm

    Sounds great! Count me in!

  505. Lori Vieth on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 25 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  506. Melinda on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 25 pm

    Yep – I’m in!

  507. Rebecca Morfeld on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 27 pm

    I’ll play! 🙂

  508. Jenny on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 31 pm

    How fun! I think I can handle once a month challenges. thank you so much for doing this!

  509. Celia on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 31 pm

    I will definitely be participating this year!

  510. Rachelle on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 34 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  511. Laura on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 37 pm

    This IS my NY resolution!! I will be joining!!

  512. Sandy B on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 39 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  513. Leslie on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 41 pm

    Count me in! How fun!

  514. Mishka on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 45 pm

    I am in again…

  515. Julie Stigall on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 47 pm

    Thank you for giving us all this opportunity! Brainstorming now on some what to capture! 🙂

  516. Kimberly on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 49 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  517. Jamie on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 50 pm

    Abdi lebet !!

  518. Kirsten on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 52 pm

    I can’t believe I’m adding another thing to my incredibly full plate…. but this is a “me” thing so it is okay! I AM IN!I’ll look forward to challenging myself!

  519. Jennifer on Januari 3, 2012 di 5: 55 pm

    I’m in, looking forward to it.

  520. Trish on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 07 pm

    I am excited to participate in the monthly challenge!

  521. marie myler on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 08 pm

    count me in…it sounds like challenging fun…

  522. Carly Clifford on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 08 pm

    Absolutely in. Looking forward ot this, its going to encourage me to get creative but not as time consuming as the 365/366 Project for some who still has a ‘day job’!

  523. Skye Ferguson on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 13 pm

    I’m in…will do my best as a newbie and also doing a 366 Project :)Skye

  524. Tommy on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 24 pm

    Ngarep-arep miluan.

  525. Bill Allen on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 24 pm


  526. Tavia McGrath on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 35 pm

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan!

  527. Alyson on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 35 pm

    Abdi lebet !!

  528. Adrienne on Januari 3, 2012 di 6: 38 pm

    Abdi di.

  529. Deidre T on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 15 pm

    I would like to give it a try!

  530. Allyson on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 19 pm

    Cacah kuring asup.

  531. shannon on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 26 pm

    I am in : )

  532. Louise Wilkins on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 37 pm

    First time I will have tried this. I’m in also! Look forward to the challenge and reason to get out and do some photography!

  533. Erica on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 42 pm

    Now, this is a manageable challenge. I’m in!

  534. Sommer on Januari 3, 2012 di 7: 46 pm

    This is exactly what I was looking for! A 52 project would be too involved for my busy schedule! Count me in!

  535. Carollyn on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 12 pm

    Sounds like fun…let’s do it!

  536. Patti Johnston on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 15 pm

    Look forward to participating as well as learning from others shots. Appreciate all that you do Jodi!Patti

  537. Cathy Goutierrez on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 17 pm

    I’m in, can’t wait from New Orleans

  538. Mélissa C on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 24 pm

    Since my resolution is to use my camera more, I’m in!

  539. Lonesome Road Studio on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 31 pm

    I agree with Sommer, 52 weeks is too involved but a monthly project theme sounds just right. I’d love to participate!

  540. Timothy M on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 39 pm

    This sounds like a fun challenge, I’m in…..

  541. Guy S on Januari 3, 2012 di 8: 58 pm

    Sounds fun – I’m interested in joining the fun!

  542. Brianna on Januari 3, 2012 di 9: 12 pm

    Sounds like a blast! I’m in! 🙂

  543. Daytripper Photograph on Januari 3, 2012 di 9: 17 pm

    I will be participating too. Thanks for such a fun project.

  544. Lyndsey on Januari 3, 2012 di 9: 31 pm

    I’m going to participate! Now, on to brainstorming :o)

  545. Shelbie B on Januari 3, 2012 di 9: 33 pm


  546. Robin D on Januari 3, 2012 di 10: 03 pm

    Looking forward to this years challenge. I really like the idea of Project 12 and I find the challenge will be very doable, as far as time, commitment and creativity are concerned.

  547. Lisa on Januari 3, 2012 di 10: 36 pm

    Cool. I’m in.

  548. amanda pén on Januari 3, 2012 di 10: 42 pm

    I’m in!! Here is to a great 2012 full of beautiful images!!

  549. Michelle on Januari 3, 2012 di 10: 47 pm

    Am game for this!Looking forward to an interesting 12 month collection! =)

  550. Julie Fiebig on Januari 3, 2012 di 11: 05 pm

    This is a great way to utilize the skills I recently learn! I’m in!

  551. M'echelle on Januari 3, 2012 di 11: 30 pm

    sounds like fun! i’m in!!

  552. Mechelle on Januari 3, 2012 di 11: 30 pm

    sounds like fun! i’m in!!

  553. Cheryl on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 04 am

    Abdi lebet!

  554. Cathy Cosby on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 17 am

    Teu sabar pikeun ngamimitian!

  555. Jeanette Verster on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 38 am

    Abdi lebet!

  556. Dione on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 07 am

    Sounds fun, I’m in!!

  557. Jaka on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 09 am

    I’m in! I’ve never participated in any type of photography challenge before, but I think this will be the perfect push for me to broaden my horizons! 🙂 Looking forward to the challenge.

  558. Meghan on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 10 am

    I’d like to participate

  559. Karen - The Sweetest Thing Photography on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 12 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung!

  560. Brooke on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 13 am

    I’m in.. can’t wait 😉

  561. Nathalie Seguin on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 14 am

    I just completed a project 365 for 2011.It was intense and a lot of work, but so much worth it. Posting photos once a month should be much easier. I’m in!

  562. Sheena on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 14 am

    Abdi lebet!

  563. catchawake on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 14 am

    Abdi lebet!

  564. Sara on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 15 am

    Teu sabar!

  565. Kym on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 15 am

    I’m in. Sounds like fun and will get me to use my camera more.

  566. Christy on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 16 am

    Sounds fun. I’m in!!!

  567. Sugar Mama on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 16 am

    I’m excited to participate… hopefully every month.

  568. Tracy Nelson on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 16 am

    ok…I’m jumping in! I’ve never signed up for a photo project…a little nervous, a little anxious, a lot curious and in need of a “push” 😀

  569. Saundra McClain on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 17 am

    Abdi lebet!

  570. Theresa Douma on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 17 am

    Sounds like a great challenge! I’ll try!

  571. Susie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 18 am

    Why not! I always need a kick in the butt to photograph for myself! Looking forward to it!

  572. Jake Laughlin on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 19 am

    Sounds like a great idea….I’ve been wanting to join something like this…so I’m in!!

  573. Tamara on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 19 am

    Sounds perfect!

  574. Kateri on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 19 am


  575. Rebecca on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 19 am

    This will be my first photo project, and I’m super excited! Count me in!

  576. Jheri on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 20 am

    Sounds fun, I’m in

  577. Monica Dyer on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    Abdi lebet!

  578. Rene' Westbrook on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    I love this idea… I am going to “resolve” to do this… With my schedule it will be a stretch,, but I am in!!

  579. Amy McGill on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    Sounds fun!! I’m in!

  580. Anne-Marie Wiley on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    Hurung kawas senang! Abdi lebet!

  581. Mike Sadikin on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    Sounds great, I’m in.

  582. Connie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 23 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  583. Yvette on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 24 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  584. Richard Hookway on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 24 am

    Abdi lebet!

  585. Summer Osborn on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    Sounds like fun! I’m in as well!

  586. Linda on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    Hi. One of my goals for this year is to improve my photography skills, this project will be just what I need to get going. Thanks! Off to find January’s theme now.

  587. Andy Barlow on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    Abdi lebet

  588. nicole sheffield on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 27 am

    I am in! I like this one because it is on a monthly basis…more realistic for me than the 52 week challenge! Thanks for being an inspiration for all of us!

  589. Dianna Gabbana on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 27 am

    I’m In!! My New Years Resolution is to work on nailing exposure and editing so this will help get me started! Thank you! :o)

  590. Steve Circeo on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 28 am

    Why not? I’m in. (Okay, that doesn’t sound too enthusiastic, but I will work toward enthusiasm after coffee.)

  591. Julie McCollum on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Count me in :)

  592. Amanda S. on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Abdi lebet!

  593. Julia on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Abdi lebet!

  594. Elena on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Great!! I’m in

  595. Lisa Edney on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Abdi lebet!

  596. ktjo on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    I am intrigued. I am in!

  597. Kelley on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    What a fantastic way to take on the new year… a perfect challenge to becoming a more creative photographer! I’m in!

  598. Jodi on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 30 am

    Abdi di!

  599. Maggie W on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 30 am

    This sounds manageable because it’s only 12 instead of 52. I can do this! I’m in!

  600. Dallas Shultz on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 30 am

    Abdi lebet!

  601. mélor on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    I’m in! This is my resolution!

  602. Stephanie Mize on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    Count me in! Looking forward to it!

  603. Amanda Kerr on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    Excited! I am in!!

  604. Darla Whisenand on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 32 am

    First time doing one of these. Sounds fun! Count me in!

  605. Robin on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 32 am

    Sounds fun….I’m in!

  606. Nichole Farley on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 32 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  607. Danny Dillard on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 33 am

    I’m in for 2012

  608. Cindy Conner on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 33 am

    Would love to participate. Maybe this will get juices flowing this new year. Thanks for the opportunity.

  609. Carrie Derrick on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    Sign me up! I look forward to the monthly projects!

  610. Julie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan gabung!

  611. karen d'amico on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    Count me in…

  612. Amy Aula on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    Abdi di!

  613. tru on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 34 am

    sounds like a good planjust started a 365having a direction will hopefully help me stick through it=)

  614. Pamela Crouse on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 35 am

    I think I will try this!

  615. Kristus on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 36 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  616. Melissa Parker on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 36 am

    I will be joining in Project 12.

  617. Linda on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 36 am

    I’ll be particiipating…..I need the boost!

  618. Jackie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 37 am

    Abdi lebet!

  619. audreay on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 38 am

    I would love to get involved in this! Thanks 🙂

  620. Holli Craven on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 39 am

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this project! Can’t wait to get started!

  621. Isabella on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 39 am

    I am happy to join Project 2012!! Looking forward to a year of learning and growing in the art of photography!

  622. Denise on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 40 am

    Im in…not sure how good I will be at this but I do enjoy challenges!

  623. Wendy Pierce on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 41 am

    Abdi lebet!

  624. J. Cheryl on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 41 am

    Abdi lebet!

  625. Cirkeline Arnvig on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 42 am

    I would love to join the contest!

  626. Kristina on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 43 am

    I’ll be participating.. anxious to expand my creativity in news ways!

  627. Britt on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    I am looking forward to the project!

  628. Charlene on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    I’m really going to do it this year. I’m going to do the monthly and maybe some weeks here and there. Now I gotta start thinking about my first picture!

  629. jody wicker on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    sounds like fun, looking forward to it:)

  630. tatangkalan nu ngarambat on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    I’m in! Started project 52 last year, and fell off mid-year. I think I can finish this one!

  631. Lisa Weingardt on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 45 am

    I am really excited about this. It is exactly what I am needing!

  632. Nakia Syree on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 45 am

    Gonna do it!

  633. PatriciaD on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 45 am

    I’ll join in. I do have a question. Do we get an email each month as a reminder or do we need to check back each month for the topic on our own?

    • TLHarwick on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 23 pm

      Patricia, Jodi may send out an email (will have to follow up with her on that); but keep your eyes peeled because the new theme will be posted here on the blog on the 1st of each month!TrishProject 12 Team Leader

  634. selvam on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 46 am

    Abdi lebet !!!

  635. Athena Fox on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 46 am

    I am looking forward to participating in PROJECT 12! Thanks for the inspiration!

  636. Caty Adam on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 46 am

    How exciting! I would love to join Project 12, I’m looking forward to the extra creativity and can always use more inspiration.

  637. Katie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    I’m in, but might not submit any photos until after our March wedding!

  638. Suzanne Baumruk on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung!

  639. mori on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    Looking forward to this. I need to get my groove back!

  640. Nicole on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    I would love to participate. I hope to get back into it again! Maybe get the right inspiration!

  641. Jayme L. on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 49 am

    I’m going to try my best to participate every month!

  642. Angela on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 50 am

    Since my resolution is to take more and better photos, I would love to participate in this. Thanks!

  643. Joey on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 50 am

    I’m in…love to grow and be inspired!

  644. Girimis C. on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 51 am

    I’m in too.Are there any app plans in MCP future? I would love using my iPad to view and participate.

  645. Allen Welsch on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 51 am

    I’m in, can’t wait to get started.

  646. Tracy Joy on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 53 am

    I think I’m gonna join in this year… I always feel left out of the good fun you have over here… plus, its a great way for me to get more creative <3 Thanks Jodi!!!~Tracy Joy

  647. Betania on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 53 am

    Abdi lebet!

  648. Ewa W. on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 54 am

    I’m in for the project

  649. Marla Lundborg on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 54 am

    Can’t Wait, I will be joining in on the fun!!

  650. Zaida Rios on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I’m thinking this is going to be great!

  651. Cathy on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    Abdi ogé!

  652. Brooke Chapman on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I will be joining! I need to stay inspired. Thanks for the opportunity!

  653. Misti Nixon on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I would love to participate I P12 🙂 can’t wait to come up with some cool ideas!!!

  654. Tracy on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 56 am

    I am going to try this out-hope I don’t forget about it! great idea, thanks for opening it up to anyone:)

  655. Bruce McCarty on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 57 am

    like to join in!

  656. Teresa on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 58 am

    I am in..I need to get motivated.

  657. Trisha Hughes on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 59 am

    Excited to join this awesome opportunity!

