Ahmad El-Abi’s #stuffedhair photo project is amazingly funny


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Photographer Ahmad El-Abi is the creator of an amusing series of images depicting himself wearing all kinds of objects in his hair.

Having a curly hair is pretty cool for a lot of reasons. However, sometimes things get stuck in this type of hair. What started as a joke for a photographer has turned into an awesome project which is attracting tens of thousands of followers on Instagram.

Egypt-based Ahmad El-Abi has decided to join the #WHPresolutions2014 community hashtag by uploading a photo of himself wearing yellow rubber ducks on his head.

His submission to Instagram’s Weekend Hashtag Project 2014 has been one of most welcomed photos on the social network. In fact, he has attracted so many fans that his photo has been quickly joined by others in the “#stuffedhair” project.

Photographer uploads amusing photo to Instagram, decides to turn it into a full-fledged series

Whether he is aiming to make fun of his crazy curls or simply because he is bored, photographer Ahmad El-Abi is putting all kinds of objects in his hair and then captures a photo of the whole deal.

Eventually, the images are uploaded on his personal Instagram account, bearing the #stuffedhair hashtag. Additionally, this is the name of the Egyptian artists’ project, which has begun with a single shot uploaded for the Weekend Hashtag Project on 2014 resolutions.

After taking a tour, you will notice that the photo project is here thanks to Ahmad’s great vision, not his boredom.

Ahmad El-Abi’s #stuffedhair photo project has been welcomed by family, friends, and fans

Instagrammers have appreciated the photo, but Ahmad El-Abi’s friends and family have loved it even more.

After seeing such immensely positive reaction to a single photo, the photographer has made some paper boats, stuffed them in his hair, and posted the result.

Ahmad added that the reaction to this next photo was even better than the reaction to the first, so he had decided to keep going. Nevertheless, one day he will cut off his hair and put an end to the #stuffedhair project.

The “bubble head” image has been the hardest photo to capture from the entire series

One of the hardest images to capture is also the one which has captured the most attention. In the shot you can see Ahmad wearing soap bubbles on his head and everybody has been wondering how come the bubbles have not popped. The photographer says that it has been very hard to finally get a series of bubbles on his head without popping and has even posted a behind-the-scenes photo.

Ahmad El-Abi concluded that people should always “do what they love”. Well, you have heard the man – grab a camera and start shooting. You can find some inspiration at the photographer’s official Instagram account.


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