


喬迪·麥克唐納(Jody MacDonald)是一位攝影師,他在我們美麗的星球上滑翔時捕捉到令人驚嘆的地球美景。

Photographers are considered very lucky as plenty of them get the opportunity of seeing some amazing places.攝影師被認為非常幸運,因為其中很多人都有機會看到一些令人驚嘆的地方。 Jody MacDonald is living this dream, as she is one of the most popular adventure and sports photographers in the world.喬迪·麥克唐納(Jody MacDonald)實現了這個夢想,因為她是世界上最受歡迎的冒險和體育攝影師之一。

喬迪·麥克唐納(Jody MacDonald)將滑翔傘與攝影相結合,以捕捉驚人的地球照片

Jody likes to go on adventures and actually have fun during them.喬迪(Jody)喜歡繼續冒險,並在其中獲得樂趣。 One of her favorite sports consists of paragliding, but her passion for photography is still there, so why not combine the two?她最喜歡的一項運動是滑翔傘運動,但是她對攝影的熱情仍然存在,那麼為什麼不將兩者結合起來呢? Well, this is exactly what she is currently doing and her extremely impressive photos of Earth from thousands of feet in the air are a testimony to this fact.好吧,這正是她目前正在做的事情,她從空中數千英尺高空拍攝的極為令人印象深刻的地球照片證明了這一事實。

During her years as the main photographer of the Best Odyssey expedition, she has been surfing, paragliding, or even kiteboarding.在作為“最佳奧德賽”探險隊的主要攝影師的那幾年裡,她一直在衝浪,滑翔傘,甚至風箏衝浪。 She has had the unique opportunity of riding the waves on a 60-feet catamaran with her colleagues and travel all around the world.她有獨特的機會與同事們在XNUMX英尺長的雙體船上乘風破浪,環遊世界。


手裡拿著一架昂貴的相機在大約14,000英尺的高空滑翔,並不會讓您成為一名優秀的攝影師。 值得慶幸的是,那台相機正坐在一個富有創造力的人的手中,這個人表現出了與眾不同的表現。


A compelling collection consists of photos captured above Mozambique.引人入勝的收藏包括莫桑比克上空拍攝的照片。 The African country is home to astounding views, which only get better while you find yourself high in the sky.這個非洲國家擁有令人驚嘆的美景,只​​有當您發現自己高高在上時,風景才會變得更好。


Africa is not the only continent where Jody has been paragliding.非洲不是喬迪滑翔傘的唯一大陸。 The photographer has also visited Asia, Europe, South America, and North America.攝影師還參觀了亞洲,歐洲,南美和北美。 Her journeys have taken her to Scotland, Nevada, and India among other countries.她的旅程將她帶到了蘇格蘭,內華達州和印度等國家。

喬迪·麥克唐納(Jody MacDonald)也有一個網站,您可以在其中查看她的作品,甚至可以在其中購買包含她的藝術品的印刷品。 A blog is there, too, used by the photographer to talk about her travels.那裡也有一個博客,供攝影師用來談論自己的旅行。




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