  658. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 59 am

    will be joining!

  659. Robyn on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 00 am

    I’m gonna give it a shot! (pun not originally intended)

  660. Yolanda on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 00 am

    Can’t wait to get started!!

  661. damar nu jadi kaya batu on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 01 am

    I’d like to add in on this years photo challenges. Thanks!

  662. Carla on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 02 am

    Sounds like a perfect project! I love the idea of only 12 themes. Seems super doable! Thanks for the inspiration!

  663. Mélissa H on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    Kedah pikaresepeun!

  664. Lesley on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    Abdi lebet !!!

  665. chasity on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    this sounds like the perfect plan to keep my creativity going through the year. thanks! looking forward to it!

  666. persatuan on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 07 am

    let’s do it!

  667. AKo on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 08 am

    Count me in! This is just perfect. I really look forward to it!

  668. Jen Stafford on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 12 am

    I think this is something I can actually do. I get overwhelmed with the projects that are every week or every day, and I give up! Count me in!!

  669. Amy Bennion Photography on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 14 am

    I would love to join the fun of project 12! Let’s get creative!

  670. Laura Parente on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 17 am

    Should be FUN !!!!!

  671. shan Martin on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 18 am

    Abdi lebet!

  672. Shannon Atkins on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 18 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  673. Shana Martin on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 19 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  674. Julie Lewis on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 20 am

    Abdi lebet!

  675. Danah on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 20 am

    Abdi lebet

  676. Melissa Helm on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 21 am

    Would love to participate and see the different interpretations!

  677. Erin on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 23 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  678. Briana on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    Abdi lebet!

  679. Sarai Schuk on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    I would like to join…quite a newbie, but I think it’ll help in getting some creative ideas. 🙂

  680. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    I’m gonna play along when I can!!

  681. Valerie on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 28 am

    I am joining in. I think this is just the challenge I need to improve my camera skills. Valerie

  682. Nyésa on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 28 am

    Sounds fun! I’ll give it a try 🙂

  683. Kasandra on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 30 am

    i LOVE projects! count me in 🙂

  684. Emily on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 31 am

    I’m definitely in

  685. Cathy on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    I’m excited to participate in this photo adventure.

  686. jessica Smith on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    I am going to join this year! Time to get my creative juices flowing 🙂

  687. ASPalmer on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 33 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  688. Lisa Sabo on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    I will be participating and look forward to getting some great ideas and inspiration.

  689. Shayna Hardy on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    Sounds great! I’m in!Thank you!

  690. Karen Sommers on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    No matter what level of Professional you are I believe there’s always room for improvement 😀 Would love to participate!

  691. Traci on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    I would love to try this!!

  692. Robin on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 35 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung.

  693. Pam on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 36 am

    Would love to participate! Thanks for the opportunity!

  694. Rodaba Jackson on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 37 am

    I would love to join!:-)

  695. Aprirl Saunders on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 37 am

    I would love to give this a try. Thank you for encouraging us to improve in our photographic efforts. Count me in! Now I just need to figure out what you mean by resolution.

  696. Karen on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 38 am

    Sounds like fun. I’m ready to take part.

  697. Laura on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 38 am

    Yes this sounds ideal and much easier than a 365 project!

  698. Carolyn Conley on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 39 am

    This is a great way to get involved with a photography community and receive feedback. I will be joining in on project 12.

  699. Diana on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 40 am

    Abdi lebet !!!!

  700. Janet Phillips on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 41 am

    I’m in….I think I can do at least 12 photos!

  701. Sarai Schuk on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    Even though I’m a total newbie, I’d love to try. 🙂

  702. Sandra Toler on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    I am excited to join this project!!

  703. trish fove on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    Count me in !!!!

  704. Cindy on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    I’m in! Woot!

  705. Allison Hughart on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 45 am

    I will be participating! EEK! I’m excited!

  706. Vanessa on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 45 am

    I’m in! Sounds fun!

  707. Bet (SpiffySnaps Fotografi) on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 46 am

    I’m in! Sounds fun!

  708. trish on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 47 am

    So what’s the first theme anyone ??

  709. Jen Cox on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 49 am

    I’m in. This sounds fun and challenging!

  710. Katherine Bley on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 51 am


  711. Erin on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 51 am

    Joining in the fun this year and looking forward to some inspiration! 🙂

  712. Tina on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 53 am

    I am really excited about these challenges. I am a new photographer, my kids are grown and now I have a new camera and some time. Here I go.

  713. Karen Edwards on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 54 am

    I would love to participate in this! Thank you!

  714. Rosie@leavesnbloom on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 54 am

    Oh how I’ll enjoy a monthly theme rather than a weekly one – fits in perfectly this year with my schedule. Looking forward to meeting a whole new bunch of photographers to be inspired from!

  715. Amanda Mae Lauchu on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 56 am

    I’m In!

  716. Mandy Jo on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 56 am

    Since this was one of my resolutions… I’m in!!

  717. Charlotte on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    looking forward to participating!

  718. Barbara h on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    I would LOVE to participate and broaden my skills!!

  719. Harrington Project on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    COOL! I am in!

  720. Pam M on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    think I’m going to give this a whirl 🙂

  721. Joy Taylor on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 59 am

    I will give it a try.

  722. RaNae Derico on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 59 am

    Abdi lebet !! 🙂

  723. Susan P on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 00 am

    I would like to participate. I’m not sure I can do it, but sign me up and I will try.

  724. naros on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 01 am

    I managed most of MCP Project 52 so MCP Project 12 should be easy! Said with a big grin on my face.

  725. Jessica V. on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 02 am

    Count me in 🙂 Sounds like fun!!

  726. JoAnn on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 02 am

    Abdi lebet!

  727. Muriel on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 02 am

    Abdi di!

  728. Shannon on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 02 am

    Let’s do this! I’m in!

  729. AtlantaTracy on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 04 am

    So excited! I am in!!

  730. Jennifer on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 06 am

    Oh, I’m definitely in! Woo to the hoo! 🙂

  731. Karena Dixon on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 10 am

    Excited for the challenge!

  732. Bet H. on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 11 am

    I totally failed the weekly one last year – I think I can manage the monthly one! Sounds like fun! 🙂

  733. Linda Rose on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 12 am

    I am all in!

  734. Leah Nicole on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 12 am

    I’m in! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  735. Ozge on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 15 am

    I”m in 🙂

  736. C. Vandenberg on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 16 am

    I’d like to try this …..

  737. Trisha Spencer on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 17 am

    This sounds fun and challenging…I’m in!

  738. Marcee on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 22 am

    Abdi lebet!

  739. Lisa S. on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 22 am

    I am so excited! I am super new to this hobby and would love to join.

  740. Michelle on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 25 am

    I can do 12 for sure! I’m in!

  741. Serisha on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 27 am

    abdi di

  742. Antonio on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 28 am

    Abdi di!

  743. ElaineM on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 30 am

    Improving my photo skills is at the top of my bucket list for this year. Looking forward to these challenges.

  744. Olga B on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 32 am

    Abdi lebet !!!

  745. Shelly on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 33 am

    I haven’t participated in one of these projects yet. I would like to give it a try. Thanks!

  746. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 36 am

    P12 sounds doable. I’m in!

  747. Quincey Trentham on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 37 am

    I would LOVE to join!

  748. Kathryn on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 37 am

    I am so excited about this! I am already doing a personal project for the year, and this will be easy to incorporate! I am going to go for participating each month!

  749. loba keusikna on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 37 am

    I have not participated in a challenge like this before, so now is a good time to start. Time to challenge myself!

  750. dori on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 41 am

    I’m in I think

  751. Stephanie on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 43 am

    I am in! Excited and up for a new challenge!

  752. Michelle Corbo on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 45 am

    Abdi lebet!

  753. Meagan on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 45 am

    This seems right up my alley! Excited to share!

  754. Sonya on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 45 am

    Love that it’s a monthly challenge rather than weekly. I’m definitely in.

  755. Brittany on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 48 am

    This is going to be something new and challenging for me and I’m so excited to give it a try! I know it will help me grow in my skills!Thanks!

  756. Lillian Hoyt on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 49 am

    I’m in for the monthly challenge!

  757. Katrina on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 52 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  758. cathy miller on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    Sounds like fun…..I’m in.

  759. Nicki on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    I really need this challenge. I am feeling very burnt out with photography and would love something that would reignite the passion. I think this might just do it 🙂

  760. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 54 am

    Looking forward to the monthly challenge!

  761. Diane on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 55 am

    This is just what I need this year – practice and some good cc.Looking forward to participating.

  762. Dustin on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 57 am

    Abdi lebet.

  763. Jamie Keenan on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 00 pm

    Teu sabar !!

  764. Shari C on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 01 pm

    Sounds like fun! I’m in!

  765. Jeramie Ritchie on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 03 pm

    I am going to try this! One per month sounds awesome to me!

  766. sunda on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 03 pm

    OK, I am in. You got me to participate in something!

  767. Karen Giron on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 04 pm

    I would LOVE to give this a try. I attempted the P365 last year and got so burnt out, so this sounds much more reasonable. Thank you for the inspiration!

  768. Barbara Fraine on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 05 pm

    This is what I need to help keep me focused and give me feed back to improve my love of photography.

  769. maggie on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 06 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  770. Rachelle Morehead on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 07 pm

    Sounds like fun, I’m in!

  771. Gary on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 15 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  772. Tiffany on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 17 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  773. Mary Frey on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 18 pm

    Im In!

  774. Alexa on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 19 pm

    Yay this should be fun. I would like to join.

  775. Sarah on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 20 pm

    This sounds fabulous- very realistic too. Thanks!

  776. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 23 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  777. Kathryn on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 24 pm

    I’m in – super excited!!!

  778. jackie purdy on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 29 pm

    Abdi di 🙂

  779. Terra on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 30 pm

    Abdi hoyong nyobian!

  780. Kristal (momaziggy) on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 31 pm

    I’m almost finished with my 365 and have no desire to do that again. So much in fact I didn’t even want to do a 52. So this is PERFECT. The 365 kind of killed my mojo the last few months and made me not want to shoot and then just snap a quick whatever shot to get it over with. So I’m excited to try this. Thanks rock. Hope you guys had a wonderful Holiday Season! 🙂

  781. Gen Males on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 37 pm

    Sounds great! I’m in!

  782. Neng Geulis on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 39 pm

    I want to play…I’ve never done a project like this. Very excited!

  783. Pam on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 40 pm

    I’m in. I participated sporadically in last years challenge, hope to do better this year!

  784. samah on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 41 pm

    I am joining in. I am ready to learn all I can. 🙂

  785. Tami on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 41 pm

    This sounds perfect for me. Excited!:)

  786. Lisa Lombardo on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 43 pm

    Abdi bakal aya didinya.

  787. Jenneen on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 46 pm

    I would love to participate 🙂

  788. Tamara on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 46 pm

    I haven’t done anything like this since college. This should be fun and enlightening, I’m in!

  789. iris on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 47 pm

    I would love to try it! I also In

  790. darci on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 49 pm

    I’m going to try this!

  791. Pix-Ology on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 50 pm

    Ieu hurung pikaresepeun, cacah kuring!

  792. Shawna Elkins on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 51 pm

    I’m in, just started a new photography blog! Sounds Great!

  793. Fajar W. on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    I have been needing something to spur me on and this looks like just the thing. Count me in!

  794. iris on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    I would love to try it…count me in!

  795. Rebecca on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    I would love to try this this year=)

  796. sophia young on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 56 pm

    i would love to be pushed to be creative!!

  797. samah on Januari 4, 2012 di 12: 57 pm

    This sounds like a great idea.

  798. Erika Parker on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 00 pm

    I’m in too!!

  799. Kristi Barragan on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 08 pm

    I want to do some! 🙂

  800. Val on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 10 pm

    I am looking forward to this!!!!

  801. Marilyn Wallace on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 11 pm

    Well, I an going to bite this bullet and do some practicing of creative photo making. I need the incentive and motivation. Off to find out how to do a “resolution” photo.

  802. Trisha trigg on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    I’m in. Something i’ve wanted to do for a long time.

  803. Marilyn Wallace on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    Well, I am going to bite this bullet and do some practicing of creative photo making. I need the incentive and motivation. Off to find out how to do a “resolution” photo.

  804. amanda C on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    I want to participate.

  805. Lyn on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 22 pm

    I am excited to join…..would love to do all 12!

  806. Vladimir on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 23 pm

    Sounds nice. I’m in

  807. Saurabh Jaiswal on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 23 pm

    Would love to participate.

  808. Donna M. on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 24 pm

    Hi, folks… I’m in! Looking forward to the assignment for January.

  809. PATSY on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 24 pm

    I will be joining the Project 12 effort! Thanks for offering the challenge.

  810. Jibril Conover on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 27 pm

    Abdi lebet

  811. Kathi on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 28 pm

    Gonna give it a go !!

  812. Heidi on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 28 pm

    Never done something like this before. Looking forward to it!

  813. Tammy Hudson on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 29 pm

    I’m in! Looks like fun!

  814. Hermaine on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 29 pm

    Sounds good…count me in!!

  815. Kimberly Chek on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 33 pm

    Would LOVE to!

  816. April on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 39 pm

    I’m so in! Let the creativity juices flow!

  817. Jana Falsetta on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 42 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  818. Lindsay on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 46 pm


  819. Debi Robarts on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 46 pm

    I’m doing a project 366, and will try to incorporate the monthly challenge into it! 🙂

  820. Tracy Kaichi on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 46 pm

    Im not a professional (yet, it’s my goal this year) is it alright it I try this?

  821. Lindsay Gardner on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 46 pm

    Im IN!~

  822. luann bailey on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 54 pm

    I will participate for the first time! Shoots- i’ll give it a try! I’m always up to learn and grow as a photographer.

