佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相



佳能为初学者推出了PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135预算友好型紧凑型相机。

佳能当天的最终公告 includes three new point-and-shoot cameras.包括三个新的傻瓜相机。 The trio enters the low-end market with CCD sensors and the promise that they will not make you break the bank when going into the store.这三人以CCD传感器进入低端市场,并承诺当进入商店时它们不会使您破产。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135均为官方产品,价格均低于200美元。 它们的主要用途是摄影,但是现代数码相机也可以捕获视频。 不幸的是,这三个型号只能拍摄720p视频,因此它们并非完全针对专业摄影师。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS:三重奏最佳相机提供20+百万像素传感器和10倍镜头

佳能Powershot-ELPH-150-is佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新闻和评论

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150是一款紧凑型相机,带有20百万像素CCD图像传感器和10倍光学变焦镜头。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS是同类产品中最出色的。 它具有20百万像素CCD传感器和10倍光学变焦镜头,最大光圈为f / 3-6.9。

This compact camera sports Intelligent IS, a system that supports eight optical image stabilization modes.这款紧凑型相机配备了智能IS,该系统支持八种光学图像稳定模式。 It will make sure that photos and videos remain steady regardless of shooting conditions.无论拍摄环境如何,它都会确保照片和视频保持稳定。

The Japan-based company will release it by the end of this month for a MSRP of $149.99.这家日本公司将在本月底发布该产品,建议零售价为XNUMX美元。 Buyers will be able to choose from black, blue, red, and silver colors.买家将可以选择黑色,蓝色,红色和银色。

佳能PowerShot ELPH 140 IS掉了一些功能,并以20美元的价格获得第二名

佳能Powershot-ELPH-140-is佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新闻和评论

佳能PowerShot ELPH 140 IS具有16百万像素CCD传感器和8倍光学变焦镜头。

Canon PowerShot ELPH 140 IS takes the second place when it comes to specs.佳能PowerShot ELPH 16 IS在规格方面排名第二。 It is powered by a 8-megapixel sensor and an 3.2x optical zoom lens providing a maximum aperture of f/6.9-XNUMX.它由一个XNUMX像素传感器和一个XNUMX倍光学变焦镜头提供动力,最大光圈为f / XNUMX-XNUMX。

It sports the same Intelligent IS technology found in its bigger brother.它采用了与其大哥哥相同的Intelligent IS技术。 The design and features are similar, the major differences being the sensor and the lens, as stated above.如上所述,设计和功能相似,主要区别在于传感器和镜头。


佳能PowerShot ELPH 135丢失了“ IS”标签,但仍能捕获不错的16百万像素照片

佳能Powershot-ELPH-135佳能PowerShot ELPH 150 IS,ELPH 140 IS和ELPH 135亮相新闻和评论

佳能PowerShot ELPH 135紧凑型相机还包装了16MP CCD传感器和具有8倍光学变焦的镜头,但是它没有内置的图像稳定技术。

Last but not least comes the Canon PowerShot ELPH 135 with a 16-megapixel sensor and 8x optical zoom lens.最后但并非最不重要的是带有XNUMX百万像素传感器和XNUMX倍光学变焦镜头的佳能PowerShot ELPH XNUMX。 As you have probably noticed, this camera loses the Intelligent IS system, so you will have to rely on your hands to capture steady photos.您可能已经注意到,该相机失去了智能防抖系统,因此您将不得不依靠手来拍摄稳定的照片。

The lack of optical image stabilization means that its price has gone down, too.缺乏光学防抖功能意味着其价格也下降了。 The camera will be sold for $119.99 in black, purple, read, and silver flavors later this month.这款相机本月晚些时候将以黑色,紫色,阅读和银色三种颜色出售,价格为XNUMX美元。




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