索尼A88和A99II A-mount相机将于今年发布




在2014年XNUMX月开始, 索尼揭幕 its first A-mount camera after a one-year hiatus.中断一年后,推出了第一台A-mount相机。 The Sony A77 II has been announced as a minor evolution of the A77 and the new A-mount camera will be released this June for a price starting at $1,200.索尼AXNUMX II是AXNUMX的次要改进版本,新的A卡口相机将于今年XNUMX月发布,价格为XNUMX美元起。

在A77 II发射事件发生后不久,谣言工厂发现 索尼A65替代产品尚未开发 并且永远不会进入市场。 这意味着,由低端A58和高端A99组成的A底座的其余部分将在将来的某个时候被替换。

据传言,到2014年底将推出两台新的Sony A-mount相机。其中一台是低端型号,另一台是高端型号。 这听起来很耳熟,使我们相信,今年的新型号可以取代上述一对。


索尼A58和A99索尼A88和A99II A卡口相机将于今年发布

Sony A58 and A99 cameras have been rumored to be replaced in the future, unlike the A65 A-mount camera.有传言称,索尼A88和A99相机将来会被更换,这与A2014 A型相机不同。 The rumor mill is claiming that the AXNUMX and AXNUMXII are coming in XNUMX, so they could substitute the pictured pair.谣言工厂声称AXNUMX和AXNUMXII将于XNUMX年上市,因此它们可以替代图中所示的一对。

An anonymous source has shared the information that Sony will update the A-mount line-up by the end of this year.匿名消息人士透露,索尼将在今年年底之前更新A-mount产品阵容。 Unfortunately, the details do not come from sources who have been right in the past.不幸的是,这些细节并非来自过去正确的消息来源。 However, this does not mean that we will have to rule out the possibility of seeing two new A-mount Single Lens Translucent cameras in 2014.但是,这并不意味着我们将不得不排除在XNUMX年看到两台新的A型单镜头半透明相机的可能性。

没有提到低端和高端单元的规格。 尽管如此,消息人士声称,与它们的前代产品相比,这两种设备都将代表“重大技术进步”。

This would be a different situation from the A77 II, which is packing minor improvements when compared to the A77.这与A77 II的情况有所不同,后者与A24.3相比具有较小的改进。 Among the features of the A79 II we can find a XNUMX-megapixel APS-C sensor, XNUMX-point Phase Detection AF system, built-in OLED electronic viewfinder, tilting LCD screen, and integrated WiFi.在AXNUMX II的功能中,我们可以找到XNUMX百万像素的APS-C传感器,XNUMX点相位检测自动对焦系统,内置的OLED电子取景器,可倾斜的LCD屏幕和集成的WiFi。


The source is claiming that the two products will be called Sony A88 and Sony A99II.消息人士称,这两种产品将被称为索尼A2014和索尼AXNUMXII。 The former will be the entry-level model, while the latter will be the flagship A-mount shooter, although both are said to become official at the Photokina XNUMX in September.前者将是入门级型号,而后者将是旗舰级的A-mount射手,尽管据说两者都将在XNUMX月的Photokina XNUMX上正式亮相。

It is pretty clear that the A99II will replace the A99 and that it will feature a full frame image sensor.很显然,A88II将取代A58,并且将配备全帧图像传感器。 However, the AXNUMX may not serve as a replacement for the AXNUMX and it may not offer a full frame sensor.但是,AXNUMX不能替代AXNUMX,并且可能不提供全画幅传感器。

A58配备APS-C传感器,而A88则提供全画幅传感器。 Nevertheless, this would not place it in the low-end market.但是,这不会将其置于低端市场。 As it can be seen, there are so many unknowns about this rumor, therefore take it with a grain of salt!可以看出,关于这个谣言有很多未知数,因此请加一点盐!




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