Malin Bergman surreal self-photos designed to break your mind


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Photographer Malin Bergman takes simple, yet surreal self-portraits which are meant to give a hard time to all viewers’ brains with the help of optical illusions.

The brain is a very complex machine and, so far, there are no computers capable of matching the power of the organ that helps you move, see, think, and everything else that a human is required to function.

In the future we may see such powerful computers, but humans can brag about having one of the most complex brains in the world for the time being. Well, for such a strong machine, our brains are relatively “stupid” as optical illusions will sometimes break our normal way of thinking, forcing us to do a double or triple take.

Malin Bergman captures surreal self-portraits designed to trick your mind

This is what photographer Malin Bergman is trying to achieve with her photo series, which is being uploaded on Instagram in its entirety. She is based in Stockholm, Sweden and a lot of her images consist of surreal self-portraits.

When looking at a photo, you might think that the character is facing you, but then you begin to realize that your eyes are tricking you, as what you are seeing is actually her back.

In other instances, the subject looks like he is standing with the back at you, although she is actually facing you and probably notices trying to peek at her… back.

It’s all in the outfit and hairstyles

“How is this possible?” you may ask – well, the answer consists of her clothing and hairstyle. The photographer puts her outfit backwards and arranges her hair in a fashion that will surely make you do a double take.

As stated above, the outfit and the hair are very important, so Malin is always trying to dress appropriately, while her hair is combed over her face in some situations, adding that surrealism touches which make the difference.

Her goal is to force viewers to look again and again to her images, which are a testimony to her limitless creativity, and you can easily say that she has fully accomplished it.

Photographer enjoys the love of thousands of Instagram followers

Malin Bergman has tens of thousands of people following her on Instagram, which is not too “shabby” for someone who is not a TV star.

In hindsight, these optical illusions are so simple to create, yet everything is carefully arranged. Either way, she deserves all this popularity and possibly even much more than that.

The artist can be found on Instagram, where she invites you to check out and let your imagination to run wild.

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