


有传言说,Fujifilm X200具有与即将上市的X-Pro2无反光镜相机相同的传感器,这意味着它将采用APS-C尺寸而不是全画幅单元。

There was a time when it was believed that Fujifilm would make the jump to full-frame sensors in both its flagship mirrorless and compact cameras.曾经有一段时间,人们认为富士胶片将在其旗舰无反相机和紧凑型相机中都采用全画幅传感器。 However, the X-Pro2 is allegedly in development and it has an APS-C sensor, while the X200 rumors have been silenced after the introduction of the然而,据称X-ProXNUMX正在开发中,它具有APS-C传感器,而XXNUMX的谣言在引入X-ProXNUMX之后就被消除了 X100T.

The gossip talks are returning now and it seems like there is no chance for the X100T replacement to be a full-frame camera, as it will employ the same APS-C sensor as the X-Pro2.八卦讨论现在又回来了,看来XXNUMXT替代品不可能成为全画幅相机,因为它将采用与X-ProXNUMX相同的APS-C传感器。 The sensor is said to have such a high quality that there is no need to make the switch to full-frame.据说该传感器具有很高的质量,因此无需切换到全画幅。


Fujifilm is still believed to be working on a successor to the X-Pro1.仍然相信Fujifilm正在开发X-Pro2015的后继产品。 Inside sources are reporting that the new flagship X-mount mirrorless camera will become official by the end of 2016 or in very early XNUMX. Nevertheless, it is not the only new Fuji product in development.内部消息人士称,新款旗舰X-mount无反光镜相机将于XNUMX年底或XNUMX年初正式上市。尽管如此,它并不是唯一正在开发的富士新产品。

fujifilm-x100t Fujifilm X200具有与X-Pro2谣言相同的APS-C传感器


X100T在2014年Photokina上亮相,但它是对X100S的较小升级,因此需要进行更重大的改进。 答案是Fujifilm X200,尽管暂时不知道它的发布日期。

这款紧凑型相机将配备与X-Pro2相同的APS-C传感器。 据传言,该装置包含一个24兆像素X-Trans III CMOS传感器,该传感器将在背面进行照明,并由新的图像处理器供电。

同时,本 X100T可在亚马逊上购买 价格略低于$ 1,300。


很多X-Pro2功能都将融入Fujifilm X200中,因此,让我们看看传闻中无反光镜可互换镜头相机的规格。

The shooter is said to have a maximum shutter of speed 1/8000s, courtesy of a mechanical shutter.据说射手的最大快门速度是4 / XNUMXs,这是机械快门的结果。 It will employ a tilting display on the back and built-in WiFi.它将在背面采用倾斜式显示屏,并内置WiFi。 Photos and videos will be stored on two SD card slots, while the camera will record videos at XNUMXK resolution.照片和视频将存储在两个SD卡插槽中,而相机将以XNUMXK分辨率录制视频。

Its flash X sync speed will be quicker than 1/180s and the camera will be weathersealed.其闪光灯X同步速度将快于XNUMX/XNUMX秒,并且相机将被风雨密封。 It remains to be seen whether these gossips are true or not, so stay tuned!这些八卦是否正确还有待观察,敬请期待!

Sumber: 富士朗姆斯.




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