Creamy Peony Edit


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peonybefore Creamy Peony Edit


peonyafter Creamy Peony Edit

Photo Equipment & MCP Actions™ Products Used

ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed: ISO 800, f/5.0, SS 1/60
Software Used: Lightroom, Photoshop
Actions/Presets Used: Spring Splendor Photoshop Actions
Extra Details: Steps Taken to Achieve Final Edit:

Lightroom – Slight white balance adjustment. Increased the highlights, lowered the whites. Increased overall sharpening and noise reduction for luminance before moving over to Photoshop.

Photoshop – Created additional flower layers and positioned to cover dark background. Added iris blur to focus attention on the detail of the center petals. Used smudge tool to create a creamy, flowing background.

Spring Splendor Photoshop Actions – used Chiffon with a decrease in the warm tones at 54% opacity. Used Sheer Spring paint on haze to even out background tones and create a dreamy feel.


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