  823. Sabreena K on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 55 pm

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung!

  824. London Stokes on Januari 4, 2012 di 1: 56 pm

    Sora pikaresepeun! Abdi lebet!

  825. Jennifer on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 00 pm

    Yay I’m in! I’m so excited!!

  826. Nikki on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 00 pm

    Abdi di 🙂

  827. Harold Dunn on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 00 pm

    I would loe the participate in 12.

  828. Bet on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 02 pm

    I’m SO in!! Thanks, Jodi! : ) xoxo

  829. Rachelle on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 02 pm

    I am hoping to participate 🙂

  830. Paige Donahoe on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 07 pm

    I can do this – sounds fun =)

  831. Gillian N. on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 16 pm

    Going to give it a try! Thank you for the chance!

  832. Le Boudoir Gourmand on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 18 pm

    Count me in ! 🙂

  833. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 30 pm

    I am going to try to do this.

  834. Michele Barnes on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 30 pm

    I am excited to join in the Project 12.

  835. Jane on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 30 pm

    Well, I would like to participate…hopefully I will be able to stick with it!

  836. Holly on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 32 pm

    I would love to be a part of this!

  837. Ulla Hauer on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 35 pm

    I will like to join!

  838. Kaylene on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 37 pm

    Looks like an interesting challenge I will participate

  839. Deborah McCoo on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 40 pm

    Me Me Me! It sounds doable!

  840. Carrie on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 40 pm

    hurung kawas senang!

  841. Dennis Park on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 42 pm

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan!

  842. Alecia on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 44 pm

    I am in. Let’s go.

  843. Carole Paris on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 44 pm

    Love it, I’m in!

  844. Jared on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    Great way to help me stay motivated to get off of auto, and keep me taking pictures!

  845. Sherri on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 50 pm

    Sounds fun! I can’t wait to start! Thanks!!!!

  846. dana d on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 51 pm

    Joining…hesitantly, but excitedly too. 🙂

  847. Anne on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 56 pm

    I’d like to give it a try too!

  848. Risa Johnson on Januari 4, 2012 di 2: 59 pm

    I would love to join in. One of my resolutions was to do a year long photography project so you just helped me get started. Thank you.

  849. Maggie V. on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 04 pm

    I would like to try this, a little constructive input and possible recognition would be nice.

  850. Judith on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 07 pm

    I am joining!!! This is going to be great.

  851. Ruth on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 08 pm

    I will give it a shot. Sounds like fun.

  852. shaleah on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 09 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  853. Nathan on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 13 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  854. Meg di Anggota Ruangan on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 24 pm

    I loved the MCP 52 project; I’m looking forward to using the monthly theme to be even more creative!

  855. Gonzalo on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 29 pm

    Abdi lebet! 🙂

  856. Erin child's on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 29 pm

    Definitely in!!!

  857. zennie on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 36 pm

    would love to join project12. awesome idea.

  858. Brenda on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 43 pm


  859. Dulce on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 48 pm

    Please, include me 🙂

  860. Cody Hogden on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 51 pm

    I’m in:D

  861. melati on Januari 4, 2012 di 3: 57 pm

    Im in!! I’m struggling with just the daily ones but month I def can do!!

  862. sabrena on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 00 pm

    I would love to participate! I always need new photography challenges!

  863. Suzanne on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 01 pm

    My resolution is to try hard to participate each month!

  864. Lourdes Manners on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 01 pm

    I’m in I can do this. Thanks for the opportunity.

  865. Gina on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 04 pm

    I’d like to take part. I hope I get further than I did last year!

  866. Jackie on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 12 pm

    I’ve been looking for a project like this…can’t wait to get started!

  867. Melissa on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 14 pm

    Would love to participate!

  868. Mary on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 15 pm

    This is new for me but would like to give it a try.

  869. Michelle on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 21 pm

    I’m making one of my resolutions right now! I’m going to create at lease ONE photograph per day, place in an album and at the end of the year, look through all the photographs and reminisce about 2012 🙂 I’m in..MCP Project 2012!

  870. Diane on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 26 pm

    I would love to try this.. knew there was no way I would ever keep up the commitment to 365, but this sounds just what I need.. Thanks Jodi..

  871. Jessica Fowler on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 26 pm

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan!

  872. Jessi on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 28 pm

    I am in! Yay!

  873. Lisa Della Bella on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 29 pm

    Thanks for doing this! I need to challenge myself and keep improving my photography! I’ll be joining in…

  874. Melissa Rydjeski on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 36 pm

    I’d like to join in. It will be fun to stretch as we interpret these prompts.

  875. Lauren on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 38 pm

    definitely one of my resolutions! I will be joining in 🙂

  876. Jen @ Dunya Lita on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 48 pm

    How FUN!! I’m going to participate…can’t wait!

  877. Jalexa on Januari 4, 2012 di 4: 50 pm

    I’m in! This sounds like fun and a great boost for creativity.

  878. Cindy W on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 03 pm

    Going to give it a whirl. . . .

  879. Anna Guzman on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 15 pm

    I am in. Would love the feedback.

  880. Julie Ann on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 18 pm

    I hope to participate too! xoxo

  881. Laurie Ambrose on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  882. Caterina Layc on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  883. Missy on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 34 pm

    I’m gonna do it!

  884. cindy on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 35 pm

    count me in! thanks!

  885. limutan on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 37 pm

    Abdi asup ogé!

  886. Rachel Crick on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 39 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  887. Maureen on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 43 pm

    I’d like to join (she says with shy trepidation)

  888. Melissa Dickie on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 52 pm

    I love the idea 🙂

  889. Jenni on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 52 pm

    Abdi di 🙂

  890. Bill MacFarlane on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 56 pm

    Great idea, I`m in!

  891. jackie on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 56 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  892. Debbie on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 58 pm

    Now or never, Im in!!

  893. Deborah on Januari 4, 2012 di 5: 58 pm

    I’m totally in!

  894. Stacy Jinkins on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 01 pm

    Kuring bakal ilubiung!

  895. Sylvia on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 08 pm

    I’m in too!………………..wait…oh, my gosh, what have I done:)

  896. Sabrina on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 30 pm

    Count me in and excited!

  897. Sarah Scheidler on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 44 pm

    ADD ME!!! Can’t wait!

  898. Sharon on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 47 pm

    I am going to give this my best shot!Looking forward to it! Thanks

  899. Shelly on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 50 pm

    I’ve been wanting to do something like this… thanks for the challenge!!

  900. Kisha on Januari 4, 2012 di 6: 56 pm

    I am in! I missed last years due to many surgeries but not this year!! I can’t wait to learn and grow with you all!

  901. Jocelyn K. on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 01 pm

    I would love to participate this year! 😀

  902. Tiff on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 07 pm

    I’m in. I’ll try to keep up. looking forward to any advice

  903. Asha on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 09 pm

    I need more challenges, I’m in!

  904. Lisa J. on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 12 pm

    I am *so* in!! Thanks girls!

  905. Paula on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 16 pm

    I’d love to join Thanks for the inspiration

  906. Témbal O. on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 18 pm

    I would like to participate in the monthly challenges!

  907. Tanya on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 19 pm

    Right, I’m in too.

  908. Erika on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 23 pm

    Hurung kawas senang! Abdi lebet!

  909. Briony on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 39 pm

    I am a mumma of 6 beautiful children and I am on the way to becoming a full time photographer.3 children at school and Triplets are at home so until they are ready to hit school it is home study for me “_ I would love to participate”_

  910. Sarah on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    The push I need… Will be giving it my best ‘shot’ 🙂

  911. Rae on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 47 pm

    Love having some motivation to capture inspiring photos

  912. SusanS on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 47 pm

    After 4 years, I really need to make friends with my camera.

  913. Rae on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 55 pm

    This should be a good way to improve my skills. Looking forward to this.

  914. saundra urbacke on Januari 4, 2012 di 7: 55 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  915. Brittany Rice on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 00 pm

    Yes! Sounds like a great idea!

  916. Cristal on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 05 pm

    Kuring nepi ka dinya!

  917. Tonia W. on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 19 pm

    I’m in also ..

  918. Aom on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 39 pm

    Count me in. Might be just the motivation I need to get back into photography.

  919. Mei on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 43 pm

    I’m willing to participate.

  920. Tracy Thomas on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 45 pm

    Love the idea. Count me in!

  921. Debi S on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 52 pm

    The only way to grow is to step out of your comfort zone. I’m in!

  922. Kelli on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 53 pm

    Looking forward to a creative goal!

  923. Lyndsay on Januari 4, 2012 di 8: 56 pm

    Sounds fun! Count me in.

  924. Rebecca on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 04 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  925. Kari Clark on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 11 pm

    I would love to join in. 🙂

  926. jeanett on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 17 pm

    Count me in! I look forward to this!

  927. Katie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 28 pm

    I am game. I can always use the practice to refine my art form.

  928. Mooshie on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 28 pm

    Sounds interesting. Count me in.

  929. ADELE on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 38 pm

    CINTA ieu!

  930. Michelle Cryns on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 42 pm

    I’m in :o)

  931. Diane on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 52 pm

    I’m in! This project is one of my resolutions!

  932. Amanda Mae on Januari 4, 2012 di 9: 53 pm

    I’m in! This will be so much fun!!

  933. Emily Dobson on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 06 pm

    Sounds like fun. Count me in!

  934. on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 09 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  935. andrea young on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 23 pm

    I am in…

  936. Jeannie on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 31 pm

    Can’t wait! Sign me up!

  937. Natalie O'Neill on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 38 pm

    Please add me. Thanks.

  938. Tara Reiners on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 39 pm

    Excited to give it a go! I am definitely in ; )

  939. Kayla on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 40 pm

    I’ve never done one of these before. I really like that it’s a monthly thing rather than weekly. I’m hoping to be more dedicated to learning my camera and photoshop as my kids are getting a wee bit older and I might have a little more time to focus on it. Thanks for the opportunity!

  940. Rhonda Lawley on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 42 pm

    Add me, please

  941. Hilary on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 50 pm

    I’l be joining in!

  942. nagara on Januari 4, 2012 di 10: 59 pm

    I am in! Yeah!

  943. Linda McGregor on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 01 pm

    I’m in. Hope I can keep up!

  944. pikagumbiraeun on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 21 pm

    Will try! does it matter if I have a crap camera, I do intend to upgrade when I have the money.

    • TLHarwick on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 53 pm

      Joy, All cameras are welcome! Even those “not so great” cameras can take amazing shots (and every photo is worth its weight in gold in memories!) Glad you will be joining us!Trish Project 12Team Leader

  945. Erica on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 27 pm

    I’m going to go for it! I’m excited to try out my new lens when it gets here.

  946. Cindy Oleszkowicz on Januari 4, 2012 di 11: 52 pm

    Count me in! Can’t wait!

  947. Art Chavez on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 01 am

    I’ll be joining

  948. Carla Bornhoft on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 10 am

    Add me! This is so fun!

  949. Danielle Barlow on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 11 am

    I’m in! Looking for more inspiration and motivation these days.

  950. Konya on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 14 am

    I would like to participate this year!

  951. Ladda on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 20 am

    Count me in!! Look forward to giving it a shot!!

  952. Sharon B on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 23 am

    I look forward to this project for 2012. I’m in!

  953. Brooke from Maine on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 47 am

    I would like to participate. 🙂

  954. Michael on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 50 am

    A bit time poor lately but will give it a go

  955. judie on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 04 am

    Im in!! Yay

  956. Dianne - Jalur Bunny on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 10 am

    I think I will give it a shot (no pun intended). I like the idea of one theme per month.

  957. jazz on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 23 am

    Abdi lebet!

  958. Jaymie on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 38 am

    Looking forward to the challenge! I’ll try too!

  959. TwinMama on Januari 5, 2012 di 2: 09 am

    This year I’m working to improve on all areas of my life and photography being one of them, so I’m in! 🙂 Hoping to learn some new tips and tricks.

  960. Kristin on Januari 5, 2012 di 2: 11 am

    I love a challenge in the new year – sing me up ;)Kristin

  961. jade on Januari 5, 2012 di 4: 36 am

    I would love the chance to participate and improve my photography skills in all areas!

  962. Lucia Ferrer on Januari 5, 2012 di 4: 39 am

    Add me to the quiz!!!

  963. témbal on Januari 5, 2012 di 4: 55 am

    Planning on it

  964. Nikki Eaton on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 02 am

    Going to give it a go!

  965. Tammy on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 24 am

    Looking forward to the project. Count me in.

  966. Muriel on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 30 am

    I’ll try this year, please add me !

  967. Nancy on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 37 am

    Please include me in Project 12. Thank you, Nancy

  968. Belinda Spark on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 41 am

    Sounds awesome…I am in! Cant wait to see everyone images. Bel xox

  969. Kahayang on Januari 5, 2012 di 6: 19 am

    I’m going to try to make it a point to take part in this…I need some fun reasons to get better acquainted with my camera, and this seems like an amazing way to do it!

  970. Wendy Hreha on Januari 5, 2012 di 6: 52 am

    Looking forward to doing this.. hoping to see a big improvement in my photography as the year progresses =) Yay and this year I get my new camera and Photoshop =)

  971. Angela on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 16 am

    I would love to tackle this challenge ~ add me to the team please.XX A

  972. Laura on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 50 am

    Am i the only one having issues getting my image to upload? I keep getting directed to a linky blog…? I was hoping this would be a simple upload but there seems to be a lot of faff involved?!

  973. Angela Garrett on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 14 am

    I’m joining. Thanks!

  974. Deeapaulitan on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 18 am

    I’m going to try. Thanks for the challenge/opportunity.

  975. Aminda on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 33 am

    I will be participating this year!

