


有传言说,富士胶片X200正式上市后会在X100上放一个全新的镜头,而所有X23系列紧凑型相机都使用相同的2mm f / XNUMX镜头。

The whole digital imaging world stood in awe at Photokina 2010 as Fujifilm unveiled the first X-series camera called X100.当Fujifilm推出首款名为X23的X系列相机时,整个数字成像世界都对Photokina 2表示敬畏。 The compact camera had a classic design with an innovative hybrid viewfinder and a fixed XNUMXmm f/XNUMX lens.紧凑型相机采用经典设计,带有创新的混合取景器和固定的XNUMXmm f / XNUMX镜头。

X100S于2013年初发布,带有X-Trans CMOS II传感器,不带抗混叠滤镜和相同的23mm f / 2镜头。 就像它的前身一样,它获得了大多数好评,并成为市场上最畅销的袖珍相机之一。

Photokina 2014配备了另一台X100系列相机,该相机采用23mm f / 2光学元件。 X100T取代了X100S,尽管它是先驱的一个小改进,但富士胶片决定微调优质产品,而不是进行大修。


Fujifilm X100T具有23mm f / 2镜头,与之前的型号相同。 Its replacement, probably called X200, will employ a brand new lens.它的替代品(可能称为XXNUMX)将采用全新的镜头。

好吧,很有可能X100T的后继产品将被称为Fuji X200,这将是X100系列产品中最大的改进。 除其他外,即将推出的紧凑型相机据称将采用全新的镜头。


Fujifilm is not close to announcing the X200.富士即将发布X2015。 Some people have said that it will become official by the end of 2016, but there is no evidence to support such claims.有人说它将在XNUMX年底前正式生效,但是没有证据支持这种说法。 As things stand, the compact camera will probably be released sometime in XNUMX.从目前的情况来看,这款紧凑型相机可能会在XNUMX年某个时候发布。

A trusted source is reporting that the successor to the X100T is already in development and that it will have a brand new lens.一个可信赖的消息来源报告说XXNUMXT的后续产品已经在开发中,并且它将拥有全新的镜头。 The shooter could be in the first stages of development, as the final focal length and maximum aperture have not been determined, yet.由于尚未确定最终焦距和最大光圈,因此射手可能处于开发的第一阶段。

如上所述,X100,X100S和X100T具有23mm f / 2镜头,可提供相当于35mm的35mm焦距。

There are plenty of possibilities for a new lens and they include a wider or longer focal length with the same aperture or the same focal length with a quicker aperture.新镜头有很多可能性,它们包括具有相同光圈的更大或更长时间的焦距,或者具有更快光圈的相同焦距。 A zoom lens is unlikely, but it should not be ruled out at this moment in time.变焦镜头不太可能,但目前不应该排除它。

无论哪种方式,距离富士X200的发布还有很多时间,我们所知道的是,新镜头将与 相同的图像传感器 将在Fuji X-Pro2中介绍。

Sumber: 富士朗姆斯.




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