  976. Lori Smith on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 43 am

    I love this, perfect way for me to participate, count me in!

  977. Casey Lynn on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 44 am

    I would like to be added please

  978. Valerie on Januari 5, 2012 di 9: 50 am

    ADD ME!

  979. Kayte on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 05 am

    Can’t wait to start shooting! Add me!

  980. marcelene on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 14 am

    Count me in too, please.

  981. Lucy McCullough on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 21 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  982. Tina on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 23 am

    I’m going to give it a shot. Please add me!

  983. Monica Armstrong on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 23 am

    Definitely worth a shot; thank you. Please sign me up.

  984. Patricia Camillo on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 29 am

    I’m in!! This is great!

  985. cate waters on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    im nervous, but im in!

  986. Sarah Freel on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 39 am

    I’m excited to participate!

  987. Niki Bauer on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 54 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  988. Jillian McDermott on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 55 am

    I would love to be apart of this!

  989. Lynda on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 03 am

    This sounds like a great way to connect and get feedback to improve my skills! Please add me.Thank you!

  990. Kara Snider on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 13 am

    Abdi lebet!

  991. Tiffany Z. on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 40 am

    I’m in! So excited:)

  992. Ucing on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 01 pm

    I would love to do this!! The monthly idea is great because I’ll be much less likely to procrastinate than if it were weekly. How fun – this is my first project!!

  993. Lisa Florio on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 10 pm

    Please include me in the MCP Project 12. I love a challenge.

  994. Helikopter on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 23 pm

    This sounds like fun, I’m in!

  995. KrisDan on Januari 5, 2012 di 12: 25 pm

    Would love to try this!

  996. Daisy Gamboa on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    Add me! Will be joining!

  997. maryTphotography on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 45 pm

    Can’t wait to participate. I need the practice and the feedback.

  998. Kim on Januari 5, 2012 di 1: 54 pm

    I am gonna go for it! Time to get started….

  999. Julie Apichino on Januari 5, 2012 di 2: 45 pm

    I am going to take a shot at it this year! very excited!

  1000. Zoí‚ on Januari 5, 2012 di 2: 55 pm

    Yes please I would like to join in the fun!

  1001. Seeley on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 11 pm

    Abdi di.

  1002. Dana Schaeffer Stavana on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 23 pm

    ohhhh! Me Me Me! Add me!

  1003. Jennifer Morse on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 24 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1004. Cate aka absolutartist1 on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 28 pm

    Sounds like fun, and I’ve been looking for something to jump-start my creativity and/or blogging again! This might just do both. 🙂

  1005. Karen on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 47 pm

    Would love to join, sounds fun!

  1006. Kasey Gary on Januari 5, 2012 di 3: 51 pm

    I’ll try it!! Wish me luck!

  1007. Mélonie on Januari 5, 2012 di 4: 15 pm

    I’m in 🙂 This will be my first photo challenge!

    • Melinda Green Harvey on Januari 12, 2012 di 4: 31 pm

      Welcome to the world of photo challenges! We are happy that you’ve decided to join us and look forward to seeing your work. I think you will be please by how much you can learn by participating in the project.Melinda Green HarveyMCP Project 12 Team Leader

  1008. sandra maddox on Januari 5, 2012 di 4: 34 pm

    tambihkeun kuring punten

  1009. Lisa on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 01 pm

    I would love to participate… I could use all the practice and input as I can get so please add me :)Thanks Lisa

  1010. Byya on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 08 pm

    I’m in, it’s one of my resolutions this year!

  1011. Rosa on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 08 pm

    I’ve always like photography but never tried anything. This will be my first project!

  1012. Judy on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 21 pm

    Joining! What a great way to get my creative juices flowing!

  1013. Ann on Januari 5, 2012 di 5: 51 pm

    I need a challenge. I’m in!

  1014. Charlotte J. on Januari 5, 2012 di 6: 08 pm

    I’m all in! 😉

  1015. Kimberly on Januari 5, 2012 di 6: 17 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  1016. Christopher R on Januari 5, 2012 di 6: 22 pm

    Looking forward to participating! 🙂

  1017. Shannon on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 10 pm

    Add me. Sounds like fun.

  1018. Connor McCracken on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 14 pm

    Sounds like fun! I’m in.

  1019. Majella on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 19 pm

    I’m in…..can’t wait!

  1020. Julie Wilkins on Januari 5, 2012 di 7: 21 pm

    Looking forward to challenging myself, lets hope I complete the 12.

  1021. Laura on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 01 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  1022. Jon Brown on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 03 pm

    Camera is in the shop right now but when its back Id like to give this a whirl!! Add me please 🙂

  1023. Stephanie on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 12 pm

    This will be my very first photo challenge. I’m excited to get started! Please add me.

  1024. Cheryl on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 30 pm

    Count me in!! It’s like a 365 day project but now much easier to’s a 12 month story!!

  1025. Jim Koniar on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 32 pm

    Add me, looking forward to contributing.

  1026. Shalini on Januari 5, 2012 di 8: 37 pm

    Hope to be able to do this frequently, as I did a 365 one for about 6 months straight back in 2010. I will be doing this! Please add me! 🙂

  1027. Camilla Duffy on Januari 5, 2012 di 9: 02 pm

    Yep – im in!! I”ll see how i go!

  1028. Jacy on Januari 5, 2012 di 9: 25 pm


  1029. Melissa on Januari 5, 2012 di 9: 27 pm

    I will be participating!!! So excited to improve my works!

  1030. Morgan on Januari 5, 2012 di 10: 53 pm

    Count me in. 🙂

  1031. Diane O'COnnor on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 01 pm

    Great challenge, I’m in! I need the inspiration to keep shooting.

  1032. Miranda on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 19 pm

    Can’t remember if I’ve already commented, but i’m all for it 🙂

  1033. Lisa Edgell on Januari 5, 2012 di 11: 28 pm

    I think I will try this. I’m a beginner hobbyist who needs some inspiration. 🙂

  1034. Staci on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 21 am

    Awesome! I’m in.

  1035. Nita Strudwick on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 27 am

    Great challenge, I am in!!!

  1036. Lori on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 55 am

    This is very exciting!!! Count me in for sure!

  1037. jahé on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 05 am

    abdi lebet!

  1038. Julie Hughes on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 23 am

    I am in! Let’s do it 🙂

  1039. Hilla Adiva on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 27 am

    Am in! sounds interesting 🙂

  1040. Arlene on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 31 am

    I’d love to join in as well!

  1041. ngarampog on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 32 am

    Plan to participate

  1042. Chanda Howald on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 50 am

    SO excited to join in the fun!

  1043. Jordan on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 15 am

    Will give this a go, great motivation and inspiration 🙂

  1044. Crizzny on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 39 am

    so happy i found your site..been looking everywhere for something to practice myself in photography..please count me in. Thanks.

  1045. Elisha on Januari 6, 2012 di 6: 12 am

    I’d love to join in the fun!

  1046. ngaleles on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 05 am

    I’m on board too.

  1047. Terri Q on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    Great motivator. Thank you! I’m in.

  1048. Cathy on Januari 6, 2012 di 10: 07 am

    This is just what I need for motivation. Thanks

  1049. Donna Boyle on Januari 6, 2012 di 10: 42 am

    I’m in! Sounds fun and sounds like it will fit great in my schedule 🙂

  1050. marianne hope on Januari 6, 2012 di 11: 04 am

    Fun project!! I’m in!!!!!

  1051. Ruby L on Januari 6, 2012 di 11: 34 am

    Count me in! Project 12 sounds fun and it will fit with my busy schedule. I haven’t participated in Project 365 or Project 52 because it seemed overwhelming, and I didn’t want it to become just one more thing I HAVE to do. I’m pretty busy–full-time job, grad student, and part-time photographer (even more so now that I’m in grad school).

  1052. Kim on Januari 6, 2012 di 11: 42 am

    I’m in. Now I have a good excuse to get out and take more photos not that I need one but this sounds like fun.

  1053. Light Trigger on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 10 pm

    We’re in!Carol & Vanessa

  1054. Tracy Gillespie on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 35 pm

    Abdi lebet

  1055. Gretchen on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 46 pm

    I’m in!! I plan on doing at least one a month, but some months I’ll likely do more! =) Thanks for organizing and hosting!!

  1056. Brooke on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    I want to give it a try.

  1057. Ashleigh on Januari 6, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    Just got the Nikon D3100! I am in and need to learn it!

    • AMiller on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 59 am

      D3100s are a lot of fun.. You will have a great time taking part of this Project!

  1058. Terrie Hammad on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 03 pm

    I am totally in…

  1059. Sarah on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 06 pm

    I’m SO in! Looking forward to the practice and the challenges.

  1060. Stephanie on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    I am a real photography novice, but I love a creative challenge!

  1061. Melissa Willard on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 13 pm

    looking forward to improving and gaining some photos to my collection and family album!

  1062. Bharathy on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 17 pm

    Sign me up…need to practice my skills!

  1063. Lisa McCully on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 17 pm

    Sounds fun, love to join.

  1064. Stacey Robertson on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 23 pm

    This is just what I need to jump start my creativity!

  1065. Elaine L on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 25 pm

    I would love to try this

  1066. KellyB on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 35 pm

    For January 2012, my resolution is to get off my butt and get out with my camera more. Regardless of the cold weather in Chicago, there’s no reason not to be using my camera more. I’ve also found myself saying on several occasions lately “I wish I had my camera with me” for a great picture opportunity that arose. Time to put wishing into action!

    • Melinda Green Harvey on Januari 12, 2012 di 4: 35 pm

      Here’s a good New Year’s resolution: ALWAYS take your camera!And here’s another good one: Participate in Project 12!Looking forward to seeing your photos.Melinda Green HarveyMCP Project 12 Team Leader

  1067. Theresa on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 42 pm

    Really want to find the time to try this…….I am going for it!

  1068. Ami Neff on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 44 pm

    In. Eeek!

  1069. Abigail H on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 44 pm

    I am gonna join!

  1070. Audrey Sparks on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 47 pm

    I’m going to try this, I love photography anf I’ve tring to learn more about my camera. This should be a good way to keep me focused. Looking forward to it!

  1071. Rebeka Lynn on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 47 pm

    I want to join….maybe it will motivate me to find more time for my camera.

  1072. Sara on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 49 pm

    I’ve been looking for a photography project … this sounds perfect! Looking forward to partcipating!

  1073. Tina on Januari 6, 2012 di 1: 54 pm

    I hope I am not too late to join – please count me in!

  1074. Lauren Lindley on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 03 pm

    I think this will be a fun way to practice. I’m in!

  1075. Danielle S. on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 06 pm

    I’ve been wanting to improve my photography, but the 52 weeks was too much. This is perfect! Count me in!

  1076. WmRomano on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 29 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  1077. Lisa on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 34 pm

    I’m in! Two cameras to play with!

  1078. Kurnia on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 43 pm

    I am in… I need to learn more about my camera and challenge myself

  1079. Momma2threeGirls on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 44 pm

    Wow, I’m nervous, I’ve never let anyone see my work before. I’m in. I love your resolutions. I lost over 100lbs low carb – but my thyroid wents nuts and I’ve gained 50lbs so like you I am resolving to get in more pictures, work the weight off “low carb-ing” and get away from the computer and moving more.

  1080. Lisa @ Grandma's Briefs on Januari 6, 2012 di 2: 48 pm

    I’m joining. I’m scared, but I’m joining. New DSLR to learn, so what the heck!

  1081. Alisae on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 11 pm

    So excited to get started. Welcome the inspiration and feedback 🙂

  1082. samah on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 12 pm

    I am in no way a great photographer, but this sounds like it could be fun.

  1083. Melanie Legault on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 14 pm

    I’m in for a challenge!!!

  1084. Christina on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 17 pm

    I’m gonna try it!

  1085. Kathleen on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 22 pm

    I’ll try! I’m a beginner!

  1086. Kat B on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 23 pm

    I would love to be included 🙂 Sounds like the motivation I may need to get to know my camera, and to be inspired by other’s creativity. Fun!!!

  1087. Elizabeth on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 33 pm

    I’m in too! Should be a little less stress than 365…which I’ve already failed at LOL!

  1088. KTG on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 36 pm

    I’m in! This sounds like a great challenge for me and goes hand in hand with my photo resolutions for the year.

  1089. Susie on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 38 pm

    I’m excited. I’ve been looking for something like this to get me inspired!

  1090. Ana GR on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 43 pm

    Ohhhh I would like to take part in the project. I think one theme a month is a good pace. I’m ready! I join!

  1091. Eden on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 50 pm

    This is a very timely project for me. My wonderful fella just gave me an early anniversary present… a DSLR. I’m thrilled, but also humbled by how much I need to practice and learn.

    • AMiller on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 10 pm

      Then.. I believe this is right Project for you and your new gift! Enjoy and explore!

  1092. Mollie on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 52 pm

    I’ll be joining. This will be fun!

  1093. Sarah on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 53 pm

    This sounds like fun, I am in!

  1094. Valarie Weinhaus on Januari 6, 2012 di 3: 55 pm

    Woo hoo – count me in! 😀

  1095. Vicki B. on Januari 6, 2012 di 4: 01 pm

    This sounds great! Always a good idea to have some measure of accountability! I actually made this resolution at the beginning of fall and I’ve slacked a bit.

  1096. Rebecca on Januari 6, 2012 di 4: 03 pm

    I am so excited to start this! I think this project is exactly what I need right now. 🙂

  1097. Katy on Januari 6, 2012 di 4: 08 pm

    this site is new to me. i’m excited to participate.

  1098. Lisa Waszkiewicz on Januari 6, 2012 di 4: 36 pm

    Abdi lebet

  1099. Andrea B on Januari 6, 2012 di 4: 39 pm

    This will be a great way to keep me out there shooting. Sometimes we get so “busy” that we forget about our camera, so this will be a great motivator and inspiring to see everyone’s work.

  1100. Becky R on Januari 6, 2012 di 5: 01 pm

    This project should fit in well with my resolution to spend more time on my photography! I’m in!

  1101. Dyi on Januari 6, 2012 di 5: 08 pm

    I’d love to join in the challenge! Whoopee!

  1102. rach :) on Januari 6, 2012 di 5: 54 pm

    I’ve been dabbling in photography for a few years and it’s time to try to do more than get good shots of my kids’ events. I’m going to give this a shot…

    • AMiller on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 06 pm

      It is definitely worth every shot… Get out-there and start creating! 🙂 participate and have fun! Hope to see your submission soon!

  1103. Paula on Januari 6, 2012 di 5: 58 pm

    Just the challenge I was looking for! Can’t wait to get started!

  1104. Kedip-kedip on Januari 6, 2012 di 5: 59 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1105. Gabby on Januari 6, 2012 di 6: 14 pm

    Can’t wait to join in!

  1106. melodi on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 02 pm

    Count me in! One of my 2012 resolutions includes working with my cameras more, even my “old fashion” SLR with film!-Melody

  1107. Katie on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 08 pm

    Looking forward to a great new challenge every month to keep my creativity flowing!

  1108. Sandy Sunda on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 12 pm

    I’m in. – total newbie but I gotta start somewhere!

  1109. Debbie D. on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 19 pm

    Please count me in. I need to work on my photo mojo.

  1110. Jaka on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 26 pm

    I think I will try this! (I’ve never been an official participant before..only followed along at home.)

  1111. Deana Floro on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 31 pm

    I’m excited to get started.

  1112. Nicole on Januari 6, 2012 di 7: 40 pm

    I’m going to give this a try. Excited to see growth in my images over the next few months!

  1113. Ann Marie Hubbard on Januari 6, 2012 di 8: 01 pm

    I am!!!

  1114. Lindsey Kay on Januari 6, 2012 di 8: 34 pm

    Just the motivation I need! I’m in.

  1115. Angie Hudgens on Januari 6, 2012 di 8: 43 pm

    I’ll give it a shot! Lord knows I need to improve!

  1116. April Martell on Januari 6, 2012 di 8: 47 pm

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan!

  1117. ra on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 21 pm

    I would like to participate.

  1118. Felicia Kramer on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 33 pm

    I’m going to try.

  1119. Sallie Leo on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 42 pm

    I am going to participate!

  1120. Sandra Perkins on Januari 6, 2012 di 9: 51 pm

    I’m in! I may have already posted a comment saying I’d like to join in but I can’t remember if I did or not. I’m really excited about this.

  1121. Tracie Crawford on Januari 6, 2012 di 10: 09 pm

    I am excited, this is something new for me. I am ready for the challenge 🙂

  1122. Lauren on Januari 6, 2012 di 10: 18 pm

    I am loving photography and have been nervous to commit to something like this…but since it is laid back I think it is the perfect thing for me. I hope to get outside of the box and use my Light Room more effectively.Thank you for offering this.

    • AMiller on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 12 pm

      Do not be nervous… You will have fun with this amazing Project…

  1123. Amanda Lassiter on Januari 6, 2012 di 11: 59 pm

    I can’t wait to start!

  1124. CanadaCheeseMan on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 18 am

    Good idea. I’m in.

  1125. Sugan B. on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 21 am

    I will be giving this a whirl.

  1126. Novita on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 36 am

    I think this is a great idea, and will be a good motivator for me to get a bit more into photography. I do enjoy it so much when I take the time to take photos.

  1127. buah Cherry on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 42 am

    Just what I need to jump start my motivation, and to learn from others.

  1128. Snowcitygirl on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 00 am

    I’m in! Looking forward to a new challenge this year with my new camera!

  1129. Katie on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 17 am

    I am so excited to participate in this challenge! I can’t to see the outcome of each photographer’s interpretation.

  1130. Sara In AL on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 32 am

    I would like to give this a try. My “good pictures” were just accidents, I would really like to be in control of those. Thanks for doing this!

  1131. Amanda on Januari 7, 2012 di 2: 13 am

    i will do this!!

  1132. mana on Januari 7, 2012 di 2: 23 am

    This is my first photo challenge!How can I add a profile picture to my comments where the MCP logo is?

  1133. Jennifer on Januari 7, 2012 di 9: 11 am

    One of my goals for 2012 is to improve as a photographer. Count me in!

  1134. Emily Logan on Januari 7, 2012 di 9: 33 am

    I would also like to participate.

  1135. René Calvin on Januari 7, 2012 di 9: 58 am

    i will be joining in this year again! loved it last year!

  1136. Gina on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 11 am

    So excited to be joining this monthly challenge. Looks like it’s going to be a great learning experience & fun too!

  1137. Jenn on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 15 am

    Nice…another photo project! Just what I was needing…off to the dog park with my camera…and the dogs, of course.

  1138. Tina on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 32 am

    Excited for this! I’m in.

  1139. Lisa Jack on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    I plan on joining. Hopefully, for all 12…but at least some! Thx!

  1140. becky on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 46 am

    this is a great idea. let’s get started!!

  1141. Pat C on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 09 am

    I’m in – at least I’m going to try!

  1142. Sara on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 15 am

    I’ve had my canon rebel for a year now and still don’t know how to use it! This is exactly what I need.

  1143. Moskmom on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 26 am

    This is my 1st photography project – looking forward to it!

  1144. Kathy on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 32 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  1145. bnick on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 49 am

    Ieu bakal pikaresepeun!

  1146. Yvonne Michelle on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 21 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  1147. Yvonne Michelle on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 22 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1148. Darci Hamm on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 24 pm

    I would like to participate! Thanks!

  1149. Terra on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    ThiNk I’ll give it a try!

  1150. tahlia on Januari 7, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    i will be joining in 🙂

  1151. lisa Wiza on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 07 pm

    im participating 🙂

  1152. Stephanie McGee on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 16 pm

    First time visitor. I am excited to be joining MCP project 12!

    • AMiller on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 14 pm

      Excited to have you participate, you will be glad you did!

  1153. Collette on Januari 7, 2012 di 1: 23 pm

    Will be participating. Just the kick in the pants I need, last year only did two informal weddings and 1 rock band shoot. Need to get more active! Thanks

  1154. Nancy Staggs on Januari 7, 2012 di 2: 05 pm

    I’m going to participate! Yay!!!! I cant wait

  1155. Monika Greenaway on Januari 7, 2012 di 2: 14 pm

    Kuring asup!

  1156. Holly Hess on Januari 7, 2012 di 2: 26 pm

    Gonna try my darndest this year…I just looked today at a few of last years pics I took and loved the projects

  1157. Dawn K on Januari 7, 2012 di 3: 16 pm

    Sign me up. I need another challenge like I need a hole in my head, but I’ve enjoyed my new hobby so much that I’m up for some fun and feedback.

  1158. alin on Januari 7, 2012 di 3: 24 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1159. Linda Radford on Januari 7, 2012 di 4: 01 pm

    Just found your site and I’m excited to participate.

  1160. Sara on Januari 7, 2012 di 4: 03 pm

    Oy, after my sad dropping-off in Project 52, I’m ready to try a project with fewer deadlines.;)

  1161. Lauren on Januari 7, 2012 di 4: 59 pm

    I am a newbie. I just upgraded from a point and shoot canon a610 to a digital slr nikon d3100. This will be a good challenge to help me figure it out!

    • Melinda Green Harvey on Januari 12, 2012 di 4: 27 pm

      Yes, this will be an excellent way for you to learn about your camera and your own style of photography.Thanks for joining us!Melinda Green HarveyMCP Project 12 Team Leader

  1162. Pamela on Januari 7, 2012 di 5: 00 pm

    Looking forward to the challenge each month. Thanks!

  1163. Pamela on Januari 7, 2012 di 5: 02 pm

    Looking forward to the challenge! Thanks.

  1164. Bessie on Januari 7, 2012 di 6: 19 pm

    This looks like something that will encourage me to get busy with my camera- and learn more at the same time! Thanks!

  1165. Cynthia on Januari 7, 2012 di 6: 22 pm

    I am happy to join and I am looking forward to contributing this year.

  1166. Cindy on Januari 7, 2012 di 6: 42 pm

    Looking forward to participating!

  1167. Érin K. on Januari 7, 2012 di 7: 09 pm

    Would love to join!

  1168. Francesca on Januari 7, 2012 di 7: 21 pm

    This sounds awesome!!! Can’t wait to get out there and take some photos.

  1169. Diana on Januari 7, 2012 di 7: 22 pm

    I’m IN!!! This will be a great challenge for me to improve my photography skills. Thank you! I look forward to learning.

  1170. Laura A on Januari 7, 2012 di 7: 37 pm

    I’m hoping to participate!

  1171. kimberly crum on Januari 7, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    I will be participating in project 12

  1172. Tina Marie on Januari 7, 2012 di 8: 09 pm

    I want to join! I can’t handle the daily photo committments- but monthly would be fun! Count me in! 🙂

  1173. Brenda on Januari 7, 2012 di 8: 38 pm

    Looking forward to new photo challenges!

  1174. malati on Januari 7, 2012 di 9: 40 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1175. Nancy on Januari 7, 2012 di 9: 54 pm

    Yes!! I am a beginning photographer and have much to learn!

    • Melinda Green Harvey on Januari 12, 2012 di 4: 28 pm

      This will be an excellent way for you to learn – and we are happy that you will be participating in the project this year.Melinda Green HarveyMCP Project 12 Team Leader

  1176. Ana on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 01 pm

    I’m participating! SO exciting!

  1177. samah on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 18 pm

    Count me in! I need to improve and be challenged!

  1178. Ginjal on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 46 pm

    Yay! I’m in!

  1179. Cindi on Januari 7, 2012 di 10: 51 pm

    Looking forward to improving my photo skills this year. Thanks for a way to get involved.

  1180. Jenel on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 04 pm

    looking forward to the challenge!

  1181. NJ on Januari 7, 2012 di 11: 18 pm

    This is a great opportunity for me to learn and enhance my photography skills. I am in !!

  1182. Loni Newby on Januari 8, 2012 di 12: 23 am

    Abdi lebet!

  1183. Patty Hinojosa on Januari 8, 2012 di 1: 04 am

    abdi di

  1184. pamayang on Januari 8, 2012 di 1: 07 am

    would love to be part of this

  1185. Mélissa B on Januari 8, 2012 di 2: 15 am

    Abdi di!

  1186. Jamie on Januari 8, 2012 di 8: 14 am

    Excited to participate!

  1187. Rowena on Januari 8, 2012 di 8: 42 am

    Abdi lebet!

  1188. Karen Schmautz on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 05 am

    Im ready for a challenge.

  1189. Amanda on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 14 am

    Will definitely be participating! Yay, how fun!!

  1190. John Williams on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 21 am

    This sounds like a lot of fun!! Count me in!!

  1191. Mimi Rippee on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 52 am

    I want to participate! This is exactly what I need! Thanks

  1192. Monica on Januari 8, 2012 di 10: 48 am

    I would like to participate in your project. Sounds like fun.

  1193. D'Ann on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 14 am

    I will be participating. This is going to be fun!

  1194. Brendazzle * on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 50 am

    Abdi di 🙂

  1195. Gail Roles on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 57 am

    Count me in! So excited to take part in this project and grow and learn from all the creativity that undoubtedly will be surrounding me.

  1196. Samantha Gleaton on Januari 8, 2012 di 12: 09 pm

    Bilangan kuring di 🙂

  1197. Sandi on Januari 8, 2012 di 12: 12 pm

    Very excited to do this! I’m an amateur but bear with me :).

  1198. Jacqui on Januari 8, 2012 di 12: 31 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1199. nagara on Januari 8, 2012 di 1: 30 pm

    I am soooooo doing this!! Thanks MCP for the fun challenge.

  1200. Malar on Januari 8, 2012 di 1: 33 pm

    sounds interesting, but what is the theme for Jan 2012

  1201. Ruth Hepp on Januari 8, 2012 di 2: 00 pm

    I would like to join but don’t know how to get my photos on the site. If I can figure it out, I’ll try to be there every month!

  1202. Wendy on Januari 8, 2012 di 3: 34 pm

    I’m in. Definitely need the push to shoot more and think creatively

  1203. Jackie Sherwin on Januari 8, 2012 di 3: 40 pm

    I would love to participate…needing some motivation!!

  1204. nagen on Januari 8, 2012 di 3: 45 pm

    Just got my first DSLR, a Canon Rebel T3, for Christmas. This will give me lots of good practice as I move away from full auto shooting.

  1205. Sara Blixt on Januari 8, 2012 di 3: 57 pm

    Looking forward to another year.

  1206. Rhonda on Januari 8, 2012 di 4: 05 pm

    I’ve been using some MCP actions for quite awhile. I use the MCP Crystal Clear Web Sizing and Sharpening on ALL my photos that I post! I’m excited to participate!

  1207. ilene on Januari 8, 2012 di 4: 22 pm


  1208. Candi on Januari 8, 2012 di 5: 29 pm

    Just what I was looking for…something to help with my photography but won’t be too time consuming

  1209. Susan G. on Januari 8, 2012 di 5: 36 pm

    What a great project–I’m in!

  1210. Candi I on Januari 8, 2012 di 5: 47 pm

    Need incentive to stretch, so I will be participating. Thanks for the challenge.

  1211. Aimí©e on Januari 8, 2012 di 6: 02 pm

    I’ll be taking part! And hopefully doing Project 52 from last year at the same time 😉

  1212. Ashley R. on Januari 8, 2012 di 6: 11 pm

    I would love to join! This will definitely be challenging for me and I need the push.

  1213. Andrea L on Januari 8, 2012 di 6: 18 pm

    Sounds fun! Count me in! I really want to do the 365, but until I finish my Master’s classes, there is just no way! So this perfect!!Andrea

  1214. Janelle Belk on Januari 8, 2012 di 6: 57 pm

    I think this project is the perfect thing for me right now, and I want to participate, assuming I can fingure out how to do it! 🙂

  1215. Laura on Januari 8, 2012 di 6: 58 pm

    Bungah gabung!

  1216. Christine Y on Januari 8, 2012 di 7: 25 pm

    This fits perfectly with my goals for this year. I am a little nervous, but what the heck!

  1217. Shari on Januari 8, 2012 di 7: 33 pm

    I am a newbie, but I’m in!

  1218. Vanesa on Januari 8, 2012 di 7: 40 pm

    I am in! 🙂

  1219. Brenda on Januari 8, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    I’m really glad I found this site. I really need some motivation!!

  1220. Carla on Januari 8, 2012 di 8: 20 pm

    Ningali ka tangtangan!

  1221. Sandra quinn on Januari 8, 2012 di 8: 46 pm

    Hurung kawas senang!

  1222. Katie on Januari 8, 2012 di 8: 51 pm

    sounds good!

  1223. Christa Doucette on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 01 pm

    I’m excited to give this a try. Who doesn’t want another excuse to take pictures and improve themselves?

  1224. tagihan on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 42 pm

    I am setting my website/blog site and need some good links to photography sites. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to elevate my photo shoots and creativeness.

  1225. JbMann on Januari 8, 2012 di 9: 59 pm

    Looking forward to learning new techniques

  1226. Kim on Januari 8, 2012 di 10: 09 pm

    Sounds great! I’m looking forward to participating!

  1227. Catherine Roth on Januari 8, 2012 di 10: 25 pm

    I’m participating. 🙂

  1228. Laura on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 05 pm

    I’m just finishing up a photo meme so this will be a great new thing to do with my camera!

  1229. Lara Merz on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 13 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1230. Bet M on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 14 pm

    I’m In!!

  1231. Nisha on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 14 pm

    I would love to participate in this project!

  1232. Emily Smith on Januari 8, 2012 di 11: 38 pm

    Thank you, I am looking forward to joining in!

  1233. Beau Johnson on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 14 am

    I’m participating! Looking forward to it.

  1234. Natasha on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 57 am

    Im game! I could use some motivation!

  1235. Natasha on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 58 am

    I’m game! I could use some motivation!

  1236. Bet on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 25 am

    Looking forward to this creative challenge this year!

  1237. Ashley C on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 42 am

    I’m excited for this.. I have been a photograph rut as of late!!

  1238. Audra on Januari 9, 2012 di 9: 06 am

    I think this will be fun….looking forward to it.Audra

  1239. Audra on Januari 9, 2012 di 9: 07 am

    I think this will be fun….looking forward to it.

  1240. Karén V on Januari 9, 2012 di 9: 59 am

    Abdi lebet!

  1241. Jocelyn on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    I am new to this site (found your post on Pioneer Woman). Just got a new camera and need to figure out how to use it! This challenge is just what I’m looking for.

  1242. Lola on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 39 am

    Teu sabar pikeun ngamimitian!

  1243. PegD on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 46 am

    I’ve been really looking for something like this!

  1244. Amy on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 55 am

    I will be joining this project! Thanks!

  1245. ngagugat on Januari 9, 2012 di 11: 38 am

    Hi,I would love to join and improve my photos for the year.Sue

  1246. dEBBIE on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 08 pm

    Abdi di!

  1247. Joana on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 26 pm

    I wanna join!

  1248. Susie on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 33 pm

    I will try to participate. However, I’m brand new to the photography world and will try not to become terribly discouraged.

    • AMiller on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 47 pm

      Oh.. By no means feel discouraged.. We all start somewhere and this is a fabulous way to start… You will learn and improve as you continue to participate…Cannot wait to see you submissions!Allie~

  1249. Kurnia on Januari 9, 2012 di 12: 59 pm

    Cacah abdi di!

  1250. Roque Matagulay on Januari 9, 2012 di 1: 02 pm

    I would love to join in. Just found this project. Thank You!

  1251. Kim Poole on Januari 9, 2012 di 1: 52 pm

    Abdi lebet.

  1252. nagen on Januari 9, 2012 di 1: 57 pm

    daptar kuring!

  1253. Kristin on Januari 9, 2012 di 2: 05 pm

    I’d love to join! I need a challenge.

  1254. Val on Januari 9, 2012 di 2: 19 pm

    Would love to participate

  1255. Danelle on Januari 9, 2012 di 3: 11 pm

    I will be joining! Looking forward to the challenge and to expanding my horizons!

  1256. LisaKD on Januari 9, 2012 di 3: 27 pm

    I’m in and promise to do my best!

  1257. Kari on Januari 9, 2012 di 3: 57 pm

    Thanks for a fun project! I’m in!

  1258. Jasmine Richards on Januari 9, 2012 di 4: 17 pm

    Will be participating in project 12. Excited!

  1259. Kelly B on Januari 9, 2012 di 4: 22 pm

    I’d love to join in !

  1260. Tassie on Januari 9, 2012 di 4: 41 pm

    I am definitely going to do this… I’ve been wanting to get better using my camera for a long time.Thank you!tassie…

  1261. Judy on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 17 pm

    Better late than never. Challenge on. I’m in. Thanks!

  1262. Betty Spitzberg on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 18 pm

    Yay! This is the perfect project for me this year. I was worried about getting overloaded but one a month is great.

  1263. Penny on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 23 pm

    Count me IN!

  1264. Chelsea on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 38 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1265. Mae Moosa on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 45 pm

    I need this to get me to take more photos and improve my skills.

    • AMiller on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 48 pm

      This is definitely the project for you… Take part and can’t wait to see your photos!~Allie

  1266. Marisa on Januari 9, 2012 di 5: 51 pm

    I would love to join in!

  1267. GB on Januari 9, 2012 di 6: 23 pm

    I will certainly attempt this. Looking forward to taking more pictures and learning to use my camera.

  1268. Jerry on Januari 9, 2012 di 6: 38 pm

    This will be fun.

  1269. Beckie Amidon Austin on Januari 9, 2012 di 7: 56 pm

    Going to take part this year….

  1270. Chantelle on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 06 pm

    How fun I’m in 🙂

  1271. Emily Garner on Januari 9, 2012 di 8: 34 pm


  1272. moonunit36 on Januari 9, 2012 di 9: 39 pm

    I’d like to join in.

  1273. MakingtheMostofIt on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 24 pm

    Abdi badé nyobian!

  1274. Jennifer Bauman on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 37 pm

    sound like fun!

  1275. Maureen on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 40 pm

    Sounds awesome…count me in!

  1276. Krissie on Januari 9, 2012 di 10: 50 pm

    Wow! This will be a fun project. Count me in!

  1277. t marie on Januari 9, 2012 di 11: 13 pm

    I’m (nervously) in.

  1278. Lori m on Januari 9, 2012 di 11: 16 pm


  1279. D Moore on Januari 9, 2012 di 11: 47 pm

    So excited this is my goal to practice and get to know how my camera works and see the things around me differently.

  1280. Kim on Januari 10, 2012 di 12: 32 am

    I’m in. I take photos each day roughly so it’s great to have a theme to base my photos around. Looking forward to joining in when I have time!

  1281. Liz L on Januari 10, 2012 di 1: 47 am

    Count me in! I’ve got a lot to learn. Just got a new camera and I’m stoked. Is it necessary to have Photo Shop? Wish I could afford it but not happening in the near future.

  1282. Carolyn B on Januari 10, 2012 di 3: 04 am

    Sign me up! When I was younger I watched a photo show on PBS every week but I never imagined I would have the use of good equipment. Until a few months ago I had buried my dream so deep that I didn’t remember it until a family member posted some pics on Facebook and I suddenly felt the joy and longing again (after only a couple of decades)! So I’m learning as I go! [A special THANKS to Ree Drummond who’s photos and camera suggestions gave me what I needed to start this amazing process!]

  1283. LaRell Steele on Januari 10, 2012 di 9: 25 am

    I would like to give it a try!

  1284. Sahandapeun on Januari 10, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    Okay, let’s give this a try since I already made so many resolutions this year anyway!

  1285. Sara Curran on Januari 10, 2012 di 10: 07 am

    I am excited for this opportunity and challenge!

  1286. Melissa on Januari 10, 2012 di 10: 08 am

    I’m definitely going to try! 🙂

  1287. Rachel on Januari 10, 2012 di 10: 34 am

    Itung kuring !!

  1288. Zonda Ketcham on Januari 10, 2012 di 1: 00 pm

    I’m in! I want to grow!

  1289. keicha boston on Januari 10, 2012 di 1: 10 pm

    Sounds great! I’m in

  1290. Erin P on Januari 10, 2012 di 1: 37 pm

    Kuring bakal miluan!

  1291. Krista R on Januari 10, 2012 di 3: 09 pm

    I’m in! Looking forward to being pushed creatively, and always ready for some inspiration help.

  1292. Megna Andrus on Januari 10, 2012 di 3: 37 pm

    Abdi hoyong ngiringan!

  1293. Clydean Chadwick on Januari 10, 2012 di 4: 01 pm

    I’ve been wanting someway to improve my photography skills and this is going to be perfect. Getting some advice on how to improve will be great.

  1294. Mammacubed on Januari 10, 2012 di 4: 08 pm

    This is a great project. I can’t wait to participate… Jodi, I may have to steal your resolutions – they are very similar to mine!

  1295. Emily B. on Januari 10, 2012 di 4: 47 pm

    I would like to try to participate, but think I’m going to have trouble with the upload process. But I’m going to try. 🙂 Oh and I’m definitely a novice.

  1296. Claire G on Januari 10, 2012 di 5: 25 pm

    I just got a D7000 for christmas, so this will be the perfect challenge to learn my camera. I’m in!

  1297. Sarah on Januari 10, 2012 di 7: 39 pm

    I’m excited for this challenge! I like that a month gives a little more time to work on an idea.

  1298. Leslie Nolan on Januari 10, 2012 di 8: 00 pm

    I will be participating…I love to get as much practice in as I can 😉

  1299. Sally S on Januari 10, 2012 di 8: 04 pm

    I would like to participate. This will be a good way to keep me taking pictures!!

  1300. Tammie Gable-Hall on Januari 10, 2012 di 8: 12 pm

    I am so excited to participate in this project!! I have 2 GREAT cameras, a Canon G12 & a Canon SLR, which are both smarter than me, but not for much longer!MCP Project12 comes at a really good time for me, as I am getting ready to have hip surgery on Jan. 23, I will have a lot of free time on my hands. Thank you for supporting all of us with this great challenge!!

  1301. Lynn Z on Januari 10, 2012 di 10: 36 pm

    I would love to try this. I did my daughter’s grad pics and they turned out great, but I still don’t know much of anything about photography. I love it, though…

  1302. Pamela on Januari 10, 2012 di 11: 10 pm

    Looking forward to Project 12! I like the change from 52! 😉

  1303. Chelsea Miller on Januari 10, 2012 di 11: 39 pm

    I am very excited to participate!!!

  1304. Kristus on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 17 am

    I totally bombed on the Project 365 I started last year and with twins on the way (and two littles already) I’m sure there may be some weeks I don’t even pick up my camera so this sounds manageable! Thanks!

  1305. Sonia on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 20 am

    Hi this will be amazing and I am going to love the process and participation.

  1306. a red sky photo on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 26 am

    definitely gonna make a go of it this year!

  1307. Melissa Cabo on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 26 am

    I’m a total beginner but would love to learn more!

  1308. Lesley on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 28 am

    what a great idea, hopefully I can do this

  1309. Lisa Warren on Januari 11, 2012 di 10: 27 am

    Abdi hoyong nyobian ieu.

  1310. Elise on Januari 11, 2012 di 11: 01 am

    Hatur nuhun pikeun ngalakukeun ieu!

  1311. Rene ' on Januari 11, 2012 di 12: 07 pm

    looking to join in and be inspired!

  1312. DebbieB on Januari 11, 2012 di 12: 52 pm

    Will try to be disciplined enough to do this! Thanks!

  1313. Stacy on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 14 pm

    Excited to try this! Thanks!

  1314. Christina on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 14 pm

    I’m in. I really like the once-a-month theme. As a mother of three children four and under, a once-a-week or once-a-day challenge is overwhelming. : )

  1315. Rachel on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 16 pm

    I’m excited to participate and improve my photography skills!

  1316. Amelia on Januari 11, 2012 di 1: 50 pm

    Super excited to be joining this project!

  1317. Dana Ferrara on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 36 pm

    I’m so in! Thanks for the opportunity and the little push I needed to keep working on my photoshop skills!

  1318. Lezli on Januari 11, 2012 di 2: 37 pm

    Gonna do this. It will be fun enough to be loose and structured enough to give me focus.

  1319. Nikki Erickson on Januari 11, 2012 di 3: 12 pm

    I’m really excited for the monthly challenge!

  1320. Sarah on Januari 11, 2012 di 3: 37 pm

    I plan to participate! Looking forward to the challenge!

  1321. Nangal2 on Januari 11, 2012 di 5: 38 pm

    I would really like to do this – getting a late start but I resolve to get my act together!

  1322. Pam on Januari 11, 2012 di 10: 40 pm

    I would like to join in this project and really look forward to improving my photography. Thanks for setting this up.

  1323. Vanessa Rae on Januari 11, 2012 di 11: 10 pm

    I’m in! I need the challenge and the accountability. Can’t wait to learn new things!

  1324. Lindsay Verboom on Januari 12, 2012 di 6: 05 am

    I really needed this, looking forward to it.

  1325. Jennifer Corley on Januari 12, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    This is my first Project 12 (or project any # for that matter) So excited to participate, practice, and learn!

  1326. Cindy Hamilton on Januari 12, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    Yes! This is something that will help get me out and about with my camera! Thanks.

  1327. kalpana on Januari 12, 2012 di 10: 44 am

    This is great!! can’t wait to start the experience and click more pictures!!

  1328. Raquel on Januari 12, 2012 di 1: 09 pm

    I’m going to try this…

  1329. Marisa Reda on Januari 12, 2012 di 2: 32 pm

    Just the project that I am looking for! Can’t wait for this one. 🙂

  1330. pikagumbiraeun on Januari 12, 2012 di 3: 38 pm

    Alright…I’m in!

  1331. Wallis Simmons on Januari 12, 2012 di 8: 23 pm

    Looking forward to getting started.

  1332. SusanD on Januari 12, 2012 di 8: 55 pm

    I’ll think I’ll hop on this train too.

  1333. Vicki on Januari 12, 2012 di 10: 13 pm

    I’m so excited to participate. I’ve finally figured out what my resolution is this year and am getting ready to share my photo!

  1334. Rowena on Januari 13, 2012 di 5: 00 am

    I plan on joining in for this year. I am already trying to take a photo a day but with a baby and a business this is proving challenging! Hoping that a photo month will be more attainable! 🙂

  1335. Jennifer on Januari 13, 2012 di 9: 44 am

    So excited to join in! Thanks for hosting!

  1336. machell o on Januari 13, 2012 di 9: 46 am

    I would love to participate, now I just have to figure out all the techi stuff etc 🙂

  1337. Jennifer on Januari 13, 2012 di 2: 14 pm

    I will be joining in! 🙂

  1338. Robyn Harold on Januari 13, 2012 di 3: 24 pm

    I want to join! Can’t wait!

  1339. Alisa Vergara on Januari 13, 2012 di 4: 42 pm

    Would love to join. My New Years res is to take more and better pictures 🙂

  1340. Rachel on Januari 13, 2012 di 5: 07 pm

    Abdi henteu tiasa ngantosan!

  1341. Elizabeth on Januari 13, 2012 di 5: 52 pm

    This sounds like fun, and a great way to get motivated and inspired!

  1342. Michele on Januari 13, 2012 di 6: 07 pm

    Love to join! I am trying to learn how these “fancy” camera’s work, so this will be good incentive. I have a terrible time with indoor pictures, so maybe we can learn somewhere about how to take good ones…

  1343. Amanda on Januari 13, 2012 di 11: 11 pm

    I would love to join….I’m looking forward to participating!!

  1344. Caroline on Januari 13, 2012 di 11: 53 pm

    Would love to join! This sounds like the motivation I need and getting feedback from photos would be great, whether good or bad. That’s how we grow, right?

  1345. spéktra on Januari 14, 2012 di 1: 26 am

    Count me in! I hope to imporove my skills and find the right camera for my needs also. I have no idea what I should be looking for to improve my food and garden photography!

  1346. jJoydean Sorensen on Januari 14, 2012 di 1: 33 am

    I am very happy..I want to understand my new camera and be more thoughtful and creative.

  1347. Summer Davis on Januari 14, 2012 di 9: 31 am

    Kuring bakal miluan!

  1348. Karen Gibas on Januari 14, 2012 di 8: 51 pm

    I will be joining. Looking forward to another year with the MCP group!

  1349. Jane B. on Januari 14, 2012 di 9: 17 pm

    I plan to participate! I’m a total beginner, relearning photography after taking classes in high school 23 years ago, but I hope it comes back quickly!

  1350. Terri swanson on Januari 14, 2012 di 9: 23 pm

    So excited about this challenge!

  1351. Kirsten on Januari 14, 2012 di 10: 55 pm

    I will be joining and am very excited!

  1352. Wendy B on Januari 16, 2012 di 7: 54 pm

    I’m looking forward to participating in this fun, creative project!

  1353. Leslie Shimabukuro on Januari 16, 2012 di 10: 29 pm

    I will be joining. Hoping for some creative inspiration!

  1354. Rekha on Januari 17, 2012 di 11: 03 am

    I’m definitely looking forward to participating. I’m pretty new to photography so this should be a fun adventure!

  1355. Sam Hince - Images by Sam on Januari 17, 2012 di 11: 19 am

    I’m looking forward to joining in 🙂

  1356. Tammy Chichinsky on Januari 17, 2012 di 1: 52 pm

    Looking forward to the classes!

  1357. Megan O on Januari 17, 2012 di 10: 34 pm

    I will be joining!!

  1358. Catherine Cortes on Januari 17, 2012 di 10: 37 pm

    THIS is PERFECT!!… i Am a student and stil learning about photography and i wanted to do a something a little easier this time.. very exited!!

  1359. Angela on Januari 18, 2012 di 12: 04 am

    Count me in. Need to think out side my square. Get some creative juices going

  1360. Angela on Januari 18, 2012 di 12: 05 am

    Count me in. Need to think out side my square. Get some creative juices going.

  1361. James Charles on Januari 18, 2012 di 7: 41 am

    Sora hebat!

  1362. Eileen on Januari 18, 2012 di 9: 20 am

    Looking forward to participating and challenging myself.

  1363. Heather Calhoun on Januari 18, 2012 di 11: 49 am

    I’m so excited to participate!! I’m looking up definitions for resolution now.

  1364. Suzanne on Januari 18, 2012 di 12: 45 pm

    I’d like to participate! My husband gave me a Nikon D5000 last year for my birthday and I need to learn how to use it! This will definitely help.

  1365. Jodi Friedman, Tindakan MCP on Januari 18, 2012 di 2: 41 pm

    How is everyone’s pictures coming along? Glad to have you as a part of the P12.

  1366. Titik McQueen on Januari 18, 2012 di 2: 56 pm

    Ooh, have to have a shot at this. I’m currently doing a Project 366 on my own (my 2nd year), a Project 52 with Sammee from Twisted Kilt Photography and now this with you. Lots of fun!! Thanks.

  1367. Tiffany on Januari 18, 2012 di 3: 22 pm

    I’m up for this challenge! It will give me more practice with my “fancy camera”!

  1368. Jennie on Januari 18, 2012 di 5: 09 pm

    I would love to take part in the challenge!!

  1369. limutan on Januari 18, 2012 di 5: 13 pm

    I’m in. I’ve been wanting to learn my camera and this will be a great idea to do it.

  1370. Malissa on Januari 18, 2012 di 5: 28 pm

    Checking to see if this works for you

  1371. Becky on Januari 18, 2012 di 8: 18 pm

    I am new to this, but it sounds great. I can’t wait to see everyone’s images!

  1372. patti_h on Januari 18, 2012 di 8: 32 pm

    I’ll be joining in!

  1373. Everett on Januari 18, 2012 di 8: 41 pm

    Cacah kuring asup.

  1374. Erica on Januari 18, 2012 di 10: 22 pm

    I’m in! And very excited!

  1375. RachelA on Januari 18, 2012 di 11: 33 pm

    I want to participate! Thanks!

  1376. Nhu Le on Januari 19, 2012 di 3: 07 am

    I want to challenge myself to keep me motivated. Definitely join!!

  1377. Angela on Januari 19, 2012 di 3: 42 am

    Count me in! Very excited!!

  1378. Deborah on Januari 19, 2012 di 6: 41 am

    Count me in! I need a challenge for 2012 so this is right in line with what I had in mind. Thanks for the push! Deb仫

  1379. Alena on Januari 19, 2012 di 11: 26 am

    I would love to participate in this count me in!

  1380. Maria Sauerbrei on Januari 19, 2012 di 11: 58 am

    I’ll be participating

  1381. Teri on Januari 19, 2012 di 12: 03 pm

    I am going to participate in this too!

  1382. StephScott on Januari 19, 2012 di 12: 29 pm

    Yay! This is exactly the kind of challenge I have been looking for. I bought a Canon 60D last year and it’s about time I learn how to use it! Sign me up!

  1383. Stacey on Januari 19, 2012 di 1: 23 pm

    I am going to participate.

  1384. Aimee on Januari 19, 2012 di 2: 11 pm

    Hi, I am just starting out and LOVE your site and blogs. It will be very helpful to me once I get a camera and start shooting! I would love to participate in this project. My sister has a photography business and I’ve shot a few projects with her but we now live in different states.I am very grateful you have this site, I believe it will make me a better photographer.Hope I win the canon 5d mark II and the photoshop software!Thank you for making this site and resources available to so many.God bless,Aimee

  1385. Betania on Januari 19, 2012 di 5: 15 pm

    looking forward to participating in Project 12 !

  1386. Debby JD on Januari 19, 2012 di 5: 22 pm

    Yes I want to join in! Just got a new DSLR for bday/Xmas, after a very long break from photography. Learning all over again….used film before…but forgotten so much. Can’t wait to be a part of this…a challenge and fun!

  1387. Shannon on Januari 19, 2012 di 9: 08 pm

    I would love to participate! Sounds like so much fun! I’m always up for a challenge and I’m always looking forward to learning something new in Photoshop. Can’t wait!

  1388. Bob W on Januari 19, 2012 di 9: 16 pm

    I’m not going to learn if I don’t try. Looking forward to the challenge.

  1389. Sasha Grigsby on Januari 20, 2012 di 11: 35 am

    I will be participating! 🙂

  1390. Martha S on Januari 20, 2012 di 1: 48 pm

    I’m in! Yippee!

  1391. Ashley on Januari 20, 2012 di 3: 09 pm

    Hi, My name is Ashley and im excited to start this project 🙂 I am a young aspiring photographer and I am looking forward to getting some real critiques hopefully. Its hard to get honest opinions and you can’t learn unless you know your flaws.

  1392. Jacquelyn H on Januari 20, 2012 di 4: 02 pm

    I am in for sure!

  1393. Anjeun on Januari 20, 2012 di 4: 41 pm

    I’m on!!!

  1394. Robin on Januari 20, 2012 di 5: 53 pm

    New camera for Christmas = I’m clueless, highly motivated, and want to learn.Always have used a point & shoot before. High learning curve for me. Better start working on the “resolution” photo!

  1395. Tamani on Januari 20, 2012 di 6: 01 pm

    I’ve never participated in something like this before, but I think I’d like to try.

  1396. Teresa on Januari 20, 2012 di 9: 43 pm

    Sounds like a fun project. Would love to participate.FYI Photo web site above under construction

  1397. Aom on Januari 21, 2012 di 3: 18 am

    I might be a little late, but count me in.

  1398. Pam on Januari 21, 2012 di 9: 53 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  1399. Jana Cole on Januari 21, 2012 di 1: 22 pm

    I’d love to try this!

  1400. Eron Salazar on Januari 21, 2012 di 3: 06 pm


  1401. Kat Slatery on Januari 21, 2012 di 3: 35 pm

    I am excited to start this project!! 🙂

  1402. Nicole Aitken on Januari 21, 2012 di 7: 50 pm

    Abdi di!

  1403. beakeun on Januari 21, 2012 di 7: 55 pm

    Hi, I am Consu, I live in Cambridge. I want to learn how to use my camera in a proper way and I need a challenge to be more systematic. My passion is taking pictures of birds…I hope to put some fair picture up 🙂

  1404. Christine on Januari 21, 2012 di 8: 55 pm

    I just got a brand new camera and I think this would be a great way to get my feet wet! =)

  1405. Corinne on Januari 21, 2012 di 10: 51 pm

    I’m in ~~~ 🙂

  1406. Anna Maria on Januari 22, 2012 di 5: 44 am

    i’d love to join in on the fun!

  1407. Tom on Januari 22, 2012 di 10: 32 am

    I will be joining in! Sounds fun.

  1408. Tom on Januari 22, 2012 di 10: 32 am

    I will be joining in. Sounds fun!

  1409. Ruxx on Januari 22, 2012 di 11: 58 am

    I’d like to participate, too. 🙂

  1410. sari fraser on Januari 22, 2012 di 1: 31 pm

    I will try my best. Taking on 3 other projects as well. I was really lazy last year so I want to go for it this year and stretch myself photographically.

  1411. Linz on Januari 22, 2012 di 1: 32 pm

    I’m planning on joining you! I’m so excited about the challenge. 🙂

  1412. Katherine Fleming on Januari 22, 2012 di 2: 04 pm

    Excited to join this!

  1413. Katherine Fleming on Januari 22, 2012 di 2: 04 pm

    Excited to join this:)

  1414. Girimis B on Januari 22, 2012 di 7: 19 pm

    I will be joining Project12. Thank you!

  1415. Micheal C on Januari 22, 2012 di 7: 34 pm

    Looking forward to the projects.Thank you,

  1416. April Deering on Januari 22, 2012 di 8: 39 pm

    Wow, so many people joining! count me in too!

  1417. Carmén M. on Januari 22, 2012 di 9: 21 pm

    I would like to participate! Count me in 🙂

  1418. Megan L on Januari 22, 2012 di 9: 40 pm

    I’ll be joining! Excited to begin the new year focusing on resolutions… with my actual resolution! (Photographing more than just brides & families). 🙂

  1419. Robin F on Januari 22, 2012 di 10: 42 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1420. Shannon on Januari 23, 2012 di 9: 48 am

    I’m joining in – Thanks!

  1421. Gretchen on Januari 23, 2012 di 12: 57 pm

    Sounds interesting! Count me in! And thanks!

  1422. Mike Taylor on Januari 23, 2012 di 5: 36 pm

    I’m in for project 12. Putting the final touches on my resolution entries!

  1423. Bill Wiley on Januari 23, 2012 di 7: 22 pm

    I will be joining your project 12. I look forward to the challenge. Thanks for this opportunity.

  1424. Jenel on Januari 23, 2012 di 10: 13 pm

    hmmm…getting old. Can’t remember if I responded to this yet or not, but this sounds like a fun thing to try. Count me in! 🙂

  1425. Jenni Richey on Januari 24, 2012 di 1: 02 am

    Abdi hoyong ilubiung!

  1426. Cheryl on Januari 24, 2012 di 12: 27 pm

    I will try this out, what do I have to lose

  1427. Kathie Wright on Januari 24, 2012 di 1: 47 pm

    Joining in… better late than never, right? Now to get going with a week left..

  1428. Mary on Januari 24, 2012 di 4: 49 pm

    Ok…I’m joining up…hope I can complete all the themes.

  1429. lindsay van orden on Januari 24, 2012 di 7: 18 pm

    i would love to participate! this sounds so fun and like a great way to challenge my skills and push me in new ways. can’t wait!

  1430. Nita on Januari 24, 2012 di 8: 29 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1431. Amanda Sanchez on Januari 24, 2012 di 10: 55 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1432. LaRessie Mason on Januari 25, 2012 di 12: 09 am

    Gonna TRY it! 🙂 Need a challenge!

  1433. Teresa Nicklas on Januari 25, 2012 di 9: 28 am

    Sounds fun! I’m in.

  1434. KG on Januari 25, 2012 di 9: 29 am

    Cacah abdi di!

  1435. Jessica on Januari 25, 2012 di 9: 53 am

    I would love to be a part of this!

  1436. Kristin Carpenter on Januari 25, 2012 di 9: 54 am

    Abdi lebet !!

  1437. Ashley on Januari 25, 2012 di 10: 17 am

    I’m a bit late but, definitely in! I really want to try and get every month completed.

  1438. Erin C on Januari 25, 2012 di 10: 35 am

    This is awesome, I am a hobbyist and would love to have this as a guide to help me practice and learn. Thanks!

  1439. saena on Januari 25, 2012 di 10: 51 am

    This looks like a fun challenge! I’m in.

  1440. Stephanie on Januari 25, 2012 di 10: 56 am

    Awesome! I need inspiration. I’m in starting in Feb!

  1441. Rebecca Thomas on Januari 25, 2012 di 12: 16 pm

    Should be fun =)

  1442. Amanda W on Januari 25, 2012 di 12: 25 pm

    I’m a little late, but I’m in!! I’m still new to the business. I think Project 12 will be a perfect challenge for me, and I, hopefully, will grow from it! I’m excited!!

  1443. Carla on Januari 25, 2012 di 2: 08 pm

    I would like to participate and see what it’s all about!

  1444. Karen on Januari 25, 2012 di 3: 45 pm

    This is fantastic. I’m in.

  1445. Kristi Leigh Photography on Januari 25, 2012 di 5: 27 pm

    im di

  1446. karin langan on Januari 25, 2012 di 6: 58 pm

    thought that i had responded…not sure…i’m in

  1447. Kori Dorn on Januari 25, 2012 di 7: 05 pm

    This sounds like a great challenge! I’d love to participate!Thank you!

  1448. Patty Penta on Januari 25, 2012 di 9: 52 pm

    Great way to keep the creative juices flowing …

  1449. Lorraine Nesensohn on Januari 26, 2012 di 9: 12 am

    Would love to give this a shoot. Great way to challenge yourself.

  1450. Peweli on Januari 26, 2012 di 10: 29 pm

    This sounds like a lot of fun!!! I want in!

  1451. Suzy Hanzlik on Januari 27, 2012 di 8: 11 am

    sounds great -thanks!

  1452. Erin on Januari 27, 2012 di 9: 36 am

    Can’t wait! This looks really fun!

  1453. Laurie Brown on Januari 27, 2012 di 3: 19 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1454. Maria Rouse on Januari 27, 2012 di 10: 12 pm

    I am truly interested in this. Love taking photos but not good at retouching & finding the right things to take pics.Maria

  1455. Mihaela L. on Januari 28, 2012 di 11: 11 am

    I’m in! Yippee!

  1456. Tracy Godbold on Januari 28, 2012 di 11: 57 am

    Abdi lebet!

  1457. PotoClaire on Januari 28, 2012 di 5: 06 pm

    I’m in attempted this last year on my own and failed miserably! But my resolution for 2012 is to take more pictures!!

  1458. Aom on Januari 28, 2012 di 5: 39 pm

    Count me in. It sounds like fun.

  1459. Nika LeFemme on Januari 28, 2012 di 10: 08 pm

    I would love to participate. I am now in this challenge.

  1460. Sandra Wasielewski on Januari 28, 2012 di 10: 57 pm

    I’ll give it a go! I need to inspiration/motivation. Thanks for this!

  1461. Lannagirl on Januari 28, 2012 di 11: 36 pm

    I’d love to participate! Thanks for your site and time!

  1462. Cindy on Januari 29, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    Looks like fun, count me in!

  1463. Chris Moraes on Januari 29, 2012 di 1: 15 pm

    I’d like to do this too!

  1464. Zelda's Zoom on Januari 29, 2012 di 6: 39 pm

    I’m excited to join in with the fun! What a great way to challenge ourselves as photographers.

  1465. Kristen Penkrot on Januari 29, 2012 di 10: 41 pm

    I’m in! Sounds like fun

  1466. karis on Januari 30, 2012 di 12: 01 am

    so much good info on here!

  1467. Smita on Januari 30, 2012 di 9: 22 am

    I’d love to participate 🙂 Count me in! Hope to participate all themes 🙂

  1468. Lisa on Januari 30, 2012 di 10: 09 pm

    Better late than never:) Sounds like fun!

  1469. Shannon on Januari 31, 2012 di 9: 39 am

    Yay – I’m in!!

  1470. Bruna Guerra on Januari 31, 2012 di 10: 47 am

    I want to join the MCP Project 12!

  1471. teresa b on Januari 31, 2012 di 10: 57 am

    I’m late but I’m in!!

  1472. Katie on Januari 31, 2012 di 12: 55 pm

    I’d like to do this too. I’m in!

  1473. Grace Winter on Januari 31, 2012 di 2: 02 pm

    Would love to participate – link not working though – just need to leave comment here?!* Can’t wait – so glad I caught this before the 1st of Feb!

  1474. Jennifer Novotny on Januari 31, 2012 di 2: 05 pm

    After a bit of difficulty uploading- im in!

  1475. Natalie on Januari 31, 2012 di 7: 51 pm

    I’m a little late, but I’ll be joining in!

  1476. Jan Lannan on Januari 31, 2012 di 10: 31 pm

    I would really like to improve my photography skills and this seems like a fun way to do it. I would like to join.

  1477. Karen Cupcake on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 9: 16 am

    I’ll try to do some now and then! I enjoy looking at them… why not join in?

  1478. Michelle Monson on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 9: 23 am

    I really would like to try this out. I am a bit computer/blog challenged and lead a busy, busy life but I need to get out there and be challenged. I need my camera in my hands and it has sadly found a home in its bag and I’m not happy about that! I hope to be able to upload some photos this month! Thank you for the opportunity!

  1479. Julyssa Schenk on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 9: 55 am

    I will be joining in the fun!!!

  1480. Sharon on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 10: 36 am

    I’d love to give it a go! I like to have a reason to take photos other than just for the heck of it. This will require intention, so thank you!

  1481. PamB on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 10: 52 am

    Abdi lebet!

  1482. adrien f on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 11: 07 am

    I would love to give it a try, having camera difficulties, but we’ll see what I can come up with 🙂

  1483. ilynn on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 12: 20 pm

    Yes, I want in. This will give me a chance to develop my skills. Thanks MCP!

  1484. Diane Carbone on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 1: 24 pm

    Love to be challenged and Looking forward to getting creative

  1485. Maggie on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 3: 52 pm

    I am in, too….New as I am, I sure will have a go.Will read how to load a pic up tomorrow as it is now time to go to bed! Sounds, like I might enjoy myself here in M(C)P

  1486. Michael on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 3: 55 pm

    Such a wonderful idea. My resolution is to get more creative this year, and this would be perfect. Can’t wait to start brainstorming ideas, and look forward to seeing everyone else’s interpretations!

  1487. Cheri on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 4: 13 pm

    I’m in! (So I guess it’s the 11 project for me LOL)

  1488. sonomi J on Pébruari 1, 2012 di 4: 24 pm

    Abdi lebet !!!

  1489. Sara Garcia on Pébruari 2, 2012 di 12: 18 am

    I’m in and so inspired! I’m new at this and very enthusiastic about taking bunches of pictures with my brand new Canon 🙂

  1490. Annette Scholtz on Pébruari 2, 2012 di 6: 17 am

    Looking forward to join this journey!

  1491. Guyla on Pébruari 2, 2012 di 8: 51 am

    Please count me in!

  1492. Melissa on Pébruari 2, 2012 di 10: 45 pm

    I will be participating! Can’t wait to get started this month!

  1493. amy woodell on Pébruari 3, 2012 di 12: 02 am

    Count me in- Sounds like a lot of fun!

  1494. Shannon Gill on Pébruari 3, 2012 di 10: 26 am

    I just found this! 11 month project for me!

  1495. Rachel M. on Pébruari 3, 2012 di 4: 41 pm

    Abdi lebet!

  1496. Missy on Pébruari 3, 2012 di 8: 20 pm

    I’ll give it a try!

  1497. Miranda on Pébruari 4, 2012 di 6: 44 am

    I am in! I can’t wait. Thank you.

  1498. Virginia on Pébruari 5, 2012 di 12: 51 am

    would luv to join!! count me in!!! i really need this, i”ve been in a slump….need a new camera too;)

  1499. Carol S on Pébruari 5, 2012 di 4: 47 pm

    I am in! 🙂

  1500. Lori on Pébruari 5, 2012 di 5: 27 pm

    I’m looking forward to challenging myself with these projects.

  1501. Samantha on Pébruari 6, 2012 di 4: 44 pm

    I plan to participate

  1502. Kadieukeun on Pébruari 6, 2012 di 8: 02 pm

    I’m still here! I just need to find a way to visit y’all *and* get everything else done that keeps calling my name. 😉 (lol) Now if only I could find the “theme” for February…man, I hate being a newbie! 🙂

  1503. PancakeNinja on Pébruari 7, 2012 di 8: 47 am

    I’m in for the remainder of the year.

  1504. Susie on Pébruari 8, 2012 di 9: 26 am

    Cacah kuring di

  1505. Jen McCully on Pébruari 9, 2012 di 2: 05 am

    I’d like to join in!

  1506. Alisa on Pébruari 9, 2012 di 1: 42 pm

    Itung kuring !!!

  1507. Anel on Pébruari 9, 2012 di 6: 18 pm

    I’m joining. a month late but still super excited about this project. i’m a beginner so i’m looking forward to improving my photography skills

  1508. sengit on Pébruari 9, 2012 di 9: 08 pm


  1509. Aspen on Pébruari 10, 2012 di 1: 46 am

    Count me in!!! 🙂

  1510. Paul L on Pébruari 10, 2012 di 3: 35 pm

    Just the kind of challenge I was hoping to find! So glad I started a conversation about photography with a new acquaintance ~ she suggested this site.

  1511. Connie on Pébruari 10, 2012 di 5: 40 pm

    I want to do this

  1512. Phil on Pébruari 10, 2012 di 6: 23 pm

    itung kuring!

  1513. Benkman65 on Pébruari 12, 2012 di 4: 59 pm

    Ready to go try this, first time for me.

  1514. Nicole Gosney on Pébruari 14, 2012 di 12: 00 am

    I would love to participate! I have left my first entry on the February page 😀

  1515. Jane on Pébruari 14, 2012 di 10: 37 am

    …better late than never 🙂

  1516. Katrina Garcia on Pébruari 16, 2012 di 11: 05 am

    I in!

  1517. nagen on Pébruari 17, 2012 di 1: 50 pm

    I want to be a part of this!

  1518. Tammy on Pébruari 18, 2012 di 10: 15 am

    I am in! Maybe I will do better with a monthly challenge than I am with the weekly ones!

  1519. Krystyn on Pébruari 19, 2012 di 5: 54 pm

    Count me in for Project 12! KrystynKBS Photography

  1520. Cindy Walker on Pébruari 20, 2012 di 5: 29 am

    I am in, a bit late, but so excited about particpating in your monthly events

  1521. Edward Hubert on Pébruari 21, 2012 di 7: 45 pm

    Joining very late and not sure if I will get pictures in this month but looking for something just like this.

    • AMiller on Pébruari 21, 2012 di 11: 08 pm

      Never too late to join!Live and love your vision… And so happy to see you take this step!Enjoy!

  1522. jacqueline tew on Pébruari 21, 2012 di 11: 16 pm

    I’d love to join

  1523. Mackenzie on Pébruari 22, 2012 di 12: 02 pm

    I’m in…only a month late, but I’m in!

  1524. Paul on Pébruari 22, 2012 di 6: 20 pm

    Siap balik!

  1525. Carol on Pébruari 22, 2012 di 7: 32 pm

    would like to join in on the fun…..

  1526. Alliey Bender on Pébruari 23, 2012 di 11: 18 am

    I’m in for the 10 Project!

  1527. Rebecca Goodrich on Pébruari 24, 2012 di 10: 55 pm

    Count me in. Sounds fun.

  1528. Stephanie Cornelius on Pébruari 26, 2012 di 10: 52 pm

    Hayu urang

  1529. Amanda on Pébruari 28, 2012 di 10: 04 am

    Abdi lebet